HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/04/1956
'\~)j1'( ~ Council Room, June 4th; ~l956---1
P ;!r~ I ~egular meeting of Caunai 1 was held on above date, members all present excepting Cr
", 'Preston, the ~:ayor presiding. Minutes of last regular and spacial meetings were read
am on u'otion oonfirmed..
From tlE family of the late Charls s Hurgess acknowledging expression of sympathy.
.. Rec &0 Filed
Lathangue and otlErs petitioning for the construction of a sidewalk
From ~'r Kei th R
on Prince St.
Moved be' Rv Little seconded by Ur Ripgon that the petition being certified as bsing
9urfioiently signed be referred to the Roads and Streets Committee with power to act.
" Garr led "
From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advising of the oounty rate for 1956 amounting to
$ 66,748.50 .. Rso &0 Filsd ..
From Bov.manville Cleaners and Dyers Ltd requesting to have the sidewalk repaired in
front of their property at 84 King St VI and aSking permission to ereot a sign.
~loved by Cr Riggon seconded by Cr Rehder that tlE request for repeirs to sidewalks
be referred to the roads and streets oommittee and request to erect a sign bs
referred to too Fublic Proparty Co:rnmlttee with power to aot. " Carried"
From Chief S Venton applying for the annual holidays for the police force.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Riggon that the request be referred to the Police
committee with power to act. tl Carried"
From Manorial Park Assooiation requesting an allowance of $ 100.00 for outting grass
in ~Iemori"l Park.
Woved by Cr. Scott seoonded by Cr Brough that a grant of $ 100.00 lE mad e to the
Memorial P rk Assooiation for outting grass for 1956. rr Cerried rr
From Mr A.'. Fletcher t 73 Queen St requesting that "No Parking tt signs be plaoed
at the corner of Ontario and Queen Streets and that a four hour parking limit signs
be pl~ced on the outh side of Queen St from '!'EITtperance to Ontario streets.
Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Scott that the request be referred to the Police
Committee to confer with the Chief and bring in a reoommendation at next Council
meeting. " C rried "
From Cities Service Oil Co Ltd, Oshawa aSking permission to install an addtl'ional
JOOO gallon gasoline tank on their property on King "t East.
Moved by Cr Rehder seoonded by Cr Riggon that permission be granted
conform with Department of Highways regulations.
From :Mrs M.E. leask, 65 Onterio St requesting Counci 1 to close part
runs through part 01' Mrs Terry'S proparty.
Moved by Cr .Jcott seconded by RvLittle that the 1l'equest be referred to tm Finance
Committee with power to Bct. " Carried"
From Northumberland-Durham Health Unit t Cobourg enClosing monthly report for April.
" Rec & Filed "
From Departmm t of Labour t Tom nt 0 stating that Mr C.8. Oke should be appointed as
inspector .,under Trenoh Exoavators lrotection Act, by by-law ~
:Lioved by I,,;r Higgon seconCl.erl by Cr Iathengue that e b~'-lR.w be pre~r'eda It CRrried It
From Bo-wmanville Planning and DevelopmEnt Board reoonnnending that Mr F de JOAg be
granted permit to ereot a house on Nelson St prOViding anditional land is aoquired.
:r.:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Scott that permit be granted on exchange of
properties. It Carried It
From Bowrranville :Planning and Develo]Jlmnt Board recommending that the subdivision of
L~r Jacob Van der Gaast be approved subject to the signing of agreenent.
Moved by Or Higgon seconded ny CrRehder that the subdivision be not approved and copy
of mot10n be sent to Mr Jacob Van der Gaast. It Carried It
l:o~ed by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Higgon that no subdivision be approved by Council
unless Tm,n water supply if'! available or unless the subdivider pays fer the complete
installation of the same under the 8u:p9rvision of the Public Utilities Commission,
and that the Planning Board be notified accordingly,. II Carried IF
From Lake Onta ri 0 DeveloprnEl'Jt Asso, Peterborough enclosi ng account for roombership
fee for 1956. tl Rec & Filed"
FrorI Bovmanville BranchJ Canadian Legion, at staing that Decoration Day would be held
at the Cemetery on Sunday June 24th ~
l~oved bJ~ Rv Lit.tle seconded by Cr Brough that Council approve Sunday June 24th as
decoration day and that the Canadian Legion be notified a rt Carried It
F,rom Fire J.,:arshall, Toronto advtsi r..g of all electrical inspection course to be mId inj ,
Peterborough on July 2Jrd and 24th and re"uestlng that representative be sent.
