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Regular meeting of Council
presiding. ~lnutes of last
Council Room October 1st, 1956
ViaS held on above date, manbers all present the Mayor
regular and special meetings were read and on motion
From Stika and Strike J Tcwn solicitors in reference to the water damage to the
property of l:r H Cornell, Durham St. I
1~r T.V. Kelly, Ospaw8, acting on behalf of l1r Cornell addressed Council in reference tOI
the water daI'lsge to Jo,.:r Cornell's property.
Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that AIr H Cornell be offered $ 250.00
as settlement f~ damages to his prorarty.
lv:oved an Amendment by Cr Preston seconded by Cr Rehder that B contractar' or contraotors
be engaged tJ) inspect tie property of )..:r H Cornell and submit an estimate far replaoing
the floor and report back to Council. " Amendment Carried n
A~oved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Brough that ~;r H Cornell be paid $ 300.00 in full
payment for damages and that tie Tavn be free of any liability now and in the future
and that t:re former motion be rescinded. n Carried tI
From Strike and Strike. Town solicitors in referen:: e to the closing of roads. streets
and lanes in Lot 9, Broken Front end enolosing resolution to be passed by Council.
1ioved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr higgon that J/HEREAS Blake Short, the owner
of tre-t part of original Township Lot number 9 in the broken front concession of the
TrJWnship of Darlington, now within the TONn of Bowmanville ,lying between the southern
limit of Highway 401 and the northern limit of the Canadian national Railway lands, has
applied to tha Council of' the 1~unicipnl Corporation of the Tavn of &1Nmanville to close
all roads, streets, and lanes laid out on t he sel d lands as shCJNn on a plan filed in th
l<egistry office for the county of Durhfllll on tie 4th day of tIay. 1858, by L.ll. Short,
P.L.S. for John Smart and now on file in the Registry office for the Nest Riding of the
County of Durham. Ar;D NHEREAS tiE Bald roads, streets and lanes have never bean opened
or assUI:led for public use by the Corporation of the TON!1 of Bowmanville and have in
f'act been fenced and worked by the said Blake Short and his predecessors in title for
lT~P.y years. AND -tmEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the TONn of Bownan vil1s on
the advice of its solicitors deems it advisable to ll1E'.ke application to the Judge of
the County Court of the United Counties of NorthumberlarJd and Durham for an order
permamently Closing the said roads, s treats and lanes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED
that the Council of the A;unicipal Corporation of the Town of Bo,ananvills apply to the
Judge of t he Count)' Court of t IE United Oountie s of Northumberland and Durham under
I section 90 of The Rgistry Act R.S.O for an order closing the s~id roads, streets andl
lanes and that a conveyance thereof b3 granted to the said Blake Short upon such order
being obtained, and trot the !rlayor and Clerk be, and are hereby authorized to sign add
execute all necessary documents in oonnection with tm application, provided that all
expenses of the e.pplication shall be paid by Blake Short. " Carried"
From :Miss Ethel l:cKague, Chairman of the Inte rnatianal Committee B &; P club, a.sking
permission to hold a Tag Day in aid of the International United Nations Children's
Fund on Friday Oct 26th end saturday Oct 27th.
h':oved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr Broug11 that permission be granted. " Carried"
From t,:r O.J. Presson, lresident of BOmlftnville Boy Scouts, aSking permission to hold
Apple Tag Day on Saturday October 20th.
Moved by hv Little seconded by Cr Brough that permission be E"ranted. n Carried"
1;oved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr l-'reston that the iollowing organizations te rermitted ,
to hold an an!1ual Tag Day or similar solicitation for funds, by application to the I
Clerk~- KinsmEn Club, A~emorial l'ark i:.,ssooiation, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, C~N. Insitute
for the Blin(l, Caredian Legion, Memorial Hospital, UalvEltion j;rmy, Franklin Park Asso
and B & P Womens Club. and tllit tlE Clerk take car of all the details of permission
and tlJ3.t any organization not mentioned on the list must makB application to Council
to be included on the list. tI Carried"
From City Clerk, Brantford enclosing resolution Objecting to the instllation of
additional headlights on cers and truck and requesting endorsation orCounc!l.
