HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/1955 "C::::'{;i,i I'~. ? ~~~~ "K.h.".' //-<.:j Council Room, February 7th, 1955 HegulaT meetine of Council was held on above c:,ate, mel!ioorS all present tte Ma~'or rresiding. ~inut8s of last rp.~ular ~eeting were read &nd on motion confirmed. 8 O!~ 'IWI 8A TI ON S From ~;r L.}.~. Rathbun, Chairman of t.he FubIle Lib-rar~! Board rs,!u8sting a grant of $ 2500.00 for 1955. ).~oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr rrestnD tte t the reilue~t committee to report bac'kat the sreall'll mestinf-. From Salvation A.l'JTlY, 'I'oroI'to aSking CourteD. for a erant towards their welfare work. hIoved by Rv J.ittle seconded by Cr Hip,gon too t the re'[uest be referred to the rinance committee to report oock at, special 'IDeeting. It CArried" FrolT' St Johns AnbulAnce Fdnd, Toronto asking Council for a gr/iIlt. !.foved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that the re'luest be referred to the FinelJce CCl'1Inittee tr'J rerort reck at arecia1 meeting. 11 Carried" From t:r E.H. ','ietts, Cobourg. reruestinr; dn advertisement in the program of the Ontllrio Baseball Asso C0nvent~on to be held in Coboure on ~arch 17th and 18th at a cost of $ 20.00 per puge. 1I':oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Robson that e. page adverti8eme:r.t be sent at a cost of t; 20.00 and tre t the Civic COMmittee be inRtructed to forward the ad, " Ccrried " From Miss IHna :B; Ksads enc10sine renewal of puhlic liability insuranre. t;oved by Dp Rv Carruthers ,<=leconded by Cr Rohson the. t the insurEmce be renewed at a premium of $ 6~5 .00 11 CBrrled " From l:rs Alherta Dens6m, 90 Church St, re:lU8st!ng the removal of a tree in flIJont of her proper t~'. l:oved b; Rv Lit tle seconded by Dp Rv CArruthe 1'a that the reque at be referred to the Publtc Property Cornnittee with power to act. " Carried" From ~:rs George 'Nhite I secretary Club 15 requesting permission to hold a ~..:otrnrs l\':arch of Dirrce s campaign on l:arch 24th I 1955. ~roved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehder tmt permission be granted. " Carried II Frt)m Mr J.C. Blackwood, director of Bmvrnsnville Youth for Christ requesting to rent the TONn Hall for two weeks from ApI' 9t,h to l~pr 23rd and asking for a special re te. koved b;y Dr Rv 8arrutbers seconded by Cr Preston that the rOdquest be referred to the Public Pr(lpert~r COJl1Ir.ittee with power t.o act. '1 C13rried 1/ From Rai lwo.y Aseo of Canada, Montreal enquiring if the Town would be adopting D&y-T~ieht 3avlne time this ~,rear. l,:oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Robson that Day-T~ight Saving time be adopted in the Town for 1955 from 1"2.01 A.M. 3unday :~prll 21...th to 12.01 'l..lI~. SUllday Jeptember 25th, and that the !lTayor issue 8 proc1amo.tion accordingly. " Carried" From l:rs Isnbel 1:cLaughlin, secretary of #omens Auxilliary of lI~ernorial Hospita 1, aSking permission to hold a Tag-Canvas Day in the early fall. " Carried Of l~oved by Cr Preston seconded by Or Lander that permission be f;I'ented. " Carried It From 1~r Ch&rles Cattrnn, Plant },:&nager Goodyear Tire &, Rubber Co Ltd granting permission for the ':'own to dump snow on their propert;y. n Rec & Filed" From 1:1' Paul Ristow, Oshawa asking per:rniRsion to erect a sign in front of his bNlllCh office at 57 King ;:it 'Nest. Moved by Cr Robson seconded by Cr Rehder Oat the re'luest be referred to the Public Property Committee with power to act. " Carried 11 From h:r J.W. Degeer stating that owing to business cOD'lmitments he would be unable to e.ttend all meetings of the Arena l.ramv~~anent Committee but would be able to attend all bmsiness meetings. ~oved by Cr Brough seconded by Or Higgon that Mr Degeer be advised that this would be sctisfactory to Counci 1. " C~rried " From Bov.man vi lIe Branch, Canadian Leg! on reque sti ng exemption from taxes except School and Local Improvement taxes for 1955 on thei r propert}T on Q,ueen St. ~oved by Cr Lander seconded by Cr Broueh that tee request be rranted and By-Law be prepared. " Carried " From Mr David l:cKIJight, George St" requesting tffit cars be allowed to :r:ark on the east smae of George St instead of the west side and complaining of buses being parked on the street. koved b y Cr Riggon seconded by Dp Hv Carruthers tlB t the matter be referred to the Police COITlI!litt,ee with power to act. " Carried fI ! l"rom ~:r J.E. Davis, secretery OntElrio 1.ssessors h.sso Peterborou[",h advising of a I meeting to be hp.ld in Peter borough on February 11th end requesting that representative l~~v:~~y Dp Rv Carruthers seconded b~r Or Lander that Mr C .S. Oke, Assessor be fJuthorized to attend with all expenf3es