HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/02/1955
Council Room, May 2nd, 1955
Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the h':ayor
presiding. The olerk reported on the rewlt of the n0F11nation meeting to fill a
vacancy in Council and stated that Mr John Regan had been elected by acclamation. A1'ter
takine the oath of offioe, Cr Regan took his seat and was welcomed to Council by the
Mayor. Minutes of last regular end speoial mSl';:tings were read and on motion confirmed.
From Lir B Deman and 17 otter residents on 'Haverly Road petitioning for sewers, street
light and fire alarm boxes.
Moved by Dp Rv CerrutlJars seconded by Rv Little that the petitioners be advised that
it was impossible at present to install sanitary sewers, that the matter of the
installation Of a fire alarm box be referred to the fire committee to investigate ani
re'1ort back to Council sn d thet the Public Uti lit ies Commission be instructed to
install a street light on Waverly Rood. " Carried n
Petition was received fJ"om },':r Elmer Banting ~nd other property owners petitioning for
the oonstruction of a watermaln and Inst~11ation of a fire hydrant on Frederick Ave.
Moved by Hv Little gRcnnded by Dp Rv CFtrruthers that the petition hav!ng been certified;
as being sufficiently signed be aocepted and re:f'erred to the Public Utilities Comrnissio~
and the matter of the installation of a fire hydrant be referred to the Fire Committee
with power to act. " C~rrled tt
From Mr John H We rry and ot her residents of King St East petit ioming for the
replacement of a cement sidewalk on King St East fran St George St to the end ot the
present sidewalk.
If.oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston thflt the petition be referred
and Streets Committee with pOlleT to act. .
From Ur John R Miller rer.uesting permission to erect a Sign in front of
King St Eas t .
}.~oved by Dp Rv Carruthers secondlld by Cr Riggan that the request
Public Property Conunittee with power to aot.
From l:.r Clary King Offering to purchase a Tcrtm lot on Ontario St
$ 300.00
LIoved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carrutrers tmt the offer be referred to the
Public Property Conrmittee with power to ect. TI lB'arried IT
From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of patients being admitted to Bowmanville
A':EIllorial Hospital. " Rec &. Filed tr
From Mr (Uenholm Hughss. Sec-Treas- of I'ublic Library Board thanking Council for tlJa
grant and use of offices and permission to erect a sign. " Rec &. Filed 11
From l-'orthumberbnd,tDurham Health Unit, Cobourg, enClosing copy of the annuaf report.
From Aaso of Assessing Officers, Toronto advising of the annual oonfer8nBec &. Filed "
at Niagera Falls on June 13th to 15th and rs~uesting tlJl t delegate be sent.
" Rec &: Filed"
From Ontario Municipil Asso, Tcwr. and Village section, advising of the annual
conference to be held in Paris on MaY 25th and requesting that representative be sent.
It Rec & Filed"
From Bowmanville Chanber of Commerce in reference to application for 8 catering service
license referred to them by Counci 1 and stating that the license be left open tor
residents of the TC7Nn.
hCoved by Cr Lander seconded by Cr Broueh tte t their recommendation be accepted and
party applying for t he license lJa notified accordingly. .. Carried ..
FromM Vetzel, 16 Odell St, Pentec9,stal Church Board, Ontario 3t, ~rs Mary Hobbs, 2)
Lambs Lane and ~:r Bert Syer, High bt requesting tlE removal 01" trees in front of their
respective properties.
l.loved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Lander tha t the request be referred to the Public
Property COtnM.ittee with power to ec t. tt Carried"
From Dept of ~:unicipaJ. l..:ffairs, Torort.o enclosing cheque for" 4404.75 to cover special
}.~unicip&l Grant. " Rec & Filed"
From Mr S h.ritchell end others complaining of the unsanitary condition of property on
Nelson St and rer,uesting that a ction be taken. tt Rec &. Filed tI
I From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, enClosing copy of BY-Law to equalize the asaessroont of
, the various local Municipslities in the United Counties.
1:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconcted by Cr Lander that the Clerk be instructed to appeel
the ussessmmt being over the revised assessDElnt roll for 1955. " C rried tt
From Minister of Public '.elftire, Torooto enclosing report on welfare activhies of the
Province for 1955. " Rec & Filed "
From A:r Coulson B Pitt, ROEl_d Foreman submitting specifications for the construction of
concrete sidewalks.
l:oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston that the specifications be
\ Clerk be instructed to call for tenders.
to the Hoads
" Carried "
his store on
be 1'e ferred to th e
It C"qrried IT
for the sum 011
accepted and tJe '
IT Carried "
U~7~~',~OII _ -..- ---- -- __ _ _n____._ __ __ ___m_ __ _ _ _'_d___
vGJfJE I Counci~ Room, Mal' 2nd, 1955
p ~::~~ From t:r Harvey M Brent, Counties Soli(,;:1.tor, Cobourg, enclos~ng by-law to be passed by
,'" cuneil to provide far- a sreelal rete to be levied in order to defray the Town's share
in the cost of construction of &dditlons to tre High Schools at lort Hope and
Bowmanville .
:oved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr ReWer tbat the By-Law be
Tenders were received froJll the following for
approximately 16,000 gallons of asphalt dust
'II.A. Ryder
~allar Paving Ltd
3tOrM~ Contracting Co Ltd
Municipal Spraving & Oiling Co Ltd
K.J. BeamiSh CQt'.structlon Go Ltd
considered under By-Lews.
II Carried It
supplying hauling end applying
layer on t he gravel roads of the Town.
19.3~ per gallon
19.50 f per gallon
19.U per gallon
19.7 t per gallon
19.75 ~ per gallon
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers toot the tender of Mr W.A.Ryder be
accepted being the lowest tender received, at a price of 19.3 ~ per gallon.
n Carried "
Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from
amounting to 'Ii 5578.62 certif ied a sbeing
Moved by Rv Lit tle
proper authorities
for the use of the
i of Bowman v ille .
!'to '
I Rv Little asked rermisston to introduce tre following by-laws;
. /,) '1 j i To provide for a special rate to he levied in order to defray the Towns soore in the
I cost of constructing end equipping an addition to tm new High Schaol at Port Hope and
h ' en addition to the edsting High School at BO'.IIll8nville for the Durbam County District
, to LI : l!1gh School Board.
--~---j~~~tj_..L~.~ To prohibit the driVing of trucks, motor cars or other vehicles over the sidewalks
within the limits of the Corporation.
Granted and read the rirst tune. On rJotion rule JJ wes suspended
cODm1ittee of the whole on second rEceding tre Mayor in the chair.
the ~~ayor reported t he second reading with all blanks :filled in.
a third t iIDe, passed and ordered to be signed an d seal ad.
tte Finance Committee submitting sundry accoun s
correct and recomnsnding payment.
11 Rec & Adopted "
L:oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Higgon thet the Clerk he instructed to write to Mr
;r.H. Needham, Centre st notifyin" him that his complaint in reger d to water flooding
his property has been handed over to the Northumberland,;,Durham Health Unit to
investigate and remedy. " Carried It
l:oved by Cr Brou/,)1 seconded by Cr Lander toot the Fire Committee be authorized to
purchase the followin~ fire equlpIMnt;-;:' fire alarm boxes at a cost of . 205.00 each,
2 rubber coats at a cost of $ 21.00 each, and 8 new 24 foot aluminum la.dder a:b an
approxiI!1Elte cost of $, 140.00 " Carried rt
Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Preston that tre pay of the firemen be increased by
$ 20.00 per year retroaotive to Jan~ry 1st, 1955. It Carried rt
Moved by Dp Rv Carrut b=rs second~d by Rv Little that the Police Committee be instructed
to investigate in reEl'rd to tho licensing of public halls and report beck to Council.
" !3'arried tI
Moved by Or Lander seconded by Cr Rehder that the Clerk be instructed to write the
secretary of BOWE'E.nville Chem1:er of CommBr'ce advising that the fOrm3r Provincial Police
Offices are avail-able for their use withoul1 chargef that permission has been granted
by Council for them to decorate the rooms at then- own expense and to erect signs
outside tte Town Hall and at the Post Office corner, ani on the office doors.
rt Carr ied I
he instructed to write the
Torant 0, requesting piynent
originating outside the Town
,. CAnied rt
seconded by Cr Hi,ggon that the Clerk
in the Attorney-Generals Department.
Court 'Room for all cases tried there
BY - LA'1fS
and Council went into
On connnittee rising
By-Laws were t ten read
On Motion Council ad.1ourned.
eIfrC -