~ioved by Cr Rigp,on seconded by Cr Scott that the matter be referred to the Fire
1\~~1tt:e with pow~to act. " C.rried ~
provi ding th ey
n Carried tI
of Brown St that
Council Room, June 4th, 1956
From Mr R Watt terdering hin resignation as Chairman of the olt.rere Management Committee,
~:oved by Cr dcott seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that tha Clark be instructed to
acknowledge the letter E.sklng that his decision be left in abeYfffice for the present
and requesting that he meet with &. committee of Council to re-conslder his resignation
" Car ried. "
From Chamber of COIrJrerce thanking Counci 1 for their co-operation in securing the off
i street J:El.rtlng lot. " Rec & Filed n
From 2:- Nina E Needs, stating that she was unable to secure extra insurance in
connection wi. th culverts overflouing and damaging driveways and lawns. IT Ree &. Filed"
From Business and lrofesslonaJ. Women's Club of Bownanvl11e requesting Counci 1 to
endorse a resolution to amend tlB !.!unlcl pal Act to enable persons other tre.n owners
end tenants, to vote at Municipal elections otlEr than on money by....laws.
11:oved by Cr Brough seconded by gr Lathangue trot their recomemdation 1:e endorsed by
I Council. " Carried"
From Queen's University, Kinf,ston advising of a planning o~nference to be held in
i Kingston at O,ueens University on August 27th to 31st and requesting that representati"e
, be sent.
Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Higgon that the letter be referred to tbe Planning
Board. " Carr-ied II
F'rom }Torthumberland- Durhar. Health Unit, Cobourg, eneloslne copy of by-law to control
Il:oved by Rv T.Jittle seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers tl1:it the clerk be instructed to compare
lit with our present by-law and bring in a recommendation at next meeting. 11 Carried"
I From Department of Munic1 pel Affairs, Toronto, cOmI!lentlng on the DUditors report
I report for 1955 and reconunending that certain changes be made in regard to Court of
I Revision and insuranc e policies.
ItIaved bJ' Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Rehder t:mt the letter be referred to the Finance
[Committee to report back if necessary. " Carried"
l:oved by Dp Rv CarrutlJ.ers seconded by Cr Scott that the finance committee bring in a
i reconnnendation as to extra help in the clerk's and assessor's off! ca. " Carried"
IDp Rv Carruthers presented a report from the finance committee submitting sundry account
emounting to $ 6,093.72 and Public School building accounts emountingto # 10,065.14
i certified as bing correct and reconunendingpiyment. " Ree &, Adopted"
jl:Moved by DpRv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that the request of the Salvation
Army to sponsor a welcome supper to Earlscourt Band be not granted end that the
,Salvation Army be given the free use of tre auditorium for the Band Concert on July
i 7th. " Carried "
il':oved by Cr Scott seconded by Or Rehder that an advertisement be placed in the
I Statesman and Times Gazette, Oshawa for a polie e constable. " Carried"
:Rv Little a sked permission to introduce tb3 following by-laws;
To Amend certain provisions of By-LaW NoS79 and being a by-law respecting the
connecti ons of house sewers.
To amend certain provisions of By-LAW No 877 being a by-law respecting the management
and regulations of the water works system.
iGranted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was Slspended and Council went into
Icommittee of the whole on second reading the t!aYor in the chair.
iOn cornmittee ria ing the t!ay(][" reported the second reading with changes made and all
iblanks filled In. By-Laws were tlBn read a second am third time, passed and ordered
:to be signed and sealed.
'1'}Joved by Dp Rv Carruthers second.ed by Cr Scott that By-LaW No 1623 be repealed.
" C rrie d "
'~'oved by Cr Iliggon seconded by Cr Brough tl>lt tbe Public Utilj1;ies Commission ~e
instructed to install the necessary street lights in the parking area. If C rried It
lloved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Or Brough that the TONn solicitor be in~ructed
Ita prepare e. new f'ire zone by-law. , It C~rried "
11;oved by up Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr o..lcott that the Clerk be inst roeted to write
!tre Department of' Planning a rrl Development, Toronto for permission to chang!3 the Park
iArea in the Flet t subdi vlsi on into a resident ial subdi visi on. " CArried It
[On A'otion Council adjcurned. /~o 13 ( i/.- /j ff
I f-.f.,0~_d ;Lg., j,;~
I U 'k. !laYor.
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