paid. '1 Carried" ~ be referred to the finance " C/,!rried " social and -----._-----~..._._--. '\:::;'~:"I,L $';j,.. , ~ ,,/\,c> <:;~~ ...... ;:-') Council Room, February 7th, 1955 From Ontario Good nOeds Asso, advising of the annual convention to be held in Toronto on Feb 21st to 23rd and sOliciting rlembership for 1955. t:oved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Preston t:tB t membership be renewed at a cost of $' 10.00 and that Rv r,ittle be instructed ro attend. " Carried tr From Ontbrlo School Trustees and R~tepayers Assa, Toronto, requesting membership in the associ~tion. " Rec & Filed fr From Clerk Township of Crowland enclosing resolution in regard to Unemployment Insurance, and askirz for endorsation by Council. t:oved by Cr Robson seconfl.ed by Cr Brough thst the letter be / From 1;1' D .i>.. Gorrie di stri ct mun lcl pal angi neer, Port Hope, provide for 1955 expenditures on roads. l\:oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Hi~fon th1t it be referred to by-laws. "Carried" }Prom Counties Clerk, C"bourg, udvisine of patients being admitted t 0 Bowm~nville l.remorial Hospital and Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. IT Rec &. Filed II From l:r J O'tTeil, chairrren of },Tenoriel Hospital Board, reluestlng a grant of one half IT;ill on assessment far 1955 and re"UE stine Council to check on indigent PAtients and if possible have them admitted to€. nursing home. A.oved b~l Cr Brough seconded by Cr Riggon tffit tre request for th e grant be referred to the Finance CO!T'.ittee to report hElck. ,. Carried If 1-Toved byCI' Preston seconded hy Dp Rv CoI'rutrers trot Rv Little and Cr Preston be a committee to investigate in regArd to tre CBre of indiGent patients now in Hospital thut can be moved to a nurSing home, ar..d report 1:twk to COIIncil. " Carried fI From Oshmva General Hospital, in reference t.o loss on indigent patien~s. Ai:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston that tbe Oshawa General Hosr~.tal be advised th6.t no action be taken on their request for $ 42.94 to COver loss on indigent p&tients. " Carried" From 1-:1' Floyd H :r.:cKinley, KAWCA.StJP.t ap;ent fQ[' 1-:utu8.1 Life Assurarlce Co in regard to group insurance for Towm employees. h-:oved by Rv L1 ttle s eCi"}nded by Cr Hirgon tho t the m8 tter be referred to.. the Finance COIT'JT11ttee t.o report back. " Carried" From 11'::188 Jlaleen Large and others petitioning for the construct! on of a cement sidewalk on Libf'..rt~. St frOM ~~ueen 3t to l~lbert .3t. l:oved by Cr BroUCh seconded by Cr Higp,on trot the petltion, certified by the Clerk as being sUfflciently Signed, be received end conftructlnn proceeded with as soon as possible. " Carried" From Mr C .L. Hooper, Fire Chief, submitting his report of fires and fire 108ses for 1955 8S follov~'s;. 47 alarms, of which 9 were false and 13 out. of' Town, with fire loss for the year of $ ZG,200.00 1:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Or Brough and thht too Fire Chief and members of the Fire services during the past year. J..;pved by Dp Rv Cftrruthers seconded by Cr Broueh that bA referred to the Fire Conmittee to report hack. RgPORTS Dp Rv Carruthers pres8flted a report from t he Finance Committee submitting sundry aCcounts BJl1otlntiI16 to .$ 2,999.48 and lublic School Buildine accounts Dmountine to $ 2,616.14, certified a s being correct end reoommending payment. II Rec & Ad0pted " 1:oved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers tffit this Council advertise for a working foreman for the roads and streets and who will Hlso take charee of' the works department. ~ " Carried" 1.oved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carrut.hers that the Clerk advertise the sander for sale. It Cfl.rried " l.:oved by Rv l,i ttle secor!Jied by Dp Hv Carruthers that the Clerk be authorized tn anply for SUbsidy on road expenditures for 1954. " Carried n 1.oved by Gr Robson seconded by Gr Rehder that the Fire Brigade be granted $ 117.50 being 50 % of money received frOl'n outside fires. II Carried" !o:oved by Cr Robson seconded by Cr Rroueh that 1:1' Frank Burns be appointed as a IOOrrber of the Fire Brigade as from Jan 1st, 1955. rI Carried" :Moved ')y Cr Hir,gon seconded by Cr Preston tre t a sign be placed at the entrHnce to the TONn dUl'1p stating that no material is to be removed from this dump without permiSSion ,from the Chief of' }n11ce and &lso sign he placed at the dump stating thet poison bas ber' i there to (lestroy rats... " Carried" jl.:oved by Cr lander seconded by Dr Rv Carruthers thet 1"1' L.A. Parker be apnointed as 18 member of the Durham County Difltrict Hi~h School Board foI' 1955 and 195b. II Carried II l~;oved by Rv Little seconded t,y Dp Rv Carruth; rs that the II>i tter of street signs be --- I referred to th; Police Committee to report back to Council. " Cerrie.