HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/1956 (Special) '-~~~~;';;.;p(~ /~5-!'V(;~. {,.r ~.:;~ ,~ , .,,, 1l..t; 1&.31 ,Lv !Lo ?J ~ Council Room, October 1st. 1956 L.oved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehder thet tbe Police chairmen be instructed to have two constables on Division ~treet between King and Queen Streets fram 12.15 to 12.30 P.M. this week. " Carried II On Motion Council adjourned. &i.v-- l/J!/~ " / Llayor Council Room October 6th, 1956 Specl'll meeting of Council was held onabove date, members all present excepting Gra HiggOD. Rehder and Preston, the Reeve presiding and stated that he md called the meeting for the purpose of; passing a By-~w. i BY-tjJ{ I Dp Rv Carruthers asked permission to introduce a By-Law to provide for th:e: application I by the l:unicipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bovananville to The Municipal Board for an order annexing e certain pe..rt of tre Tov/nship of Darlington to ths Town of Bownanvl1le. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Counc! 1 went into committee of the whole on second ree.di ng the Reeve in the chair. On committee rising the Reeve reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Law WL-S then read e second and third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. On UotioD Council adjourned. ~~ . ... ... J/_j? / en k. !ltJv~ r(lJl~ Acti ng }:ay or. Council Room, October 15th, 1956 Special meeting of Council was held on above date members ullpresent excepting Rv T~ittle and Cr Higgon, the Me-jror presiding and stated that he ~d called the meeting for general bURiness. lIr Howard Corden addressed Council in reference to the installation of culverts on Jane ::~ Stl'eet. 1ioved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr PrAston that the Town of 130wmenville accept all responsibility for culverts and drains pertaining to culverts, installed prior to February 3rd, 1953, but ttBt Elny culvert installed after t:tet date be installed under the terms us set out in this By-Law. " Carried" l':r A.H. Sturrock E.ddressed Council in -reference to grading and vravelling the TONn I parking lot. i 1ioved by Dp Rv Carrutre r9 seconded by end graded. koved by Cr Rehder seconded by Cr JT8ston thst the Roads and authorized to advertise for e. foreman. Cr Broup;h that the Town parking lot be gravelled " Carried 11 Streets Committee be " Carried tI BY-T.AW Dp Bv Carrat.hers asked penr~ission to introduce 8 By-Low to areend BY-Law r-Io 1632. Granted anti read tm first time. On mot ion rule J3'illas sURpended and Council went into committee of the whole on second rending tre 1:ayor in the chair. On cOmMit.tee ris ing the 1Jayor reported the sec0nd reading with all blanks filled in, BJr-La'N was thm read a second and third time, passed end ordered to be signed and saB-led. On ~otion Council adjourned. /,"i'{, "/' I.('~/ l1Qi. Liay or. '''---- -~