HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/26/1956 (Special)
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Council Roam, June 21st, 1956
Speclal meeting of Council was held on above elate, members all present the Mayor
presiding end sta ted that he had called the meeting for general business.
Tenders were received from Anger Brothers, and A Belko and Son for the construction of
sidewal ks.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded bj' Or })reston that the tender of A Belko and SOn
be accepted subject to 3000 lb test and TCMln specifications, being the lowest tender
received. n Carried"
From Chief S Venton sUbmitting recolllI:lendations pertaining to the traffic by-law and
Moved bJ' Dr Rehder seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that Chief Venton- s recommendation be
acoepted that a three hour parking limit be enforced on the south sIde of Queen at
from Temperance to Ontario St and that a "No parking from here to corner " sign be
placed on tbe south side of '1ueen St at the corner of Ontario St,opposite the property I.
of 1:r A.T. Fletcher. " Carried It
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Rehder that no action be taken on Chief Ve~tont ~
recommendation in regard to parking in the prposed parking lot. ,11 Carried
Applications were received for the posiM on of' Police constable.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that none of tbe applications for a full time
police constable be accepted. It Carried n
Moved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr Hehdar that Mr B.R. Kitney be hired as a part time
const€lble and that the necessary equiJlllent be purchased. " Carried"
Moved by Cr Hicgon seconded by Cr Scott that a vacuum cleaner be purchased for use
i in the Town Hall. 11 Car ried "
Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Brough that the Clerk be instructed to find out the
east boundary of the Town north of Highway No 2 on King St East. " C.,rried "
Moved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr Hie"1>n that the Clerk be instructed to ascertain
1'rom the Town solie itor i1' license can be charged for out of town lunch truck.
It Carr ied II
Moved b~r Cr Scott secopded bv Cr Preston that residents of the Base Line east be
notified that corrugated steel culverts must be installed in the ditch opposite their
properties for entrance purposes. " Carried"
On Motion Council ad journed.
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Council Room, June 26th, 1956
Special meetlng of Council was held on above date, members all pt"6sent excepting Rv
Little and Cr .scott, t.he Ma~1ar presiding a[!.d stated that he had called tr..e meeting
to pass & by-law for garbage collection.
From Strike and Strike. tONn solicitors In reference to the garbage collection Br-LRw.
11 Reo .& Filed It
Dp Rv Carrut.hers asked J:ermlssi on to Introduc e the follo.o.ring by-laws i
To establish and maintain a system for the collection, removal and disposal of ashes
garbege J and other refuse in the Town of BOViln8.oville.
'1'0 ampnd By-I,aw No 1605 and repeal By-I, w 1'0 1621
Granted- ana. read the first time. On l!ot~on;rule 33 was suspended and Council went into
committee of the whole on s ecend reading, the Meyer in the chair. On committee rising
, the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Laws were then
read a second and third time, passed &nd t")rdered to be signed. and sealed.
t:oved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr Broueh that the fees or ra'''es for garrege collection
be collected by the Public UtilitiE'ls Commission on the hydro bills. " Carried tl
l:oved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr PrestIJn that 6.11 householders be notif'ied by hand
bills through the mail of the garrege co1lention procedure. " Carried It
Moved by Cr Rehder seconded by Dp Rv Cerruthers that the Clerk be instructed to notify
the Beach l..ssociati"1n that all household garl:ege will be collected by the Trwn garl:ege
truck and that t.he Beach Asso will have to look after the night soil and other refuse.
11 C rried "
Koved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr BroUf':h t hat the hiring of employees for th:
garoo.ge collection be left in the hands of the garbage committee with power to act.
11 Car ried "
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t-Yt8;~~, };Ioved by Cr Brough seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the
v- 'th'e 'J.:own solicitor in referenc: e to the status of the road way
C.N.R. freight yards and if the roadway can bl closed to
On A:otion council a.djourned.
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Room, June 26th, 1956
Clerk be instructed to write
between Queen St a nd th e
vehicular traffic.
AI " C,arried "
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