HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/07/1956
U~~~':;.';'I(I ~.
~~ Regula.r meeting of Council was held on above
Rehder, the Mayor presiding. Minutes of lest
and on motion oonfirmed.
Mr C. 3amls addressed Counail presenting the finanoial st.atement of the Community
Memorial Arena for 1955.
Moved by Dp Rv Carrutlers seoonded by Rv Little tlet the report be aooU,hd and thet a
vote of thanks be extended to Mr C Semis and R watt for their servioes at the Memoria 1
Arena. " Carried"
Representatives from Bell Gouinlook &. Co and ~.J.L. Graham & Co, Toronto, addressed
Counoil in reference to tie issue or Publio School debentures and advising immediate
Moved by Dp Rv Cerruthers seoonded by Cr Brough that the sale of the debentures be left]
in the hands of the finanoe oommittee with power to aot. ft Csrried ft
Mr A.H. Sturrook addressed Counoil sUbmitting a plan of proposed parking erea and
requesting permission to have the properties surveyed. ,
1:oved by Cr Riggen seoonded by Cr Lathangue thet Mr A.H. sturrock be givan rrmiSSiOIj t
obtain a survey pr prop!lrtles for parking purposes at a cost not exoeeding 100.00/ I
to be chol"ged to Civic Department. ." Carried"
From l!r, and Mrs Lorne Kerr and otle rs rssid6nlls in the vioinity of Queen and Lambert
Streets oomplaining of rubbish and brush on a lot at the corner of Queen and Lambert
Streets and renu€sting thatcactlon be taken to have the lot cleaned up.
l:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Rv Little that the matter be referred to the
T""n solioitor for advioe and thst the Fire Committee be instruoted to aot on the
advice and have the mtter cleaned up. " Carried"
From Bell Telephone Co, Toronto stating that the oharge to the Town would be $ 25.00
to remove tb3 poles fron the east side of Division St between King and Queen Streets.
Moved by Cr Brough seoonded by DpRv Carruthers that the Bell Telpehone Co be advised
to prooeed with the work at a oost to the T""n of . 25.00 .. Carried ..
, From Bell Telephone Co, Oshaws eSking permission to break the street ourbing on
, Temperan oe St, opposite their ofN oe.
1J0ved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Lathangue that the request be referred to the
Roads and. Streets Committee with power to act. " Carried"
From MrsLorraine Dewell, secretary Womens Auxilliary of Uamorial Hospital aSking
permission to hold their annual oanvass on September 17th, 1956.
Moved by Or Preston seconded by Or Brough that permlsslon be granted, " Carried"
From Bowmanville Nurses Assooiation advising of Hospital Day to be held on ~ay 12th
and inviting mambe rs of Counci 1 to visit the Hospital on that day. ft Reo &0 Filed ft
From Mrs C.A. Bartlett asking permission to ereot a direotional sign for oottage at
the lake.
Moved by Rv LittlEi seoonded by Cr Riggen that the request be referred to the Polioe
Committee with power to act. " Carried"
From Lt William L Brown of the Salvation ~rmy, asking Council to sponsor a welcome
supper for Earlsoourt Band who intend to give a oonoert on Saturday July 7th.
'"oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr heston thet the request be referred to the
Finanoe Cottm1ittee to investigate and report back. " Carried "
From Mr Rajph Jones, Oshawa requesting to have a subdivision agreerrent prepared add
sent to him for Jones subdivision.
~oved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Preston that the Town solioitor be
draw up the necessary agreement.
From ~rs J Devitt, President of MemorIal Park Asso asking permission
Day to purchase equipment foil' th9 Park on Saturday June 16th.
Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Lathangue that permission be granted, " Carried"
From Mr Ronald L Brock and otb3rs petitioning for the oonstruction of a sidewalk
on Flett St from 249 'feet north of Southway Drive to Southway Drive.