" Rec & Filed
From ],:r L.W. Dippell, Principal of the High School, requesting that action be taken
in installing II No Frking during School Hours" in front of the High Bohocl.
1loved by Gr Jcott seconded by Cr PrE'! ston that tir Dippell be advi sed that the signs
will be enectee as soon as possible. " Carried It
From Co-Operative Commonwealth Feder~tlon enclosing resolution on ~unicipal finances
and requesting the endorsation of Council~ " Rec & Filed It
From Bay of Quinte Funeral Directors Asso, FrEl.nkford, requesting toot tb3 rates
allowed fer indigent funerals l:e raised~
I }.;oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston thflt the letter be received, filed and
\ answered. " Carried II
~ /
?- i:m
Counci 1 doom, October 1st, 1956
From Departmen t of Highways I Trn,=,nto, enclosing copy of audit report on road
expenditures for 1955.
Moved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr J.athangue
tind street s co:mm.l ttee.
From Consumers GaB Co Ltd, Toronto enclosing copy of
Fuel Boar d for reduction in rates.
From Community Planning Association, Ottawa advising
Ottawa on Oct 28th to 31st.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Higp,on that the letter be referred to the Planning
Board.. "Carried rt
From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of a patient being admitted to Bownlfmville
l:emoriel Hospital IT Ree & Filed If
From l:r James Stutt rS(1uesting the removal of trees on Elgin St in trent of the
property of ~rs R.J. Stutt.
1:oved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehder that the re1uest be referred to the Public
Property Committee with power to act. " Carried 11
From t:r R Watt, Chairman Cotm'lunity },Iemoriel Arena Committee, thanking Council for
their co-operation in c leering up t re re rking problem and pOlic lng at the .Arena e
" Rec & Filed It
From Do~lnion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa enclosing report of census of the Town
i for 1956. " Ree & Filed tr
I From tIr '1/19.1 ter Hately, stating that he 'Nould no longer be responsible far looking after
the equipn:ent on the fire trucks after Sept 29th.
},;oved by Hv Little seconded 'by Cr Brough tlnt the letter be held in abeyance and that
tb3 fire committee bring in a recommendation in regard to looking after the equipment
at the next meeting of Councile tI Carried"
From )..lr Keith Connell and others petitioning for the construction of a 'Natermain from
tbe property of l~r Leslie :Jmale to 1077 feet east.
l;oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that the petition
being sufficiently signed, be accepted and referred to the Public
that the report be referred to the roads
" Car ried "
appli cation submitted to Onte ri 0
" Rec & Filed "
of 9>oonference to be held in
being certified as
Uti lit iea Commiasi on.
n Carried "
I from Dp.vmham Nurseries Co petitioning for the construction of a watermai n and sanitary
I sewer on Frank St e
: Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Rehder that the petitions, being notsufficientl
signed be referred bac k to tlB Downham Ntrseriese " Carried It
Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from the Finance Committee submitting sundry
accounts amounting to $ 19,589.10 and Public School BUilding accounts amounting to
$ 11,40ge65, certified as being correct and reconnnending p:iymente "Rec & Adopted"
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that the Town employees be offered
o"...erege for hospitalization and doct,or fees on a basis of 50 % to be paid by the
Town and 50 % by the employee Ell d that the Town cover all town employees with" life
insurEllce policy for $ <,000.00, preDliums to be paid by the Town and that the finEllce
committee be empowered to ce.rry the plnn through. " Carried "
}loved by Cr Broueh seconded by Cr T..athangue that the crOSSing guard be moved from King
and Liberty Streets to King and Lambert Streets, when the sidewalk on Lanbert street
is cOI!lpleted. ". Carried"
l:oved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr I,atbangue that pt'oJ>lr white Sam Brown belts and
proper caps be provided for the school crossing guards. rr Carried"
t::oved by Or Brough seconded by Or Rehder that the Clerk be instructed to apply for"
statuary grant for road expenditures up to August 31st, 1956 e " Carried
Moved by Or Rehder seoonded by Or Riggen that the Fire Brigade be granted $ 67.50 II
being 50 % of E..mount received from outside fires. " Carried
II, /1 ~ 1 Rv Little asked permission to introduce tbe following B-Laws;
'-'tf \D:;;O<- To provide for the holding of l:unicipa.l electi ons.
