HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/14/1956 (Special) '~\;:;;:;\(' ~ C., ...A~' ~~~ Ilo /("d I tLo 1(".1.;[ n..o / (,. ;; ,3 Council Room, May 14th, 1956 Special meeting of Ccuncil was held on above date, members all present excepting Crs Scott, Preston a nd Lathangue, the Mayor presiding and stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of passing By-Laws. BY-LA'HS Hv Little esked permission to introduce the" fOllONing By-Laws; To smend By-Law No 1605. To provide for licensing, regulating and governing trailer camps. To prohibit tlB breaking up of any roadway within the limits of the Corporation without the written consent of ths Municipal Clerk and upon payment of a fee of $ 25.00 Greented and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading, the :Mayor in the chair. On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading with ell blanks filled in. By-Laws were then reed a second and third time, passe.. end ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that llr Gerald Keen, of Hambly's Beverages be advised that no,action was .aken in regard to installing a Coca-Cola vending machine in the Town Hall. " Carried " Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Rehder that the disposition of the properry on the Flett subdivision, deeded back to the Town be referred to the finance committee with power to act. " Carried" Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Or Riggen that Connoll endorse the agenda of the Regional Planning Board and that Mr W.e.Manning be advised. " Carried .. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brou~ that the Clerk be instructed to write the ~own solicitor requesting him to notify Rev W.A. Schaafsmen of the Christian Reform Church that unless the agreeent Is signed by June 1st nex't J tlE Town will remOVe the culverts from tIe cburch lot and the watercourse aoross tha property will be left in the original stat.~ .. Carried" ,5Cf!t: ;1/" &::or~/:!~ Council Room, May 23rd, 1956 Special meeting of Cour.cil was held on above date, members all present the Mayor presiding and stated that he had called the meeting for general business. Mr A.H. Sturrock addressed Council on behalf of the Chemrer of COIDll'M3rce in referenceto securing land for parking lot, north of King Street between Divisilln and TsmI6rance streets. lo:oved by Cr Preston seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the TONn purohase the necessary lend for a parking lot at an approximate cost of $ 2,100.00 and that J.:r A.H. Sturrock be authorized to instruct the town solicitor to prepare the nec~ssary deeds. "Carried" Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the chairmen of the Roads and streets and Public Froperty Committees and Chamber of Commerce be instructed tc find out what can be done tb improve the IBrking lot this year. " Carried "I Moved by Cr Brou!,.h secondsd by Cr Higgon that the roads snd streets committee be I authorized to have the east side of Divis ion ;:)treets between King and Queen dtreets, 1 widened for parking purposes. " Carried "i Aioved by Cr Lathangue seconded by Cr Rehder that e two hour only parking limit be ! enforced on Division Street, TemI=8rance Street,:pne block north and south of King St i and one block north on Silver Street. " Carried ,,! 'l'enders were received from the following for the purchase of a truck suitable for I garhage oollection; C('lw~n Equipment Co, Robosn )"iotors Ltd, Roy W Nichols, and PaIner ' Motor Sales. Moved by Or Lathangue;;seconded by Cr Brough that the tender of accepted, being the lowest tender received and that the Fublic authorized to make the rurchase. 'l'enders were received from tr~ following for the purchase of a garbage collection; Nordic Truck and EquilJllent Ltd, Phil Wood Ontario Equipment and Supply Ltd. lloved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Scott the t the tender of Nordic Truck and Equiplll9nt Ltd far garbeg e c ollecti on truck body be accepted and that t lB Public Froperty Committee be authorized to make the purchase. ,. Carried" Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Rehder that the Roeds and 3trebilll Oommittee be instructed to arrange a meeting with the l'ublic Utilities Commission. tI Carried" On Motion Cauno il adjourned. On Motion Council adjourned. Cowen Equiplll9nt Co be Property Committee be II Carried " truck body suitable for Distributors, and L . (f:/..~ 60/1 <' L ( i~i~rk . 4it.~ ?c- ~ ' l:ayor. )