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'.~."."THa r
Counci 1 Room November 5th, 1956
lUr Lloyd Q.uinton be eI!e;aged as TONn
from Nov.~ber 5th, 1950, on a temporary
" Car ried n
Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr hehder that
foreman aD a salary of $ 3200.00 per annum as
On Motion Counoil adjourned.
?<:-I trCz
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Special meeting of Council was held on above
presiding end stated toot he 'had c"111 ed the
i Dp Rv Carruthers asked permission to introduce the follovdng by-laws;-
: To provide for the conveyance of certain streets and lanes and parts of street s in the
Town of Bownanville shown on a plan or subd11'1sion of the Smart Estate reds by L.H.
Shortt, Provincial Surveyor, dated April 14th, 1854, which plan is in ths Registry
}7 _ . Office for the 1<sgistry Division of the l1est Riding of the County of Durham to Blake
L{} /1 7; e : Short, thw owner of all ad~olning lands.
!c"._~ To ,"u'bhbrize an Agreement with the Tcwnship of Darlington respecting the annexation of
I certain lands in the Township of Darlington.
I Granted and read the first time.On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into
committee of the whole on second reading, the Mayor in the chair. un committee rising
i the L.:a"vor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Laws were then read
I a second and third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed.
Ion A:otion Council, adjourned. ~,(~y,4~
Council Room.November 20th, 1956
date, members all present the Mayor
meeting for the purpose of passing By-LaWS.
~ /1t,37
Counei 1 Room, December~th, 1956
Hegular meeting of Cnuncil W8.S held on above dnte, members all present excepting Cr
SCott, the l\iayor presidlng. Minutes of 15.st regular and speciel meetings were read
and on motion confirmed.
From Brad ford HOBhe 1 Associates T,td, Port Hope in ref erence to aocess dri vl!!Iw-ay a and
curbs at the entrances to tt...e new post office.
1:oved by Cr Brough seconded by Dp Rv Carrutmrs ttflt according to the specifications
contractor is responsible for 611 repairs to sidewalks an'!. entrances and that there is
a by-law in force pertaining to sidewalks hroken by contractors, and others.
rT Carried "
From Ratlway Association of Canada, lI:ontreal, in reference to the extension of day-ligh
saving time in future year s.
l'oved by Dr: Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little thflt Council go on record as favoring
no extension of tine on day-li~ht saving, &nd that the Railway Association be notified
accordinely. n Carried II
From Ontario llunicip3.1 Board, Toronto enClosing de:cision of the Board in reference to
nnnexfl.tion of pBrt of Darline:ton TONr:,ship to the 'own of BmJU',8nville n Rec & Filed I
From Bom:anville Chamber of' Comnerce in reference to the condition of the rood at the
west beach in tre TONI'ship of l)arlin~~ton in the area to be annexed to the TONn and tre.t
rec'lr.unendation be ITl3.de to nex:t yeurs Council to huve the l'oed repaired.
1:oved by Cr Hi~gon seconded by Cr Brou['b thEit the recommendation to have the roed
re-rcired, be referred to ne x:t yebrs Coune 11 n Carried It
From BowLA.nville Chal'1b~.r of Commerce recotm'.ending that Council ~ive consideration to I
adopting 6. licensing and control by-law for used car lots.
1:oved by Rv Little seconded b~ Cr Preston ths.t tie letter be received and held ib
abeyance at the present tiI'le. II Carried"
From :Mr G.eorge Allchin, Libert~' St lr Offering to purchase the two lots deeded over by
him to the TONn for park purposes.
t:oved by Rv Li tt Ie seconded by Dp Rv Cor rut re r s this. t 1:1' .H.llchin be Eidvi sed to s ubmi t
an offer when the lots are edverti"iE~d .for sale. " Carried"
From BI)WIrlHIIY' lIe Plannin~ Board in reply to letter referred to trem for the purchase I
by Ii r A.II. Glecoff, 179' Hi t son Rrn d OshewEl of sufficient Ian d at the ceme te ry to gi va i
him e~_ proper roed to his l€LI:d westor the cemetery, and recoI:lmending. the-t no land DS01d.
h:oved by Cr Rehder seconded by Cr Brour,h tret dtrike and :Jtrike, 6.ctlng on behalf o~
\ 1~r Glecoff be notified tlat on reconur,endation fro:r:l the Planning BO!:lXd, that no Ian
. ~ be sold. If Carried 11
"~i~:'T .. ..... . ...... u m .... ..... ......... ... .co~;,cil.RO~~De~e~~er u3rd,1956
~ i::~;-: Fr'Jm Jalvation iU"I:1Y, Tot'0nto Etsking Council for u grant for their social work.
