HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/1956 '\7;~~:;,!d I~o-'.---o:,-' ~"' ~ ~~m hegular m'sting of Council was held on above date, members all present the Mayat" presidlng~ Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and on motion confirmed. Mr B Ki tneyraddressed Council in referenc e to garbage colleotion for industry and Wf S informed that this would be incor~orated in the garbage by-law. ~r George Allchin addressed Council in reference to hie sub-division on Third St and requesting that the plan be accepted ~nd road taken over. . );;oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Or ,:jCott that tj1e finance comnuttee be given power to accept 5 % of the land on the Allchin sub-divisi on equilavent in cas h and that the road on Third St be repaired. " Carried" CCI.-.J,lUNICATIONS From Mr Walter Goode, 21 Liberty ~t and Mr Jack Maguire, 28 Brown at requesting the removal of trees in front of their respective properties. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Higgan that the requests be referred to the Public Property Committee with power to act. " C~rrieQ " From Hon. L. St Laurent, Prilne Minster of Canada. Hon Paul Martin, Minister or National Health and Welfare, ROO Mr JI')hn11 James, M~P. acknowledging receipt of resolution in regard to increase in old age pensions. " Ree & Filed" From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advising of patients being admitted to Memorial Hospital ~ .. Rec &0 Filed# From Canadian National Institute for the Blinet, BowrnanvilJe, Conmlittee asking permission t.o hcld a tag day on Friday May 4th and Saturday May 5th. Moved by Or BrDugh sec.onded by Or Preston tl:at permission be granted~ "Carried It FromnMr J~H. Kennedy, 84 Sougog St Claiming damages as the result of water floodinE hi "r'proper ty. From Miss Nina E Needs sta ting that tb9 Town insurero e did not oover this claim far water damages. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Or Brou~ that the matter be rererred to the TONn solicitor for a rUling as to who is responsible 'for oulverts in the ditches, the I T'7Nn of the property owner. " Carried If From Durham County Federation of Agriculture, Oron in reference to the enforcement I of rabies vaocination of all dogs s.nd ce.ts in Durham County. I From Chief S Vent on suggesting thflt Council consider the appointment of a dog - oatcher, and applying for new uniforms and oaps for the police foroe. From Northumberlam.-Durham Health Unit, CObourg, in retereme to rabies and dogs running at large~ Moved b,. Or Preston seconded by Dp Rv Ca.rruthers tha t an advertisement be inserted in the Satesman advertising for ,8. dog catcher and inserting a notice stating that all dogs must be tie" up from April 15th to October 15th,. " Carried" Moved by Or Brough seconded by Rv Little that ei,notice be inserted in the Satesrnan requesting all doe; owners to have their nags vaccinated against rabies. fI Carried " From Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, enClosing monthly reports for January and February. fI Rec &: Filed" From Detartment of Le.bour, Toronto, in reference to the appointment of an inspectcr under the Trench Excavators ProtAction Act. Moved by Cr Scott seoonrted by Rv Little that the letter be referred to the Roads and Streets and Public Property Committees and reT''Y'P-sRntative from the Public Utilities Commission to have ~ m~eting and bring in a re9ommendation at the next Council meEtin~. " Carried ' From Mr L~C~ ~ason enClosing by-law to close part of Scugog St and description of hm d~ tI Ref to By-Laws. From BO'Wll1anville Planning and Deve1op~nt BOE'.rd requesting a grant of :$ 500.00 for 1956 expenditures. ~:ov"d by Dp Rv C.rruthers seconded by Cr l-reston that a grant of $ 500.00 be made which was included in 1956 8stlmates~ " Carried" From t':r Alex Cameron, ,Jr, making applioation to become a member of the Fire Brigade~ Moved by Cr Rehder second.ed by Cr Brough that 1~r AIel!: Cameron,Jr be appointed as E member of the Fmre Brigade on a six months probationary period as from April 1st. . " Carried II , From Ontario Parks Asso, requesting memberShip. " Rec &. Filed II I From Llr K.N. Morris, secretary of the Chamoor of Commerce in reference to the ! formation by Council of a Community Perk Committee and development or the former l Raynes Prorerty as a park. ~:oved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Preston that the Cleric be instructed to send letters to Chamber of Commerce, Lions Club. Rotery Club, Kinsmen Club andvRecreation Dept requesting them to appoint a manber to the Conununity Park Committee and that the .~ Council Room April 2nd, 1956 ~-I '\7;'~nd ,\/~x"' ~ ;~.-~~ }1 ~ '-V 11../& (Lv /(" / 7 Council Room. April 2nd, 1956 Public Fronerty Committee be authorized to R~end up to $: 200.00 for surveying and and landscaping the fornar Raynes Property for e. park. n Carried ,t From United TownShips of Neelon and Garson, Garson Onto enclosing resolution petitioning the Fed.ral and Provinoial Governments to assums a h:lgler responsibility for education and requesting the endorsatioll of Council. Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Preston that the resolution be endorsed and copies sent as requested. " Carried " From Electrical Contractors ASBO of Ontario, Guelph enClosing copy of advertisement on faulty wiring. tI Rec & Filed n From Fire 1:arshall. Toronto advising of a tr~ining course far fire chiefs to be held in '"oronto. Apr 25tlt to 27th. ),~oved by Rv Little secondad by Cr Higgon that the letter be referred to the Fire Committee with power to act. n Carried n From ~:iss ;rane C Hodgkinson, Cubrnaster of the 4th Cub hok thanking Counoi 1 for the donation of a trunk. ... II Rec &. Filed" From National Research Council, Ottawa advising of a building officials conference in Wiimipeg on !;:aroh 26th and 27th. " Reo &0 Filed" From Toronto-Peterborough Transport Ltd, Toronto advising of receipt of letter in reference to diverting treffic f'rom Ontario St to Liberty St. " Ree & Filed" From R.K.Kl1born and Associates, Toronto, offering their services as engineers. If Rec &. Filed n From),Ir 'J:.W. Beddall, Toronto offering his services as an architect. fI Rec &: ]'iled' Fr0m Ontario Municipal Board, Toronto enclosing order on restricted area by-law. n Rec &: Filed " REPORTS Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from tIEl finance committee submitting sundry aooounts amounting to $ 5,867.83 andn Public Sohool building aooounts amounting to $ 5,102.50 certified as being correct and recommending payment. n Rec &. Adopted" Moved by Cr Brough seoonded by Dp Rv Carruthers that tie Clerk be instruoted to write ~r Frank Williams of the Bell Telephone Co requesting the removal of telephone poles from the east side of Division at between King and ~ueen Sts. n Carried n Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr .scott that t.he roads and streets committee be authorized to purchase 2000 yards of gravel. n Carried tI Movell by Cr Soott seoonded by Rv Little that the Polioe COl1lIl1ittee be authorized to purchase new uniforms an d caps for the police, n Carried" Moved by Cr Scott seconded by ~r Rehder that the matter of parking meters for the pa.rkine; lot be left over unt.il further information is obtained from the Chamber of Comme roe in I" egard tot lB parking lot. " Carried " Mnved by Cr Iiiggon seoonded