HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/03/1956
Cou"" il Room, July Srd, 1956
Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Cr
Scott, the Mayor presiding. Minutes of last regular and special meetings wera read
and on motion confirmed.
Mr Douglas Rigg, Reoreation direotor, addressed Council in reference to holding the
little N.R.L hockey tournament in the TONn in 1958.
Moved by Cr Preston saconded by Rv Litt1a tlllt the Clerk be instructed to write to
Mr Len Ew1ee, secretary extending an invitation to hold the little N.R.L tournament in
Bowmanville at Ee.ster time in 1958. " Carried "
From Strike and Strike, Town solioitors in reference to operator of out of Town 1unoh
truc k.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Riggen that tho
latter be laid on the tabla.
t1' Carried ".
lane running from ~ueen St
From Strike and Strike , Town solicitors in referenoe to
to C.N.R. freight yards.
Moved by Rv Litt1a seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the letter be 1e.id on the table
until petition is reoeived frOl'l adjaoent residents petitioninll for the olosing of tho
Moved an Amendment by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Lathangue that an advertisement be
inl&rted in the Statesman stating that the Town intends to olose the roadway to
vehiou1ar traffic and that Monday July 30th e.t 8.00 P.M. D.S.T. be set to hear any
oomplaints. " Amendment Carried II
From Department of Highways, Toronto approving of road expenditures by-law No 1615
amounting to $ 31,000.00 " Reo &0 Filed"
From Department of Planning and Developtlent, Toront 0 in reference to the transfer of
park aree. in Flett sUbdivision to the Town, and requesting further information.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that the Mayor and Clerk be instruoted
to supply them with the neoeseary information. " Carried"
, From Bowme.nv1lle Chamber of Commerce, reque sting that all dumping in tha area west of
I the Arene. be forbidden and the.t all money received from tha sale of land in
. SUbdivisions be used for the purchase of land for park purposes. "Reo & Filed"
From Mr W.E. Rundle, Clerk of the TownShip of De.rlington, stating the.t letter in
referenoe to tha e.ppointment of. u dog oatoher for both munioipalities had be en laid
on the table for further tpneideratiQn. Reo &0 Filed"
!"rom Mr Murray Larlll!lr seoretary of tho KinSlll!ln Club aSking permission to olose
Temperanoe St between Church end King Streete on Friday eveneing July 27th for the
purpose of holding a Bingo game and :for refreshment booths.
Moved by Cr Rehder e eoonded by Cr Lathangue that permission be granted. "Carried"
From Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg eno10sing report for MaY 1956.
" Reo & Filed' "
of a tree in front of
From A~ Thomas Connors,10 Liberty
his propoorty.
Moved by Cr Preston seoondell by Cr Lathangue that the request be referred to the
Publio Froperty Committee with power to aot. " Carried"
From ~:rs F10renoe C.r1ton, West Beaoh stating that holes had been left on the beach
after gravel had been removed and requesting that the holes be filled in.
Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr HiglPn that the request be referred to the roads and
streets oommittee with power to aot. " Carried"
From l1r Ceorge Totten, Counties Road engineer, CObourg ststaing that Liberty St ""uld
be re-surfaoed from King St north and requesting that the manholes and we.ter shit offs
re raised tow inches. " Rec & Filed"
From )/,r Hennan Fioe, Waverly Road in reference to the installation of a oulvert in
front of his property.
:L1oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Or Brough that the mtter be referred to the
roads and streets c onnnittee w1.th power to aot. tI Carried"
From Counties Clerk, Cobourg. eno10sing oopy of by-law setting the equalized
assessment rates for 1957. " Ree & Filed"
From Mr Edward Bird, offering $ 400.00 fOr the road a110wanoe lot on Ontario st.
From ~ George J Elliott offering $ 300.00 for the road e.llowanoe lot on Ontario St.
From Mr F Chanbonnee.u Offering' 300.00 for the reed a110wanoe lot on Duke St.
