HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/28/1955 (Special) """'"0/ ""78/!' 0%;, ~ ;=~~ . . ...... .... . .......... .............. ... . ....u 1 Council Room, April 5th, 1955 I Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the Roods and Streets Committee with the Clerk. nd ..Road Foremen be instructed to draw up specifications for sidewalks end be authorized to cull for tenders. ~ Carried" i BY-!.AWS I Rv Little asked permission to introduce a By-Law for the appointment of a To,,", Official~ Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Coullcil went into committee of the whole on second reading, tIE Mayor in the ohair. On Committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Law was then read a third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. The By-LaW to provide fro:- the exemption from Municipal taxation except for Local Improvement and School taxes of the property of the Canadian Legion was given the third reading, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. ~ Moved bl' Rv J~ittle ..conded by Cr Brough that the Mayor appoint a committee to meet with members of the Base Ball Club and Public School Board to discuss a location for a base ball field. " Carried rt The Mayor appointed Rv Little, Dp Rv Carruthers and Cr Higgon. Moved by Rv Little. econded by Cr Lander that the Town accept a road on the Allchin property frof'l High dt to Liberty St and that an agree~nt be drawn up. "Carried" Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Rehder that Or Brough be appointed chairman of the Fire Committee. " Carried" Movea by Cr Lander .econded by Cr Preston that a hospital account from Riverdale Isolat~c Hospital, Toronto amounting to $ 96.50 be paid and account be collected from the , patient. " C rried " lioved by Rv LittJ.e seoonded by ~r Brough that the Clerk be instructed to prePare a by-law prohibiting trucks and other vehicles from breaking sidewalks. h . ,7 ') I t.O. /,S J." On Motion Council adjourned. /,{ ,/ I.,' t/0-- '-:; ( '~ 01 " Carried tI /~~ r:#~~ Mayor. Council Room, April 16th, 1955 Special meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Bv Little, Cra Brough and Lander, the 1~ay_or presidil1g and stated that be had called the Meeting for the purpose of passing a resolution requesting the United Counties Of INorthumberland and Durham to issue debentures amounting to $ 220,000.00 required tor ! the building cf additions to the II1gh bchocls at Port Hope and BOWIIBnville. :Moved by Or Riggon seconded by Cr Preston that the resolution be passed and copie~ forwarded to the Counties Clerk. " Cerried CA:.~-i(f f,. _ // c... C5:'ierk. Mayor. Council Room, April 28th, 1955 , Special meeting of CouncIl was he ld ,.,r above dat e t members all Ires8nt excepting Rv j I.ittle and Cr Higgon, the Mayor presUing and stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of considering the purohss8 of land for a road and school yard purposes. After discussion it was moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that land be purchased from l:r W.W. Perry, Liberty St for $ 500.00 and from Mr Robert Clarke, Libert St for $ 1,000.00 fl)r a road and school yard purposes, that a surveyor ~ hired to survey the propert~es and that the Public School Boord be requested to pay half of the ! purchase price. " Carried "' Moved b'." Cr Lander seconded by Cr Preston that a special fund be set up from receiPtSJ' from outside fires In eXCess of estimates budgeted for, to replace fir. e.eqUipment. " Carried " On Motion Council ad,1ourned. ( ;J; {'I (, ,/2t-4-l-:;;t/..c:.. /' ((lerk. On A~otlon Counoil adjourned. ;(;~~ F{"J.6 Mayor. I ~ "--,--_.._----~- .-____-..J