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Council Room, June 6th, 1955
Refuler meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the 1!ayor
presiding. J..1inutes of last regular :[JEsting were read and on motion confirmed.
Mr Wallace Braden, of the Lions Clubt addressed Council in reference to installing
safet~. signs at the ap)roacheR to t h3 schools.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers
Club to erect safety signs at the aprroach~s to
police committee.
From till family of the late
Mrs Shackleton acknowledging expression of sympathy.
" Ree & Filed"
of Cormnerce tl'anking Council for the use of the forrer
" Ree & Filed"
of Commerce in regard to conditions at the Town Dump and
II .Rec & Filed"
Heform Church requesting to rent the ~ow.n
Sunday June 19th, durlr~ the completion of
that p8I'mission be granted to the Lions
the schools in co-operation with the !
fI Carried "
From Bov.manv111e Chareillr
police off ices.
From Bowrenville Opamber
garbag e di sposal.
From Rev. A.W. Shaafsma of the Christian
Hall Auditorium for church services from
their Church building.
t..;oved by Or Riggan seconded by Or Lander tlBt permission be granted at a rental af
$ 14.00 per Sund~. " Carried"
From Christine and Lesl ie Jackson requesti ne to have .iiashington Plac e gravelled am
dust layer applied, end tlat the sinewalk on Ontario St be replaced.
lloved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Higgon that the requests be referred to the Roads
and Streets Committee with power to ee t. PI Carried 11
From J..~iss Ada Dads('n, Secretary of lI:ooor1a1 Park Asso BSking permission to hold a Tag
Day in aid Of the Park On saturday June 18th ~nd to UEe the Council Room as headquarter
l.:ovfld by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Reean that permission be granted. \I Carried 11 I
From ~-:r Fred Cole and other barbers of the Town petitioning Council to char,ge the
Closing by-law. 11 Rec & Filed "
From t:r Hugh H Donald, Inspector of Legal Offioes, Toronto in reference to rental of
oourt room for out of Town eases.
1:oved by Cr Hi~gon seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers
that the letter be laid on the table.
t! Carr ied It
Control Conference a<ivising of the
8th to 10th and reque sting that
" Reo &-. Filed ".
admitted to BO~1l!l.nville
" Rec &, ;.-"i18d It
Public Library in ref erenoe to too
From 111' D. T a Crosbie, Secretary Ontario Tre ffi c
8nnutil convention to be held in Windsor on June
representatives be sent.
From Cnunties Clerk, Cobeur€:, advising of ];etients being
MemoriaJ. Hospl tal.
From tlr Glenholrn Hughes, Secretar:y of Bowmanville
establishnent of ~ Frovinoial Library.
110ved by Rv T,ittle seconded by Cr ~_nder that the letter be referred to the Finanoe
Committee to report l:acka n Carried"
From Air R.J. Dil11ngp Secretary Uemoriel Hospital 9.sking penn1ssion to erect a sign
at the ,;unotion of Llberty and Ontarlo Street s far direction to the Hospital.
t:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded bj" Or Brough that pffi"mission be granted and
requestin@ them to work with the ChEllIJ.ber of Commerce. ,. Carried"
From Connnunity Programmes Branch, Department of Bduc€l.tion, Toronto advising of the
e,pproval of t he appointment of l:r Douglas Rlgg as recreation director. ". Reo & Filedlt
From t::r J;U. Stewart, Supt of Cared1B.n I-saific Rail...."8.y, Toronto advising that re~airs
to Elgin St brdige had been mde. fI Rec & Filed .
From liorthumberlf:lnd-Durhnm Health Unit, Cobourg, in referent.::8 to waste ...ater flocding
properties on Centre St end stating ttat the matter has been remedied. "Ree & Filed II
From I.-:rs James CullS Bnd others petitioning for the construction of a cement sir'lewalk
on Prince St t'rOD" Ll ber ty St to 464 feet 8 est.
lI;oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brou€{h that the petition, being certified as being
sufficientl;y signed, be accepted flIld the work proceeded with as Soon as possible.
It Carried"
From :Mr H Vender tinden and others petitioning for the oonstruction of a waterroain
on Waverly Road from 769 feet south of King St to 1169 feet south of King St.
From l.:r l,~ rk Marchan t and othe rs pet it ioning for thee onstruotion of a sanitary sewer
and watermein on Prospect St from Veterans l..vc~ to 350 reet north of Veterans Ave.
1;oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that the petitions being certified as being
sufficiently signed, be referred to the Public Utilities Commission. If Carried"
:From Hydro glectric Fower Commission, Toronto enclosing grant of ee.ssment on TOWIll '
~ropert)i immedIately north of C .I'.R. ril",ht of way am aouth of Highway No 401.
1ioved by er Brough seconded by Rv T,ittle thit no action b~ taken. " Carried"
D: Rv Carruthers presented a report from tIle Finance COmil~ttee submitting sundry _~
U~~S-;:;.~}!C; F---- ... ...:.......-.:-.--.-.:----.-..- .. .._._..-_.:.:_:.__.u.-_ - ...._m.:__ Council Room June 8th, 1955
~r;,! accounts for $-1?763.88 and Fublic School Building accounts far $.122,236.14, certified
' as being correct and recommendine: payment. II Rec & Adopted"
Moved by Cr Broudl seconded by Cr Higgon that the Reeve end Deputy Reeve be
authorized to consult with the Town solicitor in regard to Counties Assessment.
" Carried "
},.:oved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Bv Carruthers tmt tIE Roads and Streets Committee
be authorized to use Calcium Chloride or Asphalt dust layer for the roods. "CArried"
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carrutrers that the Clerk be authorized to call
for tenders for paving Liberty St and otIEr streets within the limits of the budget.
" Carried It
Moved by Rv Little seconded ty Dp Rv Carrutrers trot all sidewalks to be replaced ere
to be laid on top of the old sidewalks wit h a mix of 6 to 1 and that tile Rre to be
placed under the sidewalk where necessary. " Carried II
Moved b~' l,;r Brough sec0nded by CJ' Regan that the Fire Conunittee be authorized to
install J. fire alarm bOE on Waverly Road at King St. !t Carried "
Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Higgon till t the Fire committee be authorized to
purche se two fire extinguisher s at an a pproxlmat e cost of $ 200.00 II Carrie d "
Moved by Cr Rehder seconded by Cr Lander till t the Police Committee be authorized to
purchEse l.500 feet of iron pipe for street signs at a cost of 40~ per foot.
tI Carried "
n Ree & Filed II
instr ucted to contact the
n Carried n
The Clerk preeented the auditors report for 1954.
~:oved by Cr Higgon seconded by Rv Little that the Jle Ii< be
Tcmn solicitor in ref eTencs to a line fence.
Rv Little asked remission to introduce tM falicwing by-laws;-
For the erpointment of Town off! cial.
For the clr>sing of barber shops at certain houl's.
Granted and read the first tiJ'llEt. On Mot,ion rule 33 was shsJ;ended and Council went into
connnittee Of the whole on second reading, the ~.'.ayor in the ohair. On cOTl'lInittee rising
the Mayor reported the seconil reading with all ble.nks filled in. By-l'aws were then
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