HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/20/1956 (Special) >t~~ ~loved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr hehderthat " : foreman at a salary of C J200~ 00 per annum e s . basis. iOn Motion Council adjourned. Council Room November 5th, 1956 l!r Lloyd Quinton be engaged as Tcmn from Nov.~ber 5th. 1956, on a temporarY " Carried " ~Iicp{z j/cled #d---t.' a'-., i Mayor. Council Room.Nove",ber 20th, 1956 Special meeting of Council w8;s held on above date, members all present the Mayor presiding and stated that he had cfll11 ad the meeting for the purpose of passing By-Laws. BY-T.AWS 1lo I 1.') I Dp Rv Carruthers &sked permiflsion to introduce the following by-law8;- (g :.; I I. To provide for the conveyanoe of certain streets and lanes and parts of streets in the I Town of Bowner.ville shown on a plan of subdivision of the Smsrt Estate mode by L.M. I Shortt. Provincial SUrveyor. dated April 14th, 1854, which plan is in tffi Registry 'J _ n Office for the J<egistry Division of the vrest Riding of' the County of Durham to Bloke I LO It. 1]< ,Short, thw owner of all ad,ioinlng lands. ~-'~ To !lnthbriz8 an Agreement with the TC1Nnship of Darlington respecting the annexation of certain lands in the Township of Darlington. Granted and read the first time.On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into ootnIr,ittee of the whole on second reading, the h!ayor in the ohair. on oommittee rising the 1'=a.vor reported the seoond reading with all blanks filled in. By-Le.ws were then read a second and third time, passed and Ol'dered to be signed and sealed. ~ (y 4 > ;2tl.-.-r/l/~"-? ,. .,', ~.> Clerk. Mayor. Counci 1 Room, December~th I 1956 Hegulur meeting of Cnuncil was held on above date, members all pres8Dt excepting Cr Scott, tre h;ayor presidlng. Minutes of l5st regular and speoiel meetings were read and on mati on confirmed. COM1'IJNICATIONS FrOI'l Bradford Roahel Associates Ltd, Port Hope in reference to access drlvewaya end curbs at the entrances to the new post office. h~oved by Cr Brough seconded by Dp Rv Carrutrers trot according to t.he specifications contractor is responsible for Ell repairs to sidewalks am entrances and that there is I a by-law in force pertaining to sidewalks broken b~{ contractors, I:.nd others. i .. Carried .. j From Rallway .h.ssociation of Canada, l.;ontreal, in reference to the extension of day-ligh saving time in future year 34 }.~oved by Dp Rv Carruthe rs seconded. by Rv Little thFlt Counci 1 go on record as favoring no extension of time on day-li€;ht saving, and that the Railway Association be notified accordinely. > " Carried II , From Ontario l.;unicipil Board. Toronto enclosing de:cision of the Board in referenee to onnex&tion of pert of Darlin€:ton TONJJ.ship to the 'fawn of Bowman vi lIe " Ree &: Filed From B01Muanville Chamber of CotnJ"1erce in reference to the condition of the rood at the west beach in tte TONTlshlp of DElrlington in the area to be ermexed to the TONn and tlBt rec'1M.T';endation be rrade to naxt ye&rs Counei I to huve the l'Oild repaired. 1:oved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Drou{':h that the recommendation to bave the road repaired, be referred to nex:t years Council fl Carried n Fron: BO\rlnRnville Chamber of CODlrlerCe recotlrnendlng that Council give consideration to adopting Ei licensing ai/a control by-law for used car lots. 1:oved by Rv Little seconded b~ Cr Preston that t he letter be received and held ib abeytmce €:t the present tiMe. It Carried IT From .Mr George Allchin, Libertj' St 11 Offering to purchase the two lots deeded over by him to the Town for park purposes. 1:oved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Corruth:lrs th(:t 1:r Allchin be advised to submit an offer when the lots are advertinie:,d for sale. " Carried" From BOWIUll"I':' 1_le Planning B06rd in reply to letter referred to trem far the purchase I by r,'r A.H. Glecof'f, 170. Ritson Rood Oshewa of' sufficient lBIld at the cemetery to give him e proper road to his lar..d west of the cemetery, and recommending t~,t no land sold. I !.:ov.ed by Cr Rehder seconded by Cr Brough toct ~;trike and Jtrike, acting on behalf:)f 1\ ).~r Glecoff be notified ttat on recommendation fron the Planning BOHrd 1 that no land . ~ be sold. If Carried 10 ^ - - ._-_._.~- On h:otion CounCil, adjourned4