^ ~ i ~:oved by Cr Riggan seconded by Dp Bv Carruthers that no action be tel-ken ar,d that the
letter be received filed and answered. '" Carried If
From Vortlumberland-DurhE<,m Hertl th Unit, Cobourg, enclosing report for Cetorer.
II Rec & Filed "
Vehicles Branch, 'l'oronto in regard to regulations
From Depertmen t of Hirhways, :r..:otor
respecting signs.
l:oved by Dp Rv Car rut he 1'5 seconded by Cr }'re ston that tre regulations be referred to
the Police comrr:i ttee. " Carried "
Fran Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of patients being admitted to Peterborough Civic
Hosr! tel end Bowr:'Bnville liemorial Hasp! tal. " Rec & Filed~"
]'roITi T,ak e Ontari 0 ])eve loprr.er t Asso t l'etel'borouf')1 enclosing booklet.
It Rec & Filed If
Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from the Fine.JI,ce Committee suumitting sundry
Accounts amounting to $ 16,027.70 end Public iJchhol Building accounts for $ 3,675.00
certified as being correct and recofnIllending pa~':rnent. " Rec & Adopted n
!.:r Lloyd ';),uinton, ROELd Foreman reported on ','f.Jrk cONpleted aD tle rOEids during Noverr.ber.
~:oved by Cr Lathangue seoonded by Cr Brour,h tu.t Ei letter he sent to the Public School
Board in reference to catch basins in front of the Vincent 1~assey 8cool. It Carried If
lioved by Dp Rv CEiI'ruthers seconcled by Rv Little that th8 Clerk be instructed to write
t:1' 'rotten, courties enr,ineer to {; scertain on what basis the cour,ty read e:rfider would
be available to the Town and the rate fEll' hour. , If Carried"
A.oved by Cr Hie;gofl seconded by Cr Jlreston tmt the I-ublio ProJ~ert.y vonrrnlttee investigate
the possibility of replaCing furnIture in the Council Room, with power to uct.
11 Carried n
1-~r C. 3. Oke, building inspector };re sented a report of buildtng permits issued during
the year. IT Rec & l!'iledt'
i Rv L1 tt J_e asked permiss:i on to introduce-aDy-law to borrow money for currer,t expenses.
rGranted and read the first tlI'le, On motion rule JJ was suspended and Counei 1 want into
I committee of the whole on second readlnf: the I1/ayor in the chair. On cornuittee rising
It.he ~:eyor reported the second reading with ell blt-nks filled in. By-Law was then read
I a second find third t 1Me t pussed find ardered to be signed end ..~l.ea.
'},':oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr }'reston that the Muyor j ssue & proclamation declaring!
Wednesday December 26th, Boxing Day, a pUblio holiday. " Carried" i
Koved by Dp Rv Carrutr.ers s econdedr by Cr Broup,h that turkeys be purchased for Christmas
for ell Town employees. " Carried"
).:o'_',~d by Dp Bv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough thf.;t if there is no election to fill
ninancies on Town Council thet the vote on the yuestion of hiring a 'rONn Irenftger be
deferred for the present. " Carried It
Iv:oved by nv Little seconded by Cr Lathangue that th6 Clerk be authorized to insert an
advertiseT'"Bnt in the StateSMen !'It[~ting that the Town intends to close the rood allowancei
known fiS lTe&rns l..ve froP'! t.he Base J~inA Jouth. I' Carried If r
~:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Gr L8.thungue thet Council go on record as
fLvoring the est&hl:i.shment of E. Baf:rd of -,{o]'ks for tr_e coming year. It Carried Ir
On :r.:otion Cour:cil edjourned.