HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/1955 "~~;;~~,fd r- Counell Ron!"" August 2nd 1955 l ~"", nefuler meeting of eaunoU wes held on above oate, mallbers all present exceptin'l Rv , T~ittlE ar.d Cl'" Hif.',gop, the ~Fa:yor presiding. 1:inutes of last regular meeting were read end on tlOti or. confirmed. COl11WICATIONS From BowmRnvi lIe ~.reJ'lorial Hospital advi 81 ng of th e adIni ttance of pF.. tie nt s. II Reo & Fi 1~c1 From Uorthumberland-Durharn Health u:rit, Cobourg enclosinf; monthly report for May and June, 1955. " Ree & Filed" From Hon. W.J. Dunlop, ldnister of E0.ucation aCknowledging receipt of resolution for the estc.blishment of a }rovI ncilli Library in the ToW').. " Reo & Filed" From Hon A Cote, PostMaster GAt:eral J Ottavla in reference to Tostal Delivery for t:te Town stating thet the Town had not enough delivery points. " Rec & Filed" From Con:rlUnity }-rograr.nnes Branch, DerertI'lent of Education, Toronto enclosing chague for $ 2518.26 or. E.ccount of annual grEmt and stating that a futther grant of 10 ~:, would be forwarded later in the YS6.I'. II Reo & Fj lad tI From NorthumberlandtDtn"ham HeEl th Unit, C0oourg, re1,uesting Gouncil to give serious consideration to providing a sc::nite.ry sewer to residents of' Liberty dt l'Jorth. 1:oved by Dp Rv Csrruthel's seconded by Cr Londer that Council meet with the Public Utilities COJryT',ission to consilJer the re~uest and othflr developl:lents on Liberty St North. . n Carr~ ell " Fron lI:r C.E" 'tloadrow, solicit.or f'or Liquor Control Boam of Ontarian, Toronto aCknowledging recei-pt of R~T-Law and st&ting that dednesday October 26th, 1955 1MJuld be satisfactorv to take the vote. 11 Rec & Filed II Fro. BEllI Telephone 80, Oshawa in reference to fire c::.larm wires that E.t"e cetrried on their noleA. ~~oved by .up Rv Cal":Mlthers seconrled byeI' Rehder that the r,!a~!or 6Iid Fire COIl1.mi.ttee be instructed to meet '.vith 1:1' Lowry, 1,7anB~er of thE: Bell Telephone Co OshawEI in regCird to the fire alarm svstem. " Carried II }o'rOl'1 Ont':il'io ~;unlcopal B08rd, Toronto in reference to restricted !1l'ea by-law 1587 and requestine remitt8Jlce of 4l 10.00 ~:oved by Dp Rv 8e.rruthers seconoed by Cr },enrler that the restricted area by-law 1:e gi ven the third readinf" that $ lO.OO fee 1'A sent, that notice of heering be inserted in the st&tesmenarxi till t f'uther information be request ed. " Carried" From 1.:1' Russel C Hcne~r, solicitor for the TONr. of' Port Hope, in referene:8 to arpeals against the Counties e:uallzed essessment Hnd rel"!UPfiting acknow1eClgnent. :r./oved by Cr ::'-:el';an seconded by DIl Rv Gal'ruthp.rs that the JI'inaI"oe Committee within two weekH frorl dat e. AUB 2nd, meet wi t h the Town so lic1 to t" and discuss the position of the Town in respect to e.ppeals Leiup' made against tte Cour-Ities equalized assessment By-law. " C ",I" rled n Frorrt'1~r H.K.Long, ..~one chairmen Lake Gntar-in Development Association. lort iIopeJ enclosinf statement of assessment €trnounting to t 400.00 ond l'e,::uesting payrnent. 11 " Rec & FIled From }.;r Douglas G r..:altlend, P:'1ckel"ing, I"equestin~ permission to instell bicyc'_e stands in the TOWIl. h-:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Rehder that'.rthe re::::,u8st be referred to the rolic8 Cotunittee with power to act. " Carried 11 REPORTS Dp Rv Carruthers preseT'lted a report f_coI!'! the Finance Committee submittinp, sundrJ1 9ccoun fl:rr,ourt,ing t,o ~,19251.3h certified as being correct RJ1d l'Aco1""mending payment. , ." .aec & l~dopted II t:oved bv Cr Hehner s econc'le('l. hv C;" Preston that t he Roads snd street s Committee be fluthorized to re~air the stornJ sewer in the reel" of the Ancra. It Carried II 1.0ved b~' Dr Rv C~rruttprs seconded by ::-':1' Brough than an Elgresrnent be drawn up with I 1:r Fred 'N;u-d. Jackmen Road and trot drain be constructed throue:h his property. " Carried!" r,jovE'd b~r ":r Brough seconded by Cr Rehder that .$ 150,,00 be erunt,ed to the Fire I3Digade being 50 7~ of money rp-ceived for outside fires. 11 C rried II 1:oved by Cr RegFl.n seconn.ed by j)13 1:v Carruthers that t 113 balance of tlE money ~Udeeted far Industrip,l purposes be turned over to the Industrial CO!'1mittee, subject to the ioint cdmi!1istratton of tro Industri.8.1 Conrnit.tee and renresentatives from the Ch8JTIber ~f Cnrnmerce, and one rnerr,ber of tt~e lndustrial Committee" find an accredited member of the Chamber of Co:rr,merce he ffi: p("JVlered to be co-signers for E'. trust f'und to be creeted. " C3.rried " },-:oved by Lip Rv CaT"l'uthers seconded by Cr Preston thA.t the Rase Ball Club be lOuned ~O feet of sno'" f"anee for tiE l:lI?,ll f'ield el> l\:emorial Park. It Carried" ~.oved by Cr Regan seconded by Cr Preston trnt the speciel committee be instructed to arrange a pub1.ic meeting as early as rractible and present at the meetjng thB report I on garbage collection filerl with Council and !:tlly other materiul t and the cost of the ! \meeting be defrayed by co.unCil and trot suoh meetin<: be ar.r..anged in conju.n.ction with } \~e chamber of CO~.:'1erve ._ . ._____.