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Council Room, August 2nd, 1955
~/ Clerk.
Council Room, September 6th, 1955
ltegular meeting of Council was held on above date, memters all present excepting Rv
Little and Cr Regan, till Mayor presiding. ll1nutes of last regular ""eting were read
and oL'motlon confirmed.
Mr Howard Corden addressed Council complaining of the dust on Jane St andexcesslve
speed on Liberty St Sout h. n Referred to Roads and streets com
nom Mr J.J. Flett requesting that one foot of land at the end of Orchardview Blvd
reserved as a road allowance be deeded me k to him.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Lander that the request be referred to the
Planning Boerd and if apprond by them, the land be deeded back to llr Flett for the
sum of $ 1.00 tl Carried"
Frem Mr G.W. Young-and Mr C;J. Brov.n protesting against the construction of a sidewalk
on St Geo r~ I:lt frctll King to Church St.
fi'rom ),~r and Mrs James Overy, Mr Karl Waversfeld and Mrs !.i.1 Morris protesting against
the construction of a sidewalk on Ontario st from Nelson st to Liberty St.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that the protests be referred to tie
Ontario Municipal Board. " Carried "
From l!rs Evaline Hynds IIl!lking application to purchese the road allowance on Coleman st
on which her house is situated.
Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehder that the application be referred to the
Planning Board for their approval and if granted that the road allowanoe on Coleman ,;;)t
be deeded over to l:rs Eveline Hynds for the sum of $ 1.00 " Carried"
, From 1'-1'S Duains Palmer, King St East complaining of tie noise made by milk .rucks in
the Iricinity of her home.
Moved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr Higgon that till complaint be referred to the Police
Committee with power to ee t. n Carried"
J:ll"om Mr W.C. Parsons, Waverly Rood reque sting the removal of a pile of stone s on tlE
road allowance opposl te his property.
Moved by Up Rv Carruthers seoonded by Or Preston that the request be referred to the
Roads and Streets Committee with power to ee t. " Carried"
.'rom Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of thl admittance of patients to Bownanvil1e
Memorial Haspi tal. " Ree &. Filed .,
From st Mary'S Hospital, Kitchsnar advising of the admittance ofa patient.
n Rec &. Filed "
From Mr N.J. Allin, CarliSle Ave, Mr W.R. Harrison, Church St and Miss Kate Moore,
Church st, requesting the removal of trees in front of their respective properties.
From Mr E.8. Varcoe, Church st requesting the removal of dead limbs from a tree in front
of his property.
Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehdar that the requests be reter~ed to the Public
Property Comnlttee with power to act. " Carried n
From Durhem County District High School Board, Port Hopa, requesting that llouncil
oonstruct a sidewalk on the west side of' Divlsion St .tram Queen to King St for the
use of the pupils attending the High School.
Moved by Or Riggan seoonded by Cr Preston that no action be taken. " Carried "
,li'rom ),;r Russel C Honey, Port Hope, advis lng of the hearing of appeal s agai nst th e
Counties Assessment at Cobourg on Monday SeptEmber 26th at 10.30 A.M.
n Rec & Filed n
From Department of V-unicipal Affairs, Toronto enclosing cheque for $ 10,277.75 for
unconditional grant for 1955. " Rsc & Filed n
From Lake Ontario Development Asso, Peterborough, advising of receipt ()(f assessment
, levy of $ 400.00 n Rec & Filed "
! From l:r L. I-arker Jr submitting his resignation as a member of the Arena Magane...I1; ,
i Committee. )
! From Bowmanv1l1e Kinsmen Club submitting the name of Mr Jack Lander as their
\ representative on the Arena Manar;el"l:lnt Committee.
