HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1955 .~~ l'A.oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that the .~;H Postmaster General, Ottawa reque sting Infol'ma tl on the Town. Gouncil Roorn, February 7th, 1955 Clerk be instructed to: wrl te the in :regard to postal delivery for tI Carried " l~~/.s ;.,f:~5:~_ BY-UW Rv Little askert pemiss1.on to introduce a BY-Law to provide for tte 1955 expenditures on roads and streets. Grs.nted and read the first time. On motin!'! rule 33 was suspended and Council went into ccnnni ttee of' the wh ole on a ec(md -reading J t ll3 Ma:mr in the chair. On committee 1'1 sing : the Mayor reported the second reading with all blankS, fi lIed, in. By-La,W was then rO,a J" a third t i",e, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. On Motion Council ad1ourned. ?~, /~~ eM- [{tf1.4n U C k. 1!ayor. i " Council Room, March 7th. 1955 .Hegular meeting of Counoil was held on above date, membe 1'8 all present tIE Mayor presiding. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion confirmed. Messrs O.A. McGregor, ,_alter Reynolds and L.A. Parker, members of' the Durham County District High School Board addressed Council in refarencs to enlarging the addition of ths Bownanville High School and rsque sting approval of Council to have architects plans prspared. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers secondsd by Cr Brough tbat the apporval of CoullCil be giv"" to the High School Board to bave plans prepared for enlarging the addition to the Bownanvllle high School. " Carried " Moved by Cr Robson seconded by Dp Rv Carruthe rs that the Clerk be inst rocted to obtain further infor.mation on increase in assessment of municipalities in the sohool area in order to have sohool area assessment adjuated. " Carried" COJ,f,lUNICATIONS From the family of the late Mrs Margaret Lyle aCknOWledging expression of sympathy. . " !tec &. Filed " From Mrs Arlene ~e. secretary of the Wo...sn Auxillary of 1,1"'01'181 Hospital aSking permission to hold a tag day in aid of the hospital in Septmaher. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Lander that pennission be granted. " Carried " From Mrs lrene Willes, Oshawa making application for a license for a catering servioe to servioe faotories and garages. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Robson that the application the Chamber of Commeroe for their recommendation. From Department of Highways, Toronto in reference to controlled be referred to n Carried " aooess highways. " .hac lie Filed " of his store at From Iolr Frank Wright asking permissi"ll to erect a Sign in front 39 King St W Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers eeconded hy Rv Little Fublic Property Committee with pow"r to act. It'rom litre A Lane, Brown St, Mr Norr4s White, Durham at and Dr H Ferguson, aSking to have ...rees cut dON'n in front of their respective properties. Moved by ><v Little seconded by Cr Robson tlat the request be referred to the Public Property Committee with power to act. "iarried " .'rom y", W.F. Quick and Mrs Fred C Hoar complaining of water infront of their properties on Elgin St and aSking Council to hays ths situation remedied. Moved by Rv Little ssconded by Cr Higgon that the complaint be reforrsd to the roads and streets oommittee with power to a at and report back to Council. q, Carried " From Rev Harold Turner, Sec-Treas. Bownanville Ministerial laso asking Counoil far a i grant tor their transi ent fund. "jMoved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that a grant of . 50.00 be mde to .- . the Ministerial Asso tor their fund. tt Carried tt i From Brokkdale Kingsway Nurseries, oomplaining that water has flooded their property I ' at Church and at George Ste and asking Counoil to have the situation remedied. Moved- by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the DIltter be referred to the roads and streets cODlD.ittee to report bac k to Council. " Carried " From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advising of patients being admitted to Memorial Hospital. I n Reo & Filed " From Department of Agriculture, Toronto requesting Council to appoint a weed inspeotor for 1955. J Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that Mr C.S. Oke bs appointed wsod \ inspector for ,1955 at a salary of . 