HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/03/1955
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Council Room January 3rd, 19
lnaugural meetin~ of Cauncil was held on ab~ve date,. The Clerk reported on the result
of' the Munioipal Elections for 1955 6S follow8;_ Mayor Nelson E Osboms, Heave, Sidney
Little, Deputy Reeve W.D. Carruthers, acclamation. Councillors, N.D. Higgon, 780,
W.C. Lander 765. J. Brough. 753, T.F. Rehder 684. O.F.Robson 668, L.G. Preston 665.
Publio Utilities Commission, M.J. Elliott, Public School Board, Norman O'Rourke.
Howard ({ JeffeI'1 t W.R.!lutton, acolamation.
hf'ter taking the oath of office members elect took their seats and the Mayor called
upon Rev Warren Turner to open the session with prayer.
Dp Rv Carruthers on behalf of Council thanked Rev Turner for his services.
The Va~'or gave his inaugural address welcolling the new and old mElllber s of Council and
stating that Council would have a busy year completing nany projects referred to this
years Coun.cil.
Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion confirmed.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Lander that the standing connnittees for 1955 be as
follows, first named to be ohairmen;
Finane e ;
Roads &. Street s j
llublic Property;
Civic &. Reliet;
Gemete ry ;
Carruthers, Little, Lander,
Little, Carruthers, Brough
Robson, Rehder, Brough
Rehder. Little. Lander
Higgon, Carruthers. Preston
Lander, Riggan, Brough
BrOUgh, Preston, Robson
Preston, Higgon, Rehder.
From Mr F.W. Burns making application to become a member of the Fire Brigade.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Hif,gon that the application be referred to the Fire
Committee with power to act. tr Carried tr
From Rev Warren Turner, St Johns Churoh, inviting members of Council, Civic Staff and
members of th9 Public School Board to attend service on Sunday January 17th at 7.00 P.M
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that the Invitatio# be accepted and.
the School Board notified. " Carried tr
From Childrens Aid Sooiety, Port Hope, in rererlmce to a ward of the Childrens Aid.
" Carried "
From Mr C.L. Hooper, FirE Chief, requesting Council to grant an increase in pay to
.--- members of the Fire Brigade.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that the request be referred to tIE Fire
COImD.ittee to investigate and report reck to aouncil at next meeting. tr Carried"
From Mr A.S. Baker requesting the r9JJ.oveJ. of a tree in front of his property on
Temperan cs St.
L:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Higgen that the request be referred to the
Public Property COIlll1.ittee with power to ao t. " Carried"
From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of patients being admitted to Bowmanville
I Memorial Hospital. tr Rec & Filed tr
From Oshawa General Hospital aSking Council for a grant of $ 42.94 to meet cost of
Hospitalization of indigent patients for 1954.
I Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the request be referred to the
Finance Com.ittee for a ruling and to rerort back to Council. tr Carried"
From Bowmanville Planning 6.nd Devel(~pment Board enclosing bY-law. 11 Rec & Filed II
I From City of Port Arthur, :requesting Council to endorse a resolution petitioning the
Provincial Government to increase pensions to widows receiVing pensions from Workmens
Compensation Board prior to Apr 2nd, 1953
I Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Rv Little tha t the resolution be endorsed and
forwarded to the Provincial Governmnt. "rCarried If
I Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from the finance conmittee sutmitting sundry
accounts amounting to $ 4,586.36 f:l certifi ed as being- correct and recomnen1 ing payn:ent.
I . " Hec &. Adopted "
BY - T.A..vs
h I$'J?S':H.V Little asked permission to introduce tM following bY-laws;
, to t To borrow money far Current expenses.
)try /J:k'{P I To authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improvements.
14>-4' To regulate and restrict the use and location of bUildings and premises.
. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was Suspended and Council went into
oommittee of the whole on second reading the Mayor in the chair.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston that the Liberty at sewer be deleted
from Schedule" A l' of the construction bY-law Bnd the matter be referred to the
" Carried "
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Council Room January 3rdt 195
Finance Committee to consult with the rubIle Utilities Commission and report back at
next meeting of Coureil. It Carried It
The By-Law to regulate and restrict the use and location of buildings and premises was
laid on the table.
The By-Law tn borrON money for current expenses and to.liuthorize the construction of I
certain works as local improvements were given the third reading, passed and ordered tOI
be signed and sealed.
11:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded 1::;JT Cr Brough th.6t iJr pre~to be 8 ppointed as
:z:epresenta ti va from Coune 11 on the 1:enorlal Hos pi :a1 Board _ - ~..(j 11 Carried "
'}.,oved by Cr Brough seconded by Rv Little that lJF _.~ gaI~1;.'i.~r and Cr Higgon be
appointed as representatives from GOUl!cil on thr Arena :Manag ent COl!lIIlittee.
" Ce.rried "
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that Messrs Robert Nett, Clifford
Samis, FrCtnk Hooper, Walter DeGeer and Lionel Parker Jr be appointed a s members of the
Arena ].ianagement Committee for 1955 and 1956. ." C rried It
Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Lander that ers Rehder and Brough be a ppo~nted as
representatives from Couf1cil on t.he Recreation Commission. tt Carried tI
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that Mr L.C. Mason and Mr, F.K. Vanstone
be appointed as members of the Planning Board for a thr€e ~rear term and }.<;r G.L. Lander
be appointed for a two year term., " Carried "
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Hirgon that vI' Robson be appointed as a member of
the Planninp, Roard as representative from iJouncil for 1955 . " Carried"
li:oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston that Mr D.A.h:cGrer:,or be appointed as a
member of t he Durham Cour~ty District High School Board for 1955 and 1956.
" Carried "
Moved by Cr Preston seconded by Rv T~i ttle t ffit the Dl3. tter of a ppointment of an
additional member of the High Schoo]' Board be referred to the Civic Committee to report
back to Council. " Carried tI
Moved by Rv Little seconded b~l Or Brough tmt Crs Riggen and Rehder and Dp Rv
Carrutffirs as a cOmrrlittee be instructed to brine in a full report on garbage collection
tr Carri edIt
Moved by Rv Little s eeonCed by Dp Rv Carruthe rs that th:l Reeds end street s COInr.littee
be authorized to obtain prices fer repairs to IYaverl:1" Road. tr Carried"
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little tha.t the matter of curbing on
Southway Drive be referred to the Roods and 3treets Committee to report mck.
" Carried IP
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Or Rehder that the matter of the installation of
automatic protection for the Lake Read C.N.R. crossing be referred to the Finance
Committee to report back. " Carried"
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv CarrutlErs that the Ir.f1tter of replacing fire
alarm boxes be referred to the Fire Com.!ttee to report back. 11 O:;lrr!ed IT
110ved by Or Lander seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the Clerk be instructed to obtain
prices on street signs. " Carried"
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Hv Carruthe rs tha t the Clerk be instructed to write :
to ~r R.B. Baxter, Magistrate, re~ue8ting that the Town receive $ 1.00 per case for alII
cases originating in other h':unicipalities, tried in BOVil1anville Court Room.
" Carried "
Mayor and
and otrar
" Carrie d "
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that Mr Nelson E Osborne,
Mr A.J.Lyle, Treasurer. are hereby authorized to sign all cheques, notes.
documents on behalf of the ~own.
On Motion Council adjourned.
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