HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/07/1956 '";~~J:,( r~-- ...... ......... ... ....... ........ - ...... .. ...-~o~noilR~O~,~~gUst ;t~, 195~ V i:if: Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Cr ,~~ . Preston, the Mayor presiding. Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and on motion confirmed. COlIMUNICATIONS From Strike and Strike, in reference to the stopping up of road allowances between lots 8 and 9 Broken Front Concession, Township of Darlington, and the stopping up Roads, Streets and Lanes in lot 9. Broken Front conoession. Darlington. now in the Town of Bowrnanvl11e and enclosing notices conoerning the closing of both Mearns Ave and the i streets on the Short Property to be publ1$hed in the Statesman for four consecutive weekr oommencing in the issue of Thursday August 9th. From Mr L.C. Mason acting on behalf of Mr Blake Short. making application to have the road ellowances closed between lots 8 and 9 in the Broken Eront Concession and the stopping up of roads, streets and lanes in lot 9 Broken Front Concession. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little thatiffiEREAS Blake Short, the OWMr of I that part of Original Township Lot Number 9 in the Broken Front Conoession of the ITownship of DArlington. now within the Town of Bowmanvills. lying between the southern [l1rr,it of' fIighway 1T0 401 and the northern limit of the Canadian NAtional Railway lands, iand Clarence Soper, the owner of that pert of Township Lot Number 8 in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Darlington lying between the limits of Highway 401 and Ithe Canadian NAtional Railway Lands, have applied to the Counoil of the ~:unioipal [Corporation of' the Town of Bowmanville to pass a by-law stopping up the original 'Iallowance for roed between lots 8 and 9 in the Broken Front Concession, ( commonly known ,as lIeerns Ave ) running from the sout hern limit of Highway 401 to the northern limit , 'of the Canadian National Railway Lands, a."'D '/ffiERFJ...S the sa! d original allowance for road i ,has never been opened or assumed for public usea-1ther by the Corporation of the Town lof Bowmanville or TownRhip of Darlington and has in fact been fenced and worked by the iadjacent owners and their predecessors in title for many years; NOW THEREF('IRE BE IT fRESOLVED that the Counoil of the !'unicipal Corporation of the Town of Bowrnanville 'approves in principle the stopping up of the said allowance for road, and BE IT FURTHER ,RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized to give suoh notice of the stopping up of the .aid ~'Original allowance for road as the Town Solicitor slEIl advise upon the paYI!)E!Int by the said owners of the reasonable expenses involved. fI Carried" Toved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Brou!',h that ./ffil'REAS it haB been made to Appear before the Counoil of the !Tunicipal Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville that an applioation J, play be made to the .Judge of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, by Blake IShort as owner of that part of Lot tTumber 9 in the Broken Front Concession of the ~ownshlp of Darlington, now within the limits of the Town of Bommnville, lying between Ithe southern limit of Highway 401 and the northern limit or the Canadian NBtional Railwa ; lands, under the provisions of The Registry Act, R.S.O. 1950. Ch.JJ6, Seo.89, for an erder and directions permamently closing up all roads, street s and lanes as shown laid put upon the said lands by a plan filed in the Regisl>ry Office for the County of Durham bn the 4th day of May, 1858, by L.H. Short, P.J"S. for John :omart, said plan now on file fin the Registry Office for th e west riding of the County of Durham,; aND .NIlEREAS the ! said roads, streets end lanes have navEl[" been opened or assumed for public use by the i par-poration of the Town of BO'M[l.anvi lIe and have 1n fact been fenced and worked by the 1 1". aid Blake Short an d his predessors in title for ma/lyyears;, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE ~hat in the