75.00 par annum. " ~ _', , . Cerri~ that the request be referred to the " Carr ied " Que en .jt .~: ~rom lOr J:hn!.l Jam~s, ~.P. in ref:rence to ~ostal ~~f~:~~ R~'t~r;~w~:h, 1955 ""~~.. !.Iond by Rv Little seCOnded by Or Lander that the letter be received end filed and aCknOWledged. . Oarried . From lOr H.J. Snider, clerk of Waterloo TownShip enClosing resolution petitioing the Provincial Government to authorize the taxing of private cemeteriea and asking Council tor endorsation. Moved by Op Rv Carruthers secondee by Or Higgen that the resolution be endorsed and that Premier Leslie Frost, Hon. George H Dunbar, Ministar of MuniCipal Affairs and HOD John Foote M.,p.P. be sent oopies of the resolution. " Carried" From Ontario Hairdressers Asso, Toronto enolosing copy ot By-Law to license hairdressers far oonsideration of Council. Moved by Op Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that the by-law be referred to the Chamber ot Commerce tor their recommendation. " Carried It From Board ot Transport COJIID1astoners, Ottawa in regard to application ot 'J.'rana Canada Pipe Lines. . Rec &. Filed . From Mis. Nina E Neads in regard to coverage of aotivities of the Reoreation Commission stating that they were fully Oovered. Moved by Op Rv Carruthers seoonded by Or Rehder and ~ecreatlon Commission notified. From lOr N. O'Rourke secretary of the taxes on the Lions CommunitJ' Centre. Moved by Cr Robson ssoonded by Cr Higgon that texes for 1955 on the Centre be remitted. From lOr S.R. Jsme., seoretary Publio School Board submitting public for 1955 amounting to $J97 ,841.47 From Mr H. W. Mitchell, secretary Durbam County Distriot High School I High Sohool estimates for 1955 amounting to . 43,200.00 REPORTS r Dp Rv Carruthers presentsd a report from the Finanos Committee SUbmitting sundry !~ !I'I' aocounts amounting to . 3,270.88 and Public Sohool Building aocounts amounting to . · 78.02 certified as being oorreot and recommending payment. . Reo &. Adopted' The standing oommittees presented their reports of estimated sxpenditures for 1955 as follows;_ Fire Dept. l5.870.00i Publio Property. 19,050.001 Roads and Streets I. 47,300.00, Cemstsry . 4,890.00, >'olioe Dept. 17,510.00 Civic. 7,600.00_ Relisf . 6,179.00 Moved by Dp Rv Csrruthers seconded by Rv Little that the reports of the standing I COlImI.lttees be accepted and approved. .. Carried .. !.loved by Dp Rv Oarruthers SeoOnded by Cr Londer that no aotion be taken this year on the installation of an automatic protection signal for tho C.N.R. Lake road orossing. .. Carr ied " III0ved by Op Rv Carruthers SeCOnded by Rv Little that no a ction be taken on the construotion of a sanitery..wer on Liberty St north owing to tho high oost of the ' Publio Utilities sbara of the cost of oonstruction. . Carried' I Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston that the Publio Library Board be c granted. 2500.00, and tbat the Memorial Hospital be granted .,'3,179.00 being one half mill on the assessment, both being inoluded in this years estimates. ., Carried" I Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Or Lander that no aotion be taken on grants to Salvation Army, Toronto ani 3t Johns Ambulance SOciety, Toronto. " Carried .. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Rehder that no aotion be taken on insuranos tor town EIIlployeeB. " Carried .. !lIoved by Rv Little seoonded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the olerk be instruoted to prepare a By-Low for the appointment of working foraman for the roads and streets and ' works de:r:ertment. ., Carried. " I Maved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Londer that the Clerk be instruoted to write the Countues Clerk enqUiring it thye wiSh to purohase the sander. " Carried" A Moved by Cr Robson seoonded by Cr Rehder that the Fire Brigede be granted . 3?2. 50 / I being 50 % ot the amount reoeived 1"or outside fires. ,. Carried" Moved by Or Rehder seconded by Or Lander that no action be taken on request trom Mr o MoKnight in regard to porking situstion on George st and tbat ho be notified. I " Carried" Moved by >tv Little Seoonded by Cr Robson tba t the natter of the installation of a 1;raffio light at King and Liberty Sts be left with tho Police Committee with power ~ to act. tt Carried .. III0ved by Cr Riggan seoonded by Op Rv Carrutbars thst the Town Hall auditorium be rente.d to Youth for Christ OODmlittee ar a rental of . 