'~---_._~~- --- -- - - ~--
Council Room. SepteJllber 6th, 1955
Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the reignation of Mr L Parker Jr
be accepted and that Mr Jack Lander be appointed as a member of the Arena Management
Committee. " Carried ft
From Board of Transport Commi.sioners, Ottawa advising of the sittings to be hsld in
Ottawa on September 15th, in the matter of Trans Cansda Pipe Lines. "Rec &0 Filed"
nom Community Planning Asso of Cane da, Ottawa advi sing of a conferen ce to be held in
l;ontreal on Sept 25th to 29t h at '"ount Royal Hotel.
Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Rehder that the letter be referred to the Hanning
Board. " Carried"
From Mr Garnet McCoy and others petitioning for the construction of a watermain on
Rehder Ave from 377 feet we st of Sougog St to 627 feet west of Sougog st.
l'rom Mr George C Allohin and otbers petitioning for tIE construction of a wstermain on
Third St from High St to Liberty St.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston that the petitions being certifisd as
being .affioiently signed, be aocepted and referred to ths Public Uti lit ies Commission.
" Carried "
Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from the Finance Committee submitting sundry aocoun s
amounting to $,;'8955.06 and Looal lmprovement accounts amounting to $/452.80, certified
as be lng correct and reconmending payment. " Ree &, Adopted "
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Higgon that the Clerk be instructed to advise
the Northumberland-DurlVim Health Unit, CObourg, that it is not finanoially possible
at the present time, to construct a sanitary sewer on ttbertr St North, and if the
septio tanks are not funotioning properly that it be brought to the a~tention of the
sanitary Inspectcr. " Carried "
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Higgon that the Finanoe Committee ard Clerk
be authorized to invest $ 3,000.00 of cemetery perpetual care funds in Gover1lJ1l9nt
Bonds. " Carried"
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Lander that the Roads and Streets Committee
be authorized to purchase the necessary dust layer. " Carried"
!.loved by Cr Brough aeconded by Cr Rehdar that the Fire Briged e he granted $ 25.00
being 50 % of tba money reoeived from outside fires. n Carried"
Moved by Cr Brough s eoonded by Cr Higgon that the Fire Committee be authorized to
have a Sign made for the Fire Hall. " Carried"
4~0' tf/
rJ Gierk.
On ~otion Counoil adjourned.
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Counoil Room September 27th, 1955
; Speoial meeting of Caunoil was held on above date, members all present excepting Cr
!.n:egan, the Mayor presiding and stated that he had called the meeting to[> the purpose
10f meeting with the Publio Schnol Board.
i1'r "/1m G Jemes, ohairmen of the Publio Sohool Board addressed Counoil stating that it
'I 'was necessary to build an Eo.ddltion of 6 rooms to the Vincent Massey School and
requesting the approval of Council.
IMoved by Cr Preston seoonded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the Public Sohool Board be given
iapproval to proceed wi th tm plans, apeolficati ons and to oall for tenders for the
i erecti on of Ii :9 ix J'rom addition to the Vincent Massey bchool at. e cost not exceeding
it 120,000.00 _ _ " Carried"
IMoved by flv Little seconded by Cr l-'reston thflt. the Fire Committee be given power to act
lin regard to the installation of fire hydrants. " Carried n
! The Mayor appointed Rv Little, ers frostoD and Lander as a committee to bring in e.
ireport for the recognition of the Brookdale Roses Intermediate" B " baseball Champions
'of Ontario.
;),~oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Hlg8'n that the Clerk be instrmted to 1,ltrite a letter
to the Chief of Police requesting him to clean up the parking situation in the vioinity
of tbs Goodyear Tire and Ru: ber Co and Specialty laper I-roducts Co. " Carried"
Moved by Dp Iiv Carruthers seconded by Cr Lander that the Publio Property Committee be
authorized to purchase a sign for the Folice Department and to make any necessary
repairs to the Town Hall roof. n Carried"
iMoved by Cr Brough seoonded by Cr Preston that the Public Property Committee be
lauthorized to have a fire escare installed on the outh end of the Town Hall at an
lapproximate oost of $ 985.00 / / ~ 9'"rried "
lOn Motion Council adjourned, J',A~ ,t: I!/Yii;~_.-... )
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