HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1956 '~~t I~RegU1ar meeting of Council was held 0: above date,C~:~;sR~IT'p~~~:~be~~g;~ti~~5gr ~n' Preston, the A~ayar presiding. llinutes of last regular and special meetings were read am 'l'n motion confirmed. Mr Wales of the Consumer s Gas gee mains. lLoved by Or Brough sef'onded by Or Scott that permission be given to ConsUlfl:lrs Gas Co to extend their f!fJ.s mains in the Town and that the Roods and Streets Committee am Public Utilities Commissi on draw up an agreeIIBnt in reference to repairs to roads and ditches. tt Carried" !.Ir A.H. Sturrock addressed Council in ref arence to the TONn parking lot and requested that a renee be erected. I Moved by Rv Little seconded byDp Rv Carruthers that a fence be erected at the Parking Lot at an approximate cost of $ 200.00 " Carried" From Boman ville Planning Boar d enc1 osi ng plan of property of J.ir Wilson Abernethy containing tlR> lots and recommending thet epprova1 of sale be given tin payment under agreement of $ 200.00 for each lot. Moved by Cr Rehder seconded by Cr Bro~ that the plan be approved. " Carried" From Mr Len Ew1es1 Secretary Little N.H.L. Toronto stating that the invitation of the TONn to hold tbe l.itt1e N.H.L. finals in BO><Danv1lle in 1958 had been accepted. Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Lathangue tlBt the letter be received and filed and copies Bent to Arena Management COrunittee, Recreation Department and the :Maneger of the Centennial Cornnlttee. " Carried" From Onterio Municipal Board, Toronto adVising of the holding of a hearing on annexation of part of the Ta.vnship of Darlington on Friday November 9th at 10.30 A.M. in the Counc 11 room. " Rec &. Filed " From NorthUlllbarland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, stating thet 22,300 children in the United Counties would receive poliomyelitis vaccine in 1956 and 1957. " Ree &. Filed ., piano and pian 0 bench CC&IMONICATIONS Co addressed Council in reference to extension of prese~ I ! From BOl'<llanville Chor1a Society in reference to damages to the during the sunnner in the auditorium. l;ovell by Rv Little seconded by Cr Lathangue that the complaint be referred to the Publie Property Committee to investigate and report back. tI Carried" From the Registry Office enc10s:! ng deeds to lots on the A11chin subdivisi on. " Ree & Filed " From Strike and Strike, Tcwn solie itors stating that tb3 purchase of properties for tte Tcwn P~rklng Lot had now been completed. tt Ree &. Filed" From Department of Highways, Toronto stating tl13.t new types of signs were to a, erected at the interchange on Highway 401 and requesting the approval or suggestions from Council. l':oved by Or Scott seconded b:' Or Riggan that tl1e request be referred to the Rdads and Streets Committee with power to act. n Carried n From Strike and Strike acting on behalf of l:r A.H. G1ecoff. 170 Ritson Rood S, Oshawa and ennuiri ng if the Town would oonsider conveying to him sufficient land to eX1;end tte present 10 toot lane to a street of proper wisth, Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Rehder that the request be referred to the Planning Board for their recom.en:iation. n Carried " From Mr Robert Gill, Royal Thaatre, King St W aSking permission to erect a sign in front of the theatre. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Or Higgon that the request be referred to the Public Property Committee with power to act. II Carried n From BOWllanv!lle Chamber of COll1IlE:rce enClosing oopy of by-law for regulating and licensing salvage yards and second hand goods shops. " Ref to by-laws n From Northumberland-Durham Heal th Un! t, Cobourg enclosing report for September. tI Rt'c &; Filed From E.L. Ruddy Co Ltd, Toronto rer::uestlng permission of Counoil to? post safety on their sign boards in the To'Ml. Moved by Or Rehder seconded by Or Lathangue that permission be granted with thinks. " Carried '" From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of patients being admitted to }eten:-borough aivic Rospite, Oshawa General Hospital and BOlflffianville liElJlorlal Hospital. "Rec & Filed" REPORTS i Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from the Finance Committee submitting sundry I accounts amounting to $ 18,969.85 and Public SChool Building accounts amount! ng to ,$ 3,667.00 certified asbeing correct and recommending payment. " Rec 6:. Adopted" Il'oved by Cr BrOUgh seconded by Cr Lathangue that the roads and streets committee be \~~ized to obtain prices on used equiptBnt. " Carried fl :essaJ I ~ 1{,,31.c '"~~~: I~~ ... . "m. . .. .. 