HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/09/1956 (Special) '..,"'RT'~O ~";""".ek{ .Vi Ji'.", V'i~~ ~~/("18 Council Room April 9th 1956 was held on above date, members all present tAe Mayor he had called the meeting for the purpose of dis.ussing 11i8sine a by-law. COMMUNICATIONS !'rom Departmemt of Planning and Devef,,-pmsnr," Toronto in reference to subdivision control By-Law. " Rec & F11ed " From BO\\ll1anville Planning and Developmsnt Board recOllmlending that the plan of the Allchin subdivision be approved and thet !IIr Allchin deed to the Town tots 19and 20 for public purposes. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthere seconded by Cr Preston that the deeds from Mr All.hin be accepted and the plan approved. " Carried" From Mr D.A. Corrie, District Municipal Engineer, Port Hope, enolosing by-law form and road programme form for supplementary road grant. " ReI. to by-laws" BY-tAW Rv Little asked permission to introduce a By-taw to provide for the 1956 expenditures on Roads and Streets. Cranted and read the firet time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Couo.11 ""at into .ommittee of the whole on se.ond reading, the Mayor in the .hair. On oommittee riSing the Mayor reported the second reading wit h all blanks filled in. By-taw was then read a second and third time, p&ssed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers se.onded by Cr Higgon that the subdivision requirements be put in for.e with corre.tions and additions as approvad by Coun.11. " Carrisd . Moved by Cr Scott se.onded by Rv Little that the report of the Centennial Committee be adopted. . Cerried " Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers se.onded by Cr Soott that the Mayor be appointed Town representative on the Regional Planning Board. " Carried. /./'" /~~~'.( Spe.ial meeting of Coun.il presiding, and stated that sub-division agreement and On Motion Counc11 adjourned. ~ /1/" /- /1.;;( (t/.-<. (-<r~ J.- 'Ci,...--' _/ L--.... MaYor . )