event of such applioation as aforesaid the Corporation of the Munioipality ~f Bowmanville do approve of such application and ot'the vesting of suoh roads, streets, I ". nd lanes in the said Rlake Short and do consent to suoh application, and that the Mayor I and Clerk of' the 1funioipal Corporation of Bowmanville, be and they are mreby authorized to sign and exeoute all documents to effectuate such oonsent and to affix thereto the Corporate Seal as ms.y be required. " Carried n I t:oved by Or Rehder seconded by Cr Hip,gon that NHEREAS Blake Short, the owner of that part of original Township J~ot number 9 in tbe Broken Fl'ont Conce3sior. at' thl:'" 1'lTNT,ship pf Darlington now wi thin the 11m! ts of th" Town of BO'Nlnanvi lIe lying between the southern )limit of Highway 401 and the northern limit of the Canadian National Railway lands, has l>ppl1ed to the Council of the l:unicipal Corporation of the Town of BO'MTIanville, to pass , e. by-law stopping up all roads, streets and lanes as laid out on said lands and as shown on a plan filed in the Registry Office for the County of Durham on the 4th day of May, ~858 by L.H. Short, P.L.S. for John Smart, said plan now on f'ile in the Registry Offioe foe the 'Nest Riding of the County of I:urham,; AND ~lHEREAS the said roads. streets, and tanes have never be en opened or assumed for public USe by the Corporation of the Town ~r Bowmanville and have in faot been fenced and worked by the sai d Blake Short and his predeoessors in title for many years; rrml THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Counc 11 of the !;unicipal Corporation of the Talm of BowmanviUe approves in prinoiple of the stoppin tp of rhe said roads, streets and lanes; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk be '~orized to ~i ve Buch notioe of ~he stopping up of the sa id roads, streets and lanes 1 , I .~~ ra.t:Town Solioitor .hall advl..,~pon pa~ent b;o~~~i;a~~o~n~~~~.~~t~~a;~~~bl. ~..," expenses involved. " Carried" Mr A.A.H. Strike addr....d Counoil on b.half of Mrs Ir.n. Terry, r.qu.sting that the part of Brown Street between Victoria and Liberty Streets be stopped up. l:oved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Brough that NHEREAS Mrs lrene Terry, owner of lands and pramises at the Corb.r of N.lson and Liberty Streets in ths Town of BowmanvJ.l1e has been in open possession of e part of Brown Street at it intersection with Liberty Stre.t ,AND IlHEREAS other own.r. of land immediat.ly to the North of the land own.d by ),fra Irene Terry have been in open and peaceful possession of a part of Brown street and have in fact built houses on Brown Street; AND 1lfu.~EAS the said Irene Terry bas appli.d to the Council of the TONn of BowmanvJ.l1. to: pass a by-law olosing that part of BrONn Strs.t lyiJ.g immediat.ly to the .ast of her lands and pr.mi.e.; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that'th. Counoil of the Munioipality of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville approves in principle the closing of that part of Brown Street between the I .outh.rly limit of Victoria Str..t and the .a.terly limit of Lib.rty Str..t and tlo. ' granting of conveyances to Irene Terry and other owners of that part of Brown Street r I th.y now Oooupy,at th.ir .xp.n.e; and BE IT FURTHER RESor,Vl!.'D that the Clerk ba authorize to have notio. that Counoil will gi ve oon.id.ration to the pa.sing of a by-law olo.ing [the .aid part of Brown Str..t any tim. after the 6th day of Sapt.mber, 1956, publi.h.d in the Canadian Statesman commencing with the August 9th issue and continuing for 3 'issues thereafter. It Carried" !;ov.d by Cr Brough second.d by Cr R.hdar that the Clerk b. aUllhoriz.d to in..rt an !advertisement in the Canadian Statesman for 4. consecutive weeks stating that Council ,int.nd to olo.e that part of Oroherdvi.w Blvd running .outh.rly from Southway Drive a Idistance of 115 feet and to pass a By-Law accordingly. " Carried" !v:r A.A.H Strike addressed Council in reference to the purchase of lands for parking purposes. ~oV.d by Cr Scott ..conded by Dp Rv Carruth.r. that