'Co~noil Roo~,Nove~ber 5~h, 1956 ;::- '''". Lioved by Cr Rehder seoonded by Cr lIiggon that the Fire Brigade be granted $ 50.00, beil!! ' 50 % of the amount reoeived from outside fires. II Carried If , Moved by Cr Rehder seoonded by Cr Brough that the fire oommittea be authorized to purchase 100 feet of 2t inoh fire hose if their bUdget will oover the neoessary expenditure of approximately $ 200.00 " Carried " ~;oved by Cr Rehder seoonded by Cr Brou~ that llr Walter Hately reoeive an inorease in pay for servioing the fire truoks and equipnent bringing the annual fee to $ 300.00 ! per year to be effective from October 1st, 1956. " Carried If , Cr Soott reported on reoeiving a letter from Chief Sidney Venton requesting that he I be relieved of some or his duties and that Council give consideration to the appointment of a youuger Chief of Polioe. I ~loved by Cr Soott seoonded by Cr Rehder that Chief Venton' s letter of October 27th, 1956 be aocepted and thit it be the unanimous voice of this Council as a whole,' subject to : 'acceptance of Chief VentoD ) to eppoint Mr VentoD to the position of Desk Sergeant on r the Bowmanville POlice Force, ( a newly oreated position on the force, duties of which iare defined in another motion ) Thet Chief Venton serve as Chief of Police of the Town 10f Bo""envil1e until a permament new Chief C8ll be eppointed by Counoil and during that ,time Chief Vent on wUl act in his present oapaoity and at his present salary,then upon ,aooepting the position of Desk Sergeant thet his salary shell be $ 3,000.00 per annum I ( subject to all priVileges end oonditions as extended to otlBr members of the force) ,Although the Counoi 1 of the year 1956 ere aware of the fact tl<lt they oannot obligaee an inooming Counoil, it is the exprassed wishes of this Council of 1956, on behalf of the citizens of the Town of Bowmanvil1e that ~;r Sidney Vanton be permitted to aot in 'this oapaoity as herein appointed so long ae he is able to do so, Thet the Counoil of 11956 on behalf ot all preceding Counoils. under whom l1r Venton ma served and on behalf 'Iof a.l1 citizens of the Town of Bowmanville. extend to }.lr Venton their most sincere " TluHIks " for a job we'l done during the pest 28 year e as Chief of Polioe. tI Carried Unanimously" ! lloved by i,,;r .:Jcott seconded by Rv Little tlE.t a new position be created in the BONInanvill~ iPolioe Foroe, a poaition to be known ae Desk Sergeant. This position to carry wi th it the] ~u:bies a s they :r.e rtain to Police work in so :ra.r as the orn c e and business phase of I jpolioing in the T""n or BOWllBnvil1e is oonoerned. Thie poeition to be more definitely I "-efined by the present chief and the newly a ppointed Chief conoerning duties and hours ofi y,ork in a speoial oommittee meeting inoluding the Polioe Committee as a whole. ' In oreating this position it is felt tl<lt the oitizene of the Town of Bowmanville will be better served and will be able to obtain servioe quiokly by telephone and that other S. moors of the present staft will be relieved of desk work and available for more active uty. . " Car ried Unanimously " loved by ''v Little seconded by Cr Higgon thet the finanoe oo",mittee meet and set up a balarljlschedule for all Town e"'ployees and that the Folioe DepartmEllt be aut:tlorizsd to ~dverjJiee for a Chief of ""olioe. " Carried" BY-LAW HV Little asked permission to introduce a by-law for licensing, regUlating and governing I. salvage shops, salvage yards, second-hand goods. shops and dealers in second mnd goods, I and for reVOking any such license. ! Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was Suspended and Council went into I connnittee of the whole on seoond reading, the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising ,the ~'ayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Law was then read a second and third time, passed and ordered to be signed and seal ad. ).'~oved by Cr cicott seconded by Cr BraUM that the road allowanoe running from Jcugog St ,westerly to the property of Imperial Oil Ltd be named Sturrook Road ani etreet Sign be ! erected. ' " Carried " !Moved by Cr Lathangue seconded by Cr Brough that the duties of the works foreman or !superlntepdant be as follows;l. To oversee completely all outside work and be responSibll immediately to.the roads and streets committee for control of all men and material within the Corporation. 2. l1e will be responsible to thie Committee for expenditure on ithe works. J. .He will 'be responsible for ensuring ttBt works are constructed or Imaintaihed within the estimates and will oo-operate with the Clerk-Treasurer to achieve ; Ithis end. 4. lIis office will be in the Works Jhed end will be responsible for the proper' operation and servicing of vehioles. 