<i ~ "-- ._-~------~-----~-_.- recei ved &nd filed. " Cerried If enclosing By-Law to that the report be received and ti,led Brigade be cOllWlended for their " Carried 11 the mE:tter of fire alarm calls n C'3.rried 11 U~7~::;'L~I(1 ~ ,'fJfl!~.' ?;:i~ l..oved by Rv Ltttle seconded b~r Cl' Brough that the Postmaster General, Ottawa reque sting informa tl on the Town.. Council Room. lI'ebruary 7th, 1955 Clerk be instructed to'write the in regard to postal delivery for n Carried fI , AI- / ('pr --':4!..:.....t,;.-'.L:.C_ _ I BY-LAW Rv Little askert permisslon to introduce a BY-Law to provide for the 1955 expenditures on roads and streets. Granted and read the first tirre. On moti0I! rule 33 was suspended bnd Council went into I committee of the whole on sec0nd reading, too I,ja~ror in the chair. On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in.. By-Law WBS then read a third t iJ"18. passed and ordered to be signed erd sealed. On Motion Council ad~ourned. ~ c: . U ' C k. 1/1 'r1!fd ft ~ tu.-. t-UX?1--( Mayor. Counoil Room, Maroh 7th, 1955 Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, membe rs all present t:tB Mayor presiding. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion oonfirmed. Messrs D.A. McGregor, ii"alter Reynolds and L.A. Parker, members of the Durham County Distriot High School Board addressed Counoil in rsfsrenoe to enlarging the addition of the Bownanville High Sohool and reque sting approval of Counoil to ha... arohiteots plans prepared. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Or Brough tllat ths appornl of Counoil be givOll to the High Sohool Bosrd to llave plens prepared for enlarging the addition to the Bownanville t11gh School. " Carried" Moved by Cr Robson seoonded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the Clerk be instrooted to obtain further information on increase in assessment of municipalities in the sohool area in order to have sohool area assessment adjusted. " Carried" CQl,f.lUNICATIONS From the family of the late Mrs Margaret Lyle aCknOWledging expression of sympathy. " !tee l5t. Filed tt From Mrs Arlene Ayret secretary of the WOEIILsn Auxill~ of r,16lJlorlal Hospital aSking permiSSion to bold a tag day in aid of the hoepital in Septmmhsr. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Lander that pennission be granted.. n Carried tt From Mrs irene Willes, Oshawa making application for a license for a catering service to service faotories and garages. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Robson that the applioation the Chamber of Commeroe for their recommendation. From Department of Highways, Toronto in reference to controlled be referred to n Carried " access highways. " .hao &; Filed tt of his store at From Mr l'rank '<<right asking permissictl to sreot a sign in front 39 King St w l(oved by Dp Rv Carruthers eeoonded by Rv Little that the request be referred to the Fublic Property Committee withpowf'r to act. tt Carried" l"rom Mrs .A Lane t BrO'Ml st. Mr Norru White, Durham st and Dr H Ferguson, Queen .jt asking to have brees cut down in front of their respective properties. Moved by.1'{v Little seconded by Cr Robson tl:Bt the request be referred to the Publio Property Committee with power to act. "iarrled " .F'rom 1'.:1" W.F. Quick and Mrs Fred C Hoar complaining of water infront of their properties on Elgin St and aSking Counoil to have the situation remedied. Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Higgon that the oomplaint be referred to the roads and streets oommittee with power to a ot and report baok to Counoil. II. Carried " From Rev Harold Turner, See-Tress. Bownanville Mlnisterial lsso aaking CouncIl for a grant for their transient fund. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Brough tbat a grant of $ 50.00 be ...de to the Ministerial Asso for their fund. " Carried " From Brokkdale Kingsway Nurseries, complaining that water has flooded theIr property at Churoh and St Ceorge Ste and asking Counoil to have the situation remedied. Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the IIIltter be refe=ed to the roads and streets com.ittee to report bm k to Council. tt Carried " From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advising of patients being admitted to Memori81 Hospital. " Rec & Filed n From Department of Agriculture, Toronto requesting Council to appoint a weed inspeotor for 1955. j Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Rv Little that Mr C.S. Oke be a.ppointe.d weed etor fO~ 1955 at a salary of $ 75.CO per annum, ___~~arrled "