HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/04/1955 '.".M'RT_Co .,",......,Id. ,\~., -!/ ~:~ f~ssociation " Carr led ,. admitted to BaNmanvl11e II Ree & Filed II 1955 amounting to $ 29,916.66 11 Rec &.; Filed 11 Fran-, }.Ir George 'I{ lI:utton and others petitioning 1'01' t~ construction of a cement . sidewalk on Albert St fr0m Duke St to 180 feet west of Duke St. 't koved by Cr Lander seconded by Cr Hlg,!on thA.t tre petition, beif1g certified as being . SUfficiently signed, be receive~. 9..nd cC'!'f.tructlfJn proceeded with as SODn as possible. It Carrie d " From Ontarj('l J..:uniciral Board, Toronto in reference to construction of watermaln ~Siona, _____________________~:C& Fi1~) be received and filed and " Carried " Cobourg, enclosing report for April. tl Rec .Be Filed" From Ir.stitute of Assessors,of Ontario, Toronto adVising thut t:r C.S. Oke, HSBessor had padded the course for assessors. Ir Rec & Filed It From 1:1' Alan Lyw.er rSluesting the rElJ'l1oval of a tree in front of 69'~ueen St. l\~oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that the r81uest be referred to the I-ublic lropert.y Committee wit.h power to act.. " Carried rT .From 1irs Victoria Frank, Scu€',og St cOMplaining of the condition of the rood on Odell at and r;;r;uesting thnt it be repaired. 1:oved b~' Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that the request be referred to the Roads end Streets Com with power to cct. rT C rried " }lrom Rev b..'/l.Schacf'lSma, of the Christian Reform Church, thanking Coun!l for ~e USe of t re Town Hall auditorium for their servl ces. IF Ree & Filed" Fran Dept of Hirhways, TOI':lnto, enclosing audit report on road expenditures for 1954. l;oved by Rv Little seeonn_ed by Cr Brough that the report be referred to the Finance Committee ,. Carried" From f..:r :3.R. James, secretary of the Public Scho!)l Board requesting t:te installation of cement Bidewelks on the approaches to the Ontario dt dchool and Vincer..t !,:assey ~;chool. ].loved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough thet the Rouds E.:.nd Street ~ Committee be instructed to contact lr:r ;~.~~. Thompson, principal, in re~rd to the lavation of the sidewalks end the Clerk be instructed to advertise for the construction of the sidewalks under the provisinns of the Local ImprovElnent Act. " Carried ,. From Clerk of New Toronto, enclosing resoluti on petitioning for t:rn l-'rovincial Government to provide more accornadation for mentelly retarded children and reluestlng the endorsation of Council and that copies be sent to tIe Minister of Health end local member. ll~oved by iJp H.v Carruthers s ecnnded by Cr Rehder the. t i;he resolut ion 00 copies be sent to the t':iniflter of Hefl.lth and 11a,;or John Foot, MP.P. From 1:i8s 11.118 D9..dson, Secretary h-~emnrial Park Asso re::],uesting that the l,femol'lal 1-',qrk be cut with e pawsI' mower. 1,oved by Cr TJander seconded by Dp Rv Carrut hers that the l:emorial Fark be granted $ 100.00 for cutting f,rass in the I8rk. From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of patient being l'anorie1 Hosp1t~l. From Counties Clerk, Council Room, July 4th, 1955 ?{8fp.lar !l18eting of COUJ'1cil was mId on above date, members allpresent the Mayor presidine. 1~lnutes of last regula r meeting were read and on motion confirmed. 1:1' Glenholm Hughes addressed eourcil on behalf of the Publ ie I"ibrary Board in reference to the est~bl1shment of e l'rovinc ia1 Library in the Town. l.:oved "~, Cr 11:eg.::..'[' seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the resolution for theestabllshroont of a l"rcwinc lal Library in the Town be endorsed ay1.('1 forwarded to the Minister of Education. n CArried ,. }.:rs E. Abram, St neorge St, addressed Council complaining of dogs running at large destroying her garden and e.sking that action be taken. hloved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv C~rrutheI's that any complaints in re~rd to dogs running fit large should be refrred to the Police Deps.rtment for necessary action. " Carried " G01n'Gl'ICATIONS Fron Dept of Highwa~Ts, Toronw enclosin~ cheqme for $, 1267.31 in payment of over expenditure on roads for 1954. :roved by Rv Little S8cnnded by Dp Rv Carruthers thfl.t the letter be received, filed and acknowledged. " Car ri ed " From Bowmanville I\:emorial Hospital advising of patients bei ng dischraged from tre hospi tal to Sthrathaven West Home. It Rec & Filed " FrOTIi Hem ,Tames !