5. Construction of sidewalks and pavements are carried out under contraot, Jnow clearing, maintenance of streets, storm sewers, street and road openings, installation of all oulverts will be his responsibility. ~:.AINT].'1NANCE j 1. Winter oontrol. 2 :r.laintenance of' paved and unpaved street s. 3. Storm I.sewers. 4. ~;eohanical e~uipment. 5. street marking, and Traffio zonimg. 6. Polioe '(Traffio signs. 7. Street signs 8. Bridgee. 9. Working in oonjunotion with the 'ublio lroperty and Cemetery Committees for such works as ere deemed to be handled by these departments. " Carried" ",,-- '\7~~,~ I-~-=-:--- ft-7~;~: Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehder that foreman aD a salary of # 3200.00 per annum e s ba si s. On Motion Council adjourned. Counci 1 Room November 5th, 1956 :t.!r Lloyd Q.uinton be engaged as TONn from Nov.~ber 5th, 1956, on a temporarY " Car rled " -~ I 7tL~~ . CleJ I ;tI~-t.' d(~ Mayor. }~ : Council Room.Nov.",ber 20th, 1956 I Special meeting of Counc il was held on above date, members all present the Mayor I presiding end stated t.hat he 'had calll ad the meeting for the purpose of passing By-LaWS. l BY-I.AWS Dp Rv Carruthers asked permission to introduce the following by-laws j_ _ To provide for the conveyance 01' certain streets and lanes and parts of street s in the Town of Bownanville shown on a plan of subd1vision of the Smart Estate rede by L.H. Shortt, Provincial Surveyor, dated April U.th, 1854, which plan is in till Registry : Office for the Itegistry Division of the West Riding of the COl.\nty of Durham to Blake It 7.? I Short, thw owner of all ad,1oining lands. ,~,/_:' To !litlthbrize an iLgreement with the TCM'nship of Darlington respecting the annexation of certain lands in the Township of Darlington. II Granted and read the first time.On mot1onrule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading, the Mayor in the chair. Un committee rising 'the 1:ayor reported the second reading Hit h all blanks fi lled in. By-Laws were then read a second and third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. ~ ((g 37 Ont:otion Council, adjourned. / . 0.{y{( ,-- / 'i .J Clark. !i:ayor. Counoi 1 Room, December~tht 1956 Hegular meeting of Cnuncil was held on above dElte, members all present excepting Cr Scott, tte J\~ayor presidlng. Minutes of ls.st regular and speciel meetings were read and on moti on confirmed. COM1'IJl'1ICATIONS }i'ron Bradford Hoshal Associates T.td, Port Hope in reference to access drive"ay~ and curbs at the entrances to the new post office. ),~oved by Cr Brough seconded by Dp Rv Carrutrers trot according to the specifications contractor is responsible for E 11 repairs to sidewf11ks an: entranoes and that there is a by-law in force pertaining to sidewalks broken bJ. contraotors, end others. ! " Oarrisd " j From Rf:.5._lway .,ASSOciotion of Canada, },;ontreal, in reference to the extension of day-11gh saving time in future year 3. 1:oved b;; Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little thflt Council go on record as favoring no extension of tim.e on day-li€;ht saving, and that the Railway Association be notified accordingly. ' " Carried II I From Onta.rio l:unicipil Boer d., Toronto. enclosing de,cision of the Board in reference to unnexhtion of p8rt of Darlinr;ton TClNnship to the 'fawn of Bowmanville " Rec &: Filed From Bowmanville Chamber of Cornnerce in referenoe to the condition of the reed at the west beach in tte Tro.'nship of Df1rlin€~ton in the area to be ermexed to the Town and tlEt rec0:rJr1.endation be trade to next yeurs Counei 1 to huvs the l'ODd repaired. : t:oved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Brou[i1 that the recommendation to !:eve the roed rapcired, be referred to next yeEtrs Council II Carried" From Bownanville ChaI'J.ber of Commeroe reootmlending that Council give consideration to adopting & licensing SEd control by-law for used oar lot9. l:oved by Bv Little seconded b: Cr Preston tlJ5.t t re letter be received and held ib abeyance El.t the preser,t t 1Me. Il Carried " From Mr George Allchin, L1bertJ-' St lr Offering to purchase the two lots deeded over by him to the Town for park purposes. t:oved by Rv Li ttle seconded by Dp Rv Currutrers th&t :r.:r ~i.llchin be &dvised to submit an offer when the lots are &dverti81E~d :for sale. " Carried" From BOWInflItv'l1e Planning Board in reply to letter referred to trem for the purchase by}:r A.H. Glecoff 179 Ritson Rood Oshewa of sufficient land at the cemetery to give l him 13. proper rocd to his lacdwest of the camet,sry, and r~commending thet no land sold. 1:oved bv Cr Rehder seconded by Cr Brough thet o.':)trike and Jtrike, acting on behalf of . 1 d Mr Glecoff be notified ttat on recoDlfIlendation frorrJ the Planning Bot',rd, that no an ,'~_ be sold. II Carried n