LIoved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Or Brough that the petition, being certified as
BUfficiently Signed, be Bcepted and work proceeded with when other sidewalks are
constructed. It Carried"
From Department of Planning and Development, Toronto in reference to subdivision
control by-law. If Rec &. Filed"
I From h~r s.w. AllinJ Elgin St, in reference to garbage collection. "Rec &. Filed tI
'I Fro", llr W.J. Soantlebury, 135 Liberty St N enquiring about oharge for Looal Improvemsnt,
and ditoh that ruIUII through his property from Liberty St. '
, Mov6d by Rv Little seoonded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the Clerk be instruoted to reply
i explaining about charge for local improvement and watercourse. " Carried If
I From Mr and Mrs F.R. Kerslake thanking Council for remenbranoe on their 50th wedding
\ anniversary. " Reo & Filed "
instruoted to
It Carried "
to hold a Tag
Counoil Room, May 7th, 1956
date; mElllbers all present eltoepting Cr
regular and special n:eetlngs were read
. ~;:~~d
V .~.u
Counoil Room, May 7th, 1956
From Mr L.W~ Dippell, frincipal of tre High .Jchool requesting to have It No farking tI
signs placed in front of the eChool during school hours.
Moved by Cr Preston seoonded by Cr Lathangue that the request be referred to the Po11oe
oommittee with power to act. " Carried"
From 1:r Ted Bird Jr. Liberty St d offering to purohase a lot on the road allowance on
I Belleville St between Duke and Ontari 0 Streets.
. I<loved by Cr Higgon seoonded by Cr Preston that en advertis e ment be insellt.ed.lin the
S.atesman that the Town intends to olose Bellevil~e Street between On;ario and Duke
Streets, and if no ob,1eotions are reoeived that the lots be advertised for sale.
n Carried .,
From Mrs George Forsey, 196 King St E and l~s M Barton, 43 Carlisle Ave, requesting
to have trees cut dcwn in front of their respective properties,
Moved by Cr Preston seoonded by Rv Little that the requests be referred to the lublin
Froperty Committes with power to act. " Carried"
From Mrs Irene James, secretary Girl Guides ASBO asking permission to hold the annual
oookie day on saturday May 26th.
Moved by Or Preston seconded by Or Brough ttet permission be granted. "Carried"
From Canadian Canners,Ltd complaining of water flooding their property and requesting
that an investigation be made.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Higgon tre t the matter
Roads and Streets Committee to report baok.
From Canadian Canners Ltd requesting investigation in regard to
off their tenks.
Moved by Cr Higgon seoonded by Cr Preston that the oomplaint bs
Committee with p""er to ao t.
Fro~ Lions Clib advising that Mr Ross titevens had been apointsd
on Community Park Committee.
From Rotary Club advising that Mr Alan Strii<B had been appointed as their representative'
on the Community !lark Committee.
From Chamber of Commeroe advising that Mr A.H. Sturrook had been apl,ointed es their
representative on Community Fark Committee.
From Bo~nvllle Recreation Department advising that Mr Claude Kilmer had been
appointed as thsir represent"tive on tb! Community Park Committee.
From Kinsmen Club adVising that Mr Ross Richards red been appointed as thU..
representative on the Con:anunity Park Committee. " Rec & Filed"
Moved by Cr Higgon seoondsd by Cr :heston that Mr K.N. Morris be appointed as
representative from Council on tb! Community Park Committee. . Carried.
i'rom Chamber of Commerce advising that they hsvs appointed l:r B.R. Kitney and Mr H.G.
Hacking as their representativss on tb! Centennial Management Committee. . Rsc &0 Filed'
From Countiss Clsrk advising of patients being admitted to Memorial Hospital and
Oshawa General Hospital. " Rec &0 Filed .
From l!r E.;r. Forlln, 113 Ontario St, stating that the sidewalk in front of his property
was in a deplorable oondition and reouesting tlBt it be repaired.
Moved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr Lathangue that the request be referred to tlE roads
t1ind streets oommittee, with power to act. tI Carried"
From Department of Publio Vlelfat'e, Toronto advising of a new programme :for
rehabilitation of handicapped persons. . Rec &0 Filed"
From Department of Fublic Welfare. Toronto advising of' stpplementa;ry allowances for
Old Age Fensioners. tI Rec Be Filed .,
From Department of Munioipal Affairs, Toronto approving of by-law No 1617.
It Reo &. P'lbled "
From Mr Charles Cat.tran, Plant Manager Goodyear Tire and Rubbar Co advising tret tb!y
have had considerable trouble with water aocumulating on Raynes Ave, that the sidewalk
on Queens Ave was in bad shape and reauesting that repairs be made to the road on
Queens Ave.
Moved by Cr Preston seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers tre t the complaints be referred to the
Roads and Streets Committee with power to aot. " Carried n
From Mr ;r.H. Highfield thenking Counoil for remembrance of his 35 years service.
