HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/05/1955 S"~~5'~1(1 Council Room. March 7th. 1955 ? '''" BY-IA'KS h "'Iho rtV Little asked permission to introduoe the following by-laws; 11..0 /~O~ '1'0 raise by taxation certain sums of money tor Town, County. School and Debenture 110 /5 g' ~~~p~:s a~~~i~~i>t of Town Offioials I To provide for the 1955 axpenditures on roads and streets. If_ / (!! To provide tor exemption from Municipal taxation except School and Local Improvement L-V taxes of the property of the Canadian Legion. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was su spendad and Gouna 11 went Int 0 committee of the whole on second reading the Mayor in t~ ohair.. On committee rising the Mayor report.d the seoond reading with all blank. filled in. The By-Law to exempt the property of the Canadian Legion from taxes exoepting sohool end looal improv....nt taxes was laid on the table. The other by-laws were read a third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Mov.d by Dp Rv Carruth.rs seoond.d by Hv Littl. that Cr Lend.r b. appoint.d as representative fram Council on the executive of the Chamber of Conmerce. "Carried" Mov.d by Dp Rv Carruth.r. seoonded by Rv Littl. that the Industrial Committee be appoint.d as mElllbsrs of an industrial and pubUoity oommitt.e along with thr.. m...bers from the Chamber of Commeroe. " Carried" Moved by Rv Little .eoonded by Cr Brough that the matter of aooommodation for the industrial and publioity oommitt.. be left with the Publio Prop.rty Committee wiLh power to aot. rt Carried" Moved by Cr Robson seoonded by Or Rehder that the Clerk be instruoted to insert a notioe in the statesman requesting all persons desiring trees to be planted in tront ot their properties to notify tb!l Clerk as soon as possible. " Carried" On Motion Counoil adjourned. ) ~$(/;- I /~~ L-cf.~ I Cl.rk. Mayor. Counoil Room, ~pril 5th 1955 Regular meeting of Counoil was held on above date, members all present the Mayor presiding. Two minutes of silence was observed in memory of Cr O.F.Robson. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motlonc confirmed. Ca.ll,IUNICATIONS From 1~ Ralph S Jones, requesting on behalf of Hillcrest Heights Estates Ltd, that a master septio tank be installed to service the property on Liberty St North. Moved by Dp Rv Carrutffirs seconded by Rv Little tl'Bt the request be referred to the Public Utilities Conmission and Planning Boe.rd. .. Carried If From Mr W.B. Syer requesting permission to have a trench dug on the west side of High St from Concession St to approximately 300 feet north for a watermain to service his property. Moved by Rv Little seconoed by Or Brough tlBt permission be granted. " Carried" FroI!} tte family Of tte late O.lt'. Robson acknowledging expression of sympathy. " Rec &: Filed If water flooding his Mr John Needham, Centre St addressed Council oomplaining of wash pro pert y . .ioved by Rv Little seoonded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the Clerk b. instruot.d to writ. the Health Unit, Cobourg, attention of' Mr Watters, in reference to wash water floodlng the property of t;r John Needham, Centre st and requesting him to investigate. " Carried .. From Hon. J.W. Foote M.P.P, Hon. Leslle tt Frost, Prernier of Ontario:, and Mr W.A. Orr Deputy Minister of' Municipal Affairs, acknowledging receipt of resolution in regard to the taxing of private cemeteries. If Reo &: Filed" From Mr B Gosselin. private seoretary of the Postmaster General, Tlon. E Cote, acknowledging receipt of letter in reference to postal delivery for the Town. .. Rec &: Filed" Rae Farm requesting tb9.t a culvert be installed on the give thBm access :bo a field. Cr Lander that the Clerk be instructed to advise 1r1r oulvert the Town will install it and advise him to the Roads an:1 .::>treets Committee fer size required. If Carried It From Mr Robert L Stevens, Glen Cemetery slde ree d in order to Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Stevens that if he purchases a contact ~r Little. chairman of l ~ "~~;~~~f'l vfif!i".. ~i::.'j; h /{(1') '~~_....:."-- Council Room, April 5th, 1955 Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the Roeds and Streats Committee with the Clerk. nd ""Road Foreman be instructed to draw up specifications for sid.walks and be authorized to call for tenders. ~ Carried" BY-tAWS Rv Littl. ask.d permission to introduc. a By-Law for the appointment of a To...., Official Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading, tl:e Mayor in the chair. On Committ.. rising the Mayor r.ported the second r.ading with all blanks fill.d in. By-Law was then read a third time, r,assed end ordered to be signed and sealed. Th. By-Law to provide for the ex.mption from Municipal taxation .xc.pt for Local Improv6nent and School taxes of the property of the Canadian Legion was given the third reading, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Mov.d bl' Rv Littl. s.cond.d by Cr Brough that the Mayor appoint a committ.. to me.t with memb.rs of the Bas. Ball Club and Public School Board to discuss a lOCation for a bas. ball fi.ld. " Carried " The Mayor appoint.d Rv Littl., Dp Rv Carruthers and Cr Higgon. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Land.r that the Town accept a road on the Allchin property frOM High St to Liberty St and that an agre....nt be drawn up. "Carried" Moved by Rv Little s.cond.d by Cr Rehder that Cr Brough be appointed chairman of the Fire Comnittee. " Carried" Moved by Cr Lander second.d by Cr Preston that a hospital account from Ri verdale Isolat ( Hospital, Toronto amounting to $ 96.50 be paid and account be collect.d from the patient. " C rrled " :LIoved by Hv Little seconded by Qr Brough that the Clerk be instructed to prePare a by-law prohibiting trucks and other vehicles from breaking sidewalks. n Carried" I /~ - I I-~t__ ;:-:#6'1---< // / ~C~~~ (j 61a. Mayor. Council Room, April 16th, 1955 Special meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Rv Little, Crs Brough and Lander, the Mayor preSiding and stated thst he had called the M.eting for the purpose of paSSing a r.solution requesting the United Counties Of Northumberland and Durham to issue debentures amounting to $ 220,000.00 required for the building of additions to the High "chools at Port Hope and Bowmanville. Moved by Or Hl~gon seconded by Or Preston that the resolution be passed and copies forwarded to the Counties Clerk. " Carried" On Mot ion Counc il ad journed. {../ / v(f(;r Lc . / / ' ,~ (Jl.rk. Mayor. Council Room, April 28th, 1955 Special meeting of Council was held or above date, members all rresent excepting Rv Uttle and Cr Hif;gon, the Mayor pres1ding and stated that he had called the m.eting for t.he purpose of considering the purohase of land for a road and school yard purposes. Aftar discussion it was moved by Dp Rv Carruthers .econded by Cr Brough that land b. purchas.d fromMr W.W. Perry, Liberty St for $ 500.00 and from Mr Robart Clarke, Libert;j1 St for :Ii 1,000.00 fnr a road and school yard purposes, that a surveyor ~ hired to I survey the propert~es and that the Public School Board be request.d to I"Y half of the purchase price. " Carried" M.oved by Cr Lander seoonded by Cr Preston that a s1'ec1&1 fund be set uP. from receipts from cutslde fires in excess of estimates budgeted for, to replace fire 61uipment. " Carried rt On Motlon Council adjourned. ;k~- F ~0- On Motion Council ad ,;ourned. ,/Jt.4~- I. ~r;tJ~l Mayor. ---~-~--_..~ /1,' / / .'.' -. ' :::-'...-r.."'._f.'____r " / O'lark. / i .~ , "----._----_._._---~._--------~---