Moved by Cr Brough seoonded by Cr Higgen the.t tho lot on Onter io St be sold to Mr
Edwe.rd Bird for tho sum of $ 400.00 and the lot on Duke St be so 1d to Jr.r F Charbonnee.u
for the sum of . 300.00 b'ling the highest offers reoeived. " Carried"
From Downham Nurseries an4' others petitioning for the oonst.ruction Of.& watermain.Oj'
St George St from King St to Queen St.
Moved by Cr Higgen seoonded by Cr Preston the.t the petition , oertified as being
\..suffioient1Y signed, be referred to the IUblio Utilities Commission. " Carried n
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St S requesti ng the remove.1
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'~J:omMr BarrYMaSO~, High ~t petitioning;orthe o~~~~~~~t~~:~/~l~e~~~i ;i~walk in
'," ! front of his property.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that the petition, being oertified
as being sUffioiently signed, be acoepted and that Mr Mason be notified that he wi 11
be liable for the total cost of construction. II Carried II
Dp Rv C&rruthers presented a report from the Finance Committee submitting sundry
accounts amounting to $ 6568.43 and Public School building accounts amounting to
$ 294.78, certified as being oorrect and recommending payment. " Rec !o Adopted"
Moved by Cr Rehder second ed by Cr Higgen that the fire brigade be granted. 135,00
being: 50 % of money received from outside fires. II Carried"
Rv Ll ttle a eked permission to introduce the following by-laws;
To provide for application by the Municipal Council to the Municipal Board for an order
annexing a certain part of the Townehip of Darlington to the Town of Bowmanville.
ror the appointment of an inspector undGr the Trenoh Excavators Protection Aot.
Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into
committee of' the whole on second reading, the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising
the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filUd in. By-Law. were then
read a second and third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed.
The By-L w to smend tbe zoning By-LaW No 1587 was given the third reading, pae.ed and
ordered ~o be signed and sealed.
On Motion Council adjourned.
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Council Room, July 31st, 1956
Special meeting of Counoil was held on above date, mEmbers all present excepting Cn
.H.ehder, the :Mayor presiding and stated that he bad called the meeting to consider
olosing the roadway from Queen St to C.N.R. freight yard. !
Letters were received tram Mr E.V. Osborne, Mr Sidney Tomlinson, Sheppard and Gill Lum r
Co Ltd, Berklnshaw, Kennedy and Robinette, Toronto2 acting for Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Co Ltd, Hoar Transport Co Ltd, John a HolEfite and ~on, and Bowmanvills Chflllter of
Com.eree reque sting Coune! 1 to keep the roadway open.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the evidence presented by letters J
and representation show that the US e ot subject road is necessary by the industries
concerned, to Dame a tew; Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co Ltd,;John A HOlgate & Son,
Sheppard &. Gill Lumber Co Ltd, E.V. Osborne, and Canadian National Railways,
so be it resolved that;-
1. The road to remain open. 2. The road to be given a Jroper street mme ( sugges
Devitt Lane) 3. The road to'be paved. 4. That th"e C.N.R. be requested to mai'1lt
maintain proper track crOSSings. 5. That the road as Il9med be frontage tax exeiP
if left as is and remain tax: frontage free if no lots be sold from this frontage
It' and when lots are sold the lots be taxed as regulation Town lots.
" Carried tt
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Or Braud! that the Mayor appoint a connnittee to
investigate and recommem ImproT'ements for the road way leading from Queen St to C.N.H.
freight yards, and report back t.o Council. tI Carried "
The Mayor appointed Dp Rv Carrurhers, Ors Brough and Scott with a suggestion that two
members from the Chamber of Commerce and on member trom the Planning Board be
requested to Bct with tIEl Connnittee to discuss that matters of r.erking, a survey of the
road, improvements to tiE road, alternate road and removal of a telephone pole on
Queen St, Dp Rv Carruthers to Bo t as chairman of the Committee.
Moved by Rv 11 ttle seconded by Cr Brough that the Mayor issue a proclamation declarln~
Monday August 6th as Civic Holiday. " Carried
On Motion Council ad journed.
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