HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/04/1956
. ":::;'::"L r='~" ,. ~, ~,
~~;,' Regular meeting of Council was held on above da~:u:;,i;.,~~:lr'~;:~~ ~:'M;;~
"" presiding. Minutes of la st ref,u1ar meeting were read and on motion confirmed.
From Mr and Mrs Carl Devitt and 50 at !>Ir residents of Jane St. Flett St and Southws;y
Drive petitioning Council to biVe a sidewalk constructed on the east side of Liberty
St from Queen to King St and fran King to Church St and tp place a srossing guard at
tha corner of King and Liberty Streets for children attaending Vincent Massey Selloo1.
Moved by Rv Litt1a seconded by Cr Preston that the request be referred to tlll roads
and streets to inveetigata and bring in a report in regard to the sidewalk.
" CarrIed "
Moved by Cr Riggon seconded by Cr Rehder t lilt tha Police Committee !>I authorized. to
inveetigate tlll hiring of a crOSSing guard for King and Liberty Streets until traffic
lights are adjusted. " Carr ied "
Moved by Cr Seott seconded by Cr Brough that Mr James Kable be hired as a crossing
guard on a temporary basis at King and Uberty Street s at a rate of $ 40.00 per month.
" Carried n
his house as a result of
From ~!r Raro1d R Cornell, 18 DurhElt St claiming damages to
flOOding from Duke St.
Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Brough t lilt the insuranoe
in the morning to sem a representative to Investllfite and
the n Council will consider tlll complaint.
From Chamber of Comm....oe enauiring as to land owned by the
Ontario and Liberty Streets.
Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Rv Little tbe t the... ttar be referred back tb the
Chamber of Commerce to find out what land is available and t!>l n sulmit a definite plan.
" Carried"
From Chamber of Commerce congratulating Council for 1na1lguration Municipal garbege
collection and a system of rat control and suggesting that Council investigate the
possibilities of an anatber site for tbl dump and if the dump is moved t!Jl.t the present
dump be closed, covered with earth and seeded.
Moved by Dp Rv Carrut hers seconded by Cr Preston that the Publio Prop... ty Committee be
instructed to stUdy the recommendations and report back to Council. " Carried"
From H.W. Rishon Construction Ltd, Kitchener confirming pr!oes for gravel and aand.
" Reo &. Filed n
From Northumber1and-Durh... Real th Unit, Cobourg enClosing report for July.
" Reo &. Filed It
From the Manager. Bank of Montreal stating that the int..rest rate on loans would be
increased to 5 %. . Reo & Filed .
From Eleeotrioal Contraotors Aaso of Ontario, Toronto in reference to Fire Prevention
week. " Reo &. FLIed n
From Counties C1er k, Cobourg enclosing oopy of by-law to license, regulate and govern
sa1vs8l shops second hand goodS shops and dealers in second ham goods.
Moved by Rv LIttle seconded by Cr Scott tlJit the by-law be laid on tlll table for
inspect! on. t'I Can" led "
1,0', 1 Ie',' :~: c REPORTS
Moved by Cr Riggon seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the special garbage committee be
disbanded. " Oarried >>
Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Riggon t!Jl. t the que stion of hiring a Town Manager for
the '!'<lWn of Bol"mlanvil>le be submitted to thai-lectors at the next municipe1 election
in Decemb.... 1956~ . Carried .
DpaRv Carruthers reported for tlll spaoial cOllllllittee appointed to: investigate tha
roadway running from Quean St to C.N.R.Yards as follows;-
1. '!'hat t he open gradt! crossing be maintained by the C.N.R. 2. That the roadway be
known as Devitt's Lane. 3. That :bIB present boundaries be not changed. 4. That the
lane be gravelled ready for paving in 1957 end curbs taken off on Queen St.
5. .hat telephone pole on Queen St be movsd as requested to Bell Telephone Co
6. That the lane be open to two lane traffic. 7 'fhat the Planning Board be requested to
InvBstlgat e an alternati V8 route.
AND moved seconded by Cr Scott that the recommendations of ths special cOlllllittee be
adopted. n Carried "
Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report !ran tha finance oOl3llittee submitting sundry
accounts amounting to $ 16,829.16 and jlublic School Building accounts amounting to
i $ 1,668.20 certified as being correct and recommending paymlllt. . Reo & Adopted'
I' Moved by Cr Rehder seconded by Hv Little that I4r A Ruitar be psi d $ 60.00 for services
as car etaker of the fire !Jl.ll up to Sept 30th and that the fire committee be
! instructed to bring in a recommendation in regard to a caretaker for ths fire !Jill.
1\ " Carried n
agent be contacted by phone
if no claim is allowed
" Ca.rr led "
Town at the corner ot
.~ rrA:(' '
, ? ~~~~
JkzlC.3} j
COUllC il Room September 4th, 1956
Rv Little asked parmission to introduce a By-Law to amend By-Law No 1626.
Granted and read till first tima. On motion rule JJ was wap8n<lGd and Council went Ato
committee of the whole oli second reading till; Mayor in the chair. On committee rising
till Mayor reported the second reading with all blanka filled in. By-Law was till n read
a second and third t 1me, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed.
On Motion Council ad .1ourned.
v/ / 1:::
Mayor .
Council Room, Ssptember 17th, 1956
Special meeting of Council was mId on above date, members all present excepting Rv
Little Crs Scott end Riggon, the !lay or , presiding and stated tmt he had called the
meeting far general business.
koved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr '"reston that the matter of the liability of
the Town for damages to t he property of Mr H Cornell, Durham St, be referred to tba
'l'avn Bolicltcr far his opinion. " Carried"
Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehder that the roads and str6Ats committee be
authorized to construct a cinder sidewalk on the east side of tambert:St from Prince
St to th3 south end of the present sidewalk on Lambert St and on the east side of
Lambert St from Ki~ St to Church St, for the usa of the pupils attending the Vincent
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,,/ Clerk. Mayor.