150.00 for tho period frClll April 9th to April 23rd. . Carried' .?{~ r ......... ....... ....... ... ........ ... ... ... ...... ... BY_~WSc~u~~il RO~~, Maroh 7th, 1955 h '/',ofo .. ltV Little asked permission to introduoe the following by-laws; ii1/ ~ 6 CJ 'l,'O rei se by taxation certain sums of money for Town, County I School and Debenture IZo /5 g. ~~;p~:sa~~~i~i~i.t of Town Offioials I 0 To provide for the 1955 expenditures on roads and streets. I~. 'If. To provide for exemption from Munioipal taxation exoept School and Looal Improvement 1"</ f) taxn of the property of the Canadian Legion. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule J) was suspended and Council went into committee of' the whole on second reading tl:B Mayor 1n tb:t chair. On committee rising tbe l!ayor reported the seoond reading with all blanks filled in. The By-Law to exempt the property of the Canadian Legion from taxes excepting school and local improvement taxes was laid On the table. The other by-laws were read a third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by ltv Little that Cr Lander be appointed as representative from Council on the executive of the Chamber of Commerce. ft Carried ft Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers secondsd by Rv Little that the Industrial Committee be appointed as members of an industrial and publicity oOllllllittee along with three m...bers from the Chamber of Commeroe. " Carried" Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Brough that tha matter of accommodation for the industrial and publioity oommittee be left with the Publio Property Committee with power to ao t . " Carried " Moved by Cr Robson seoonded by Cr Rehder that the Clerk be instruoted to insert a notioe in tbe statesman requesting all persons desiring trees to be planted in front of their properties to notify tb8 Clerk as Boon as possible. " Carried" On Motion Council adjourned. ./: /) ;'/' ('~--{(/"(- , /i~ i-{(J4- Clerk. Mayor. Counoil Room, April 5th 1955 Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the Mayor presiding. Two minutes of silence was observed in memory of Cr O.F.Robson. ).t1nute s of la at regular meeting were read an d on mot lon( confirmed. COMJ.\lJNICATIONS From Mr Ralph S ~ones, requesting on behalf of Hillcrest Heights Estates Ltd, that a master septic tank be installed to service the property on Liberty St North. Moved by Dp Rv Carrutmrs seconded by Rv Little tl1it the request be referred to the Public Uti Ii ties Comm.isslon and Planrting Board. tt Carried " From Mr W.B. SWar requesting permiSSion to have a trench dug on the west side of High St from Concession St to approximately 300 feet north for a watermaln to service his property. Moved by Rv Little seconc'l.ed by Cr Brough ttBt permiSSion be granted. " Carried" From the family of tre late O.JI'. Robson acknowledging expression of sympathy. " Rac &. Filed " water flooding his ~r John Needham. Centre St addressed Counoil oomplaining of wash pro pert y . :.loved by Rv Little seoonded by Dp Rv Carruthars that the Clerk be instructed to write the Health Unit, Cobourg, attention Of Mr Watters, in reference to wash water flooding the property of lIr John Needham, Centre St and requesting him to investigate. " Carried" From Hon. J.W. Foote M.P.P, Hon. Leslie lr Frost, Premier of Ontario., and Mr W.A. Orr Deputy Minister of 11uniclpal Affairs, acknowledging reoeipt of resolution in regard to the taxing of private cemeteries. IT Rec &. Filed" From}t.r B Gosselin. privete secretary of the Postmaster General, Hon~ E Cote, aoknowledging reoeipt of letter in reference to postal delivery for the Town. " Ree & Filed " Rae Farm requesting that a culvert be installed on the give tlmm access :no a field. Cr Lander that tre Clerk be instructed to advise Mr oulvert the Town will install it and advise him to the Roads a.n:i dtreets Committee f<r size required. " Carried " From Mr Robert L Steven s, Glen Cemetery side road in order to Moved by Cr Brough second ed by Stevens that if he purchases a oontaot Mr Little. chairman or I \ " .... ~