~ Allan, 1-linister of Highways, Toronto in reference to interch1nge at Liberty St r:md proposed interchEmge at Haverly Rood. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Lander that the lettl3r aCknowladged. Frool NorthumberlanQ-DurhaID Health Unit, endorsed and tha 11 Carried " gra sa in Cobour~, enclosing county rete for '\~;~~~'\l ;r!ftL ? :i~~;": tJJ~. ! Council Room July 4th, 1955 enclosing revised By-Law~ that the by-law be forwarded to the .' Carried " enclosine by-law From BowIrbnville Planning and Development BrJard A~oved by Dr Rv Carruthers secoJ1ded by Rv T,ittle ! Ontario 1'iunicipfl.1 Board for t.heir aprroval~ From 1Tr Glenholrr Hue;hes, l'resident of ROWI!lanville l-'l"'ogress Club~ for subrnissi0n. of a vnte under the Liquor License Act. 1.ioved b~T .,L{v Little seconded b" Cr IT8ston tlEt it be referred to by-laws ~ "Carried If From taectricEll Contractors ASso, 'Nindsor, requesting Council to emerrl By-Law licensing electric contract.ors to perl!l.it them to carryon their trade without examination b~{ reason of their registration with the :b:lectrical Contractot"s Assoication of Ontario. Moved by C'r Higgon seconded bJ. Dp Rv Carruther;- that the by-law licensing electrical contractorA be emended and that copies be sent"to the Derartment of 1:unicipal Affairs and lUectricE,-l Contractors Asso ~ " Carried II R,:PORTS Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from tIE b'inance Committee submitting sundry accounts amountine to $48733.61, certifjed as being correct and recommending payment. II Rec & Adopted n ~roved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that the contract for the construct,irm of sidewalks be awarden. to l~nger Brothers at (;. price of 401 per sqUflTe foot, being t.ae lowest tender recei vf'd ~ " Carr ied IT 1:oved b~' Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehder th~lt the }I~ire Brigede be gr9l1ted $ 50.00, being 50 % of money received froIl: outside fires~ t. Carried" r-/,oved by Cr Hehder seconded ty Cr Preston that the Police Committee be authorized to purchase four traffic signal signs ~ "Carried " },'oved by Cr Rehder seconcle'i by Dp Rv Car:t"uthers that a B~t-Law be prepared to license l'ublic Halls ~ " Carried" Jo,.~oved b:,' Cr Higgon seconded ty Dp Rv Carruthers that the FuhIie fropert:,' Corr,mlttee be authorized to award contracts for painting the Town Hull, Installing new eavetroughing , repairing steps and installing 9. fire escape ~ 11 ::: rried If Cr Riggon on behalf of the corr~lttee presented a report on garbage collectron~ 1:oved by :::1' Preston seconded by Cr Brough t.hat the rer'ort on garbage collection be laId on the te.ble for fl. month and the if'.f'ormation contained in the report be made available to the press ~ " Carried" Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv LittIa that a prime coat be placed on the lane from1ueen St to C ~N ~n ~ Ytlrds. " Carried" l-OVAd by up Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Lnnder that the Clerk be inst.ructed to cor,tact Doneven & Rlehards t('l send plans for too :::lark and Perr~. properties. II Carried tI be declared Civic " Ctlrried 11 by Cr Rehder that l,;onday AUgust 1st i~)sue his proclamation accorrHngly ~ BY -I,A'Ir:.) Rv Little as'\.;,ed permL:;sion to introduce the follo'id ng By-Laws; To f;.uthori7.e the construet.lon of certain works as Local Improvements~ To authorize the submission of e vote of questions under the Liquor License '-""ct~ GrEmted and read the first t,ime~ On motj,nn rule ]3 was susrended and Cour;cil went into committee of the whole on second reflding t.he r\:a~'or in the chair~ On committee rising the 1"EtynT reported the second reading with all blEtr,ks filled in. By-Laws were then read a ,second Rnd third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed~ 1:oved by Cr Regen seconded Eoli(~ay ann the t the l,~ayor On Motion Counc.ll edjourned. r /,: j ~ ~/~ ~,/.' ( / .. Clerk. MaY or ~ / / /1;; /L.1i?'>.- t: Ifh-.-f' / ',,--- J ~~