" Rec &: Filed"
From Ontario Munioipal ASBO, Toronto, advising of the annual convention to be held in
Windsor, Aug 27th to 29th and sOlioiting membsrmip. . Reo &0 Filed'.
From Village of Long Branoh, enclosing resolution petitioning the Provinoial and
Federal Governments to re-dlvlde tlti :field oj taxation and requesting that the
I resolution be endorsed.
I Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brou!!l1, ;that the resolution be endorsed and
\ copies sent as requested. '" Cerrled "
be referred to the
" Carried "
brine being drained
referrsd to the Polies
" Carried "
as their rspressntathe
~ i::n
10 If., j if
riAJ I &'.~ 0
Council Room. May 7th, 1956
From Northumbar land-Durham Health Unit, Collourg, enclosing report for March and annual
report far 1955. tt Ree &. Filed"
From Hon louis St Laurant t Prime Minister, Hon Rene Beaudoin. Speaker of the House of
Parliament and Mr John M James, M.P. aotnowledging receipt of resolutions.
" Rec & Filed 'It
From Onterio Municipal Asso, Town and Village section advising of the annual conference
to be held at Point Edward on May 26th and requesting till t representati va be sent.
" Ree &:; Filed "
From BOWllBnville Planning and Development Board in refersnce to Allchin subdivision.
Moved by Dp Rv Carrutbers seconded by Cr Preston tillt the deeds, being 5 % of the
subdivision, be registered. tl Carried"
From Ontario Association of Assessing Officers, Toronto advising of the annual
conference to be held in North Bay on May 21st to 23rd and requesting that the assessor
be sent.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston that Mr C.S.Oke, assessor be authorized
Ita attend with all expenses paid. " Carried"
From Mr ;rohn '1/ Foote. M.P.P. and Hon. ;rames N Allan, h'inister of Highways, in reference
Ita supplementary road subsidy. " HaC &: Filed"
From Strike and Strike, enclosing by-law for their appointment as tcwn solioitors and
,submitting account for $ 305.10 for extra services.
Ih:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Scott that their account for $ 305.10 be Reid
land tb:l by-law be referred to by-laws. " Carried
Dp Bv Carruthers presented a report from tle Finance Committee submlttine: sundry account
.I'amounting to $ 8270.58 and Public School Building accounts amounting to , 26,878.53.
certified as being correct and recommending payment. " Rec Ie Adopted"
'IMoved by Cr Scott seconded by Dp Rv Carrutl>> rs that tl>> finance committee be instructed
to obtain information as to maintenance expenses and potential ~ax revenue of the
,present post Office. " Carried"
~loved by Cr Scott seconded bl' Cr Brough that tbe finance committee be empowered to
prooeed in obtaining options for the purchase of land for widening Waverly Road.
. " Carried "
oved by Cr Brough seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers thet Mr C.S.Oke be appointed as
linspector to enforce the Trench JU:cavators Act. "' Carried"
,Moved by Or Scott seconded by Rv Littl e the t the roads and streete committee be
linstructed to bring in a report in regard to breaking up roads fer water and sewer
Iconstruction.. " Carried "
IMoved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Preston the t the fire brigads be granted $ 420.00
:belng 50 % of money received for outside fires. " Carried"
IMoved by Cr Higgon seconded by Rv Litt18 the t the Clert< be instructed to investigate
land consult with the Township of Dsrlingt on in regard to a dog catcher and pound.
, " Carried "
)roved by Dp Rv Carrutbers seconded by Cr Preston that the deed for land on the Flett
subdivision be registered. " Carried"
The Clerk presented tlEl auditors report t'or 1955. " Ret to Finance Com."
Rv Little asked permission to introduce t I>> following by-laws;-
To provide for licensing trailers when located in tbe hlunicipel ity.
To appoint Town solicitors.
Gra~ed and read the first time. On motion rule )) was suspended and Council went into
committee ot the whole on second reading the l1ayor in the Chair. On committee rising
the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-laws were then read
a second and third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed.
The by-law to provide for the exemption from Municipal taxation except for Local
jImprovements and School purposes of the property of the Canadian Legion was given the
third reading, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed.
~oved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthe rs till t the Clerk be instructed to prepere
16- by-law to license trailer camps. " Carried "
'I .,.{~ / ^~ '
On Motion Council adjourned. /.'" .' /1 '
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