112~ _'~ To authorize tre construction of Local Improvtlllents.
..... '~Granted and read the first time. On !i.lotian rule 33 was suspended and Council went into
, committee or the whole on second reading, the II-layor in the chaire On committee rising
l'tiEI Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled In. By-Laws were then
read a seeom mld third time, I6ssed end ordered to be signed and sealed.
h:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Or Preston that tre Frank Cowan Company be asked
I to prepare an insuranoo survey for ell the tcwn owned prol)srty and hazards and t~t
the various boards be e.sked to co-operate, the survey to be submitted without obligatio
to t h3 TONn. It Carried n
,!i;oved by Dp Rv car~{~l!.COnded by Rv: .L).t,tle that the Clert<: be instructed to send
I , T JlJJd.<.IfI'''iV 6 c"
-..$ 100.00 to Oshawa Planning _as Qua. for 195 . " arried
y .~ii'i'
.,~ ~ .;' "
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Council Room, October 1st. 1956
~oved by Cr Brough. seconded by Cr Rehder that the POlice chairman be instructed to
have two constables on Division ~treet between King end Queen Streets from 12.15 to
12.30 P.M. this week. 11 Carried"
On Motion Council adjourned.
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" Cl rk." /
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Council Room October 6th, 1956
Spec:tsl meeting of Council was held onabove datet members all present excepting era
Higgon, Rehder and Preston, the Reeve presiding and stated that he bid called the
meeting for the purpose of! passing a By-Law.
Dp Rv Carruthers asked permisslon to introduoe a By-Law to
by the }'iunlci pal Council of the Corporation of the Town of
Board for an order annexing e certain pert of t re Township
of B0Wl1ar.vl11e.
Granted and read the first t,ime. On motion rule JJ was suspended and Council went
into committee of the whole on second rending the Reeve in the Chair. On committee
ri sing th e Reeve re ported the second reaM ng wit h all blanks fi lIed in. By-Law Wt.,g
tren read 8 second and third timet pessed and ordered to be signed and sealed.
;1,(Jtr-' l-CJJI'2-.-,
provide for th~ application
Boman vi lle to The ~:unicipal
of Darl ington to tlB Town
On :Motion Council adJourned.
ej~? /
Acting Mayor.
Council Room, October 15th, 1956
Special meeting of Council was held. on above date members allpresent excepting Rv
J~ittle and Or Higgon, the l\'!e.yor presiding and stated that he had called the meeting
for general business.
1:r Howard Corden addressed Council in reference to the installation of culverts on Jane S'
I A:oved by Cr Scott seconded by Or Prftston that the Town of Dowmenville accept all
I' responsibility for culverts ani drains pertaining to culverts, installed prior to
February 3rd, 1953, but tret any culvert installed after trot date be installed under
the terms ns set out in this By-law. Il Carried"
I ~':r A.H. Sturrock addressed Council in reference to grading and f;ravelling the Tcmn
I parking lot.
i Aioved by Dp Rv Carrutre rs secrmded
i and graded.
i 1:oved by Cr Rehder seconded by Cr Preston that ths Roads and
I authorized to advertise for e foreman.
+Dp Rv Carruthers asked permission to introduce a By-I,ClYl to att.end BY-Law No 1632.
I Grented e.nd read t:re first time. On motion rule 3J";';8S sU8pended and Council went into
i comit tee of the whole on second reeding t re 1:ayor in the c hai r. On C0ITlI'11 ttee ris ing
the 1iayor reported the secrmd reading with all blanks filled in, BJr-Law was thm read
e. second end third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed.
by Cr Brough that the Town parking lot
be gravelled
" Carried II
Streets Committee be
" Carried "
On ~otion Council adjourned.
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tlay or.