Council authorize the payment of !not more than $ 2500.00 far 8 parcels of land as presented by Strike and Strike, Town Lsolicitors. " Carried It 1 Moved by Dp Bv Carruthers seconded by Or Lathangue that the surveYDDt s expenses for ,~urv.ying the prop.rti.. in .xc..s of $ 100.00, form.rly authoriz.d, he p.id. " Carri.d " lI/.lr liarvln Allin, Simpson Ave, addressed Council in reference to making use of the land , tdeeded to the TONn on the Flett sub-division, ;lfor park purposes. l:ov.d by Cr Soott ..oond.d by Dp Rv Carruthers that the .al. of the land b. l.ft in ab.yanoa untilllr Allin aoo hi. committ.. suhmit a d.finit. plan for a park and play ~round on the Flett subdivis ion property. " Carried" !From Mr Thomas Brookham,60 Queen St, requesting the removal 01' a tree in front of his I property. 'l;ovaO by Rv Littl. s.oond.d by Cr Higgan that Prop.rty Committ.. wit" powar to ac t. jFrom Kinsmen Club a.king permission to hold a tog day in aid of the ion Friday Sept 7th and saturday Sept 8th. jMoved by Cr Riggon seconded by Cr Brou$ that permission be granted if the dates do not contlloctwlth other tag days. n Carried" From Capt Wm L Brown, salvation Army thanking Council for the use of the Town Hall for ;Band ooncert, free of charge. " Bee & Filed" iFrom Cbier S Venton recommending the erection of signs at various locations. !Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Rehder that the recommendations of Chlat VentoD be accepted. n Ce:rried '1 From Fire Marshall, Toronto advising of a regional fire school to be held in Oshawa Ifrom Aug 27th to 3l.t. [Moved by Cr Riggan seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the letter be referred to the Fire Connnittee with power to act. " Carried " From Northumberland_Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, enclosing monthly report for g~e. fI Rec & FlIed " 'From Ontario Uunicipal Board, Toronto enClOSing order on restricted area By-taw No 1612. I " Rec &. Filed" 'From Departm.nt of Munioipal Aftiar., Toronto .nclo.ing ch.qu. for $ 11,165.00 for per capita grant for 1956. n Rec &. Filed " iFrom Municipal World, St Thoms, in reference to renewal for l'Iunioipal Norld. It Reo &. Filed It I ' REPORTS Bp Rv Carruthers presented e report from the finance committee SUbmitting sundry ,aooount. amounting to $ 25,154.12 and publio ..0 hool building aocounts amounti:Jg to .\'. 20,421.80, oartifi.d a. b.ing corr.ot and r.comm.nding paym.nt~ \ n Bee &. Adopted " ~ . . the request be referred to the Public " Carried It artifioial 10. fund '$~J~ Ih:ove~bYRVLit~le seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers t~~n~~~u~~o~in~~s;e~~ts 1~~6r ead in I ,', total. " Carried" i t:oved by Or Brough seconded by Cr Scott that the roads and streets cOImllittee be I authorized to purchase 1000 tons of crushed gravel at a price of 95~ per ton, delivered,l 100 tons of sand at a price of 75rt rar ton, and to draw up contract for asphalt paVing. rt Carried tt granted $ 135.00, " Carried II ~, ILD / L,. ?''-' Moved by Cr Hehder seconded by Cr Higgon toot the f1 re brigade be being 50 % of money received far outside fires. HY - T.A.'II Dp Rv Carruthers asked pennission to introduoe a by-law granting a right-of-way over certain lands owned by tlE Corporation. Granted and read ths first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and CounelJ went into oommittee of the whole on second reading, the lo.!ayor in the Chair. On committee rising the h'ayor reported the eecond reading with all blanks filled in. By-Lew was then read a second and third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. l[oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Rehder that l:r K.N. ~rorris be appointed general manager of the Centennial Committee and that Rv Little and Cr Preston be ~ppointed as marchers from Council' on the com:mittee. " Carried" Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seCOnded)y Cr Rehder that the Clerk be instructed to prepare a by-law prohibiting theburnlng 0'6' gartage. " Carried n On 1!otion Council ad jour-ned. ~4,y" / Clerk. Mayor. " i \ .~------ I ~