__ ." Carried.~ '\7;:;';'.,~1(~ I'liC' \Co'!";., .y--- ~:.'1'; ~ _'r Council Room, August 2nd, 1955 BY-LA..W The By-TJaw to regulat e snCI restrict the u&e tlnd location of building and premises "...as given~ th~ third ree.dire with e.lJ. blanks filled in, passed and ordered to be signed Bnd s e&led. /' , il ;'j:-,t(j~ ~'C:~ r/ 4"-" /_/71/1 /(i.'o'- L' ,t~ On L':otLl!1. Council 9.d,lOUrI'.fld. , / ~" " .-"' ",~erk. ~,~o:y or. Council Room, Septemter 6th, 1955 l'tegular meeting of Council was held on above date. mEmters all present excepting Rv Little end Cr Regen, tb> Mayor presiding. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on' motion confirmed. Mr Howard Corden addressed Gouncil oomplaining of the dust on Jane St andeEoessive speed on Liberty St South. " Referred to Roads and Streets com CC&1MUNlCATIONS nom Mr J.J. Flett requesting that one foot of land at the end of Crchardview Blvd reserved a.s a road allowance be deeded 1:80 k to him. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Lander that the request be referred to the Plannine: Board and if approved by them, the land be deeded back to AIr Flett for the sum of , 1.00 " Carried" Fran Mr G.VI. Young'and Mr C;J. Brown protesting against the construction of a sidewalk on St Gear!,!, St fran King to Church St. b'rom l~r and Mrs James Overy, Mr Karl Waversfeld and Mrs M.E l10rris protesting against the construction or a sidewalk on Ontario St from Nelson st to Liberty St. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthars seconded by Cr Brough that the protests be referred to tb> Ontario MuniCipal Board. " Carried ft From Mrs Evaline Hynds making application to purchase tb> road allowance on Coleman St on whioh her house is situated. Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehder that the application te referred to the Planning Board 'for their approval and if granted that the road allowance on Coleman ';t be deeded over to l:rs Evaline Hynds for the sum of $ 1.00 " Carried" From If.rs Duaine ralmar. King St East complaining of tie noise made by milk trucks in tha "icinity of her home. Moved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr Higgon that tb> complaint Committee with power to ac t. ..r-rom Mr W.C. Parsons, Waverly Read reque sting the removal of road allowance opposite his property. Moved by Up Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Preston that the request be referred to the Roads and Streets Committee with power to 6.C t. " Carried II Ji'rom Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of till admittance of patients to Bomanville Memorial Hospital. " Rec &. Filed" Ii'rom St Mary's Hospital, Kitchener advising of the admittance of a patient. tt Rec &. Filed " From Mr N.J. Allin, Carlisle Ave, Mr W.R. !larrison, Church St and Aliss Kate Moore, 1 Church St, requesting the removal of trees in front of their respective properties. From JJ.r E.S. Veroos, Church st requesting the removal of dead limbs from a tree in fron of his property. Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehder that the requests be refer,'ed to the Public Property Committee with power to aot. " Carried" From Durham County District High Sohool Board, Port Hope, requesting tMt Gouncil I oonstruot a sidewalk on the west side of Divlslon St from Queen to King at for the use of the pupile attending the High School. Moved by Or Riggon seoonded by Or Preston that no aotion be taken. " Carried " ,'rom J.:r Russel C Honey, Port Hope, advising of the hearing of appeals against the Counties Assessment at CObourg on Monday September 26th at 10.)0 A.M. " Rec & Filed .. From Department of Municipal Affairs, Toronto enclOSing cheque for $ 10,277.75 for I unconditional grant for 1955. .. Rec & Filed .. i From Lake Ontario Development AsS), Peterborough, advle ing of receipt (){f assessment I levy of $ 400.00 " Rec & Filed " From l~r L. Farker Jr submitting his resignation as a member of the Arena Maganen:eIL l Committee. From Bowmanville Kinsmen Club submitting the neme of Mr Jack Lander as their representative on the Arena llanagerBnt Committee. ...... be referred to the Police " Carried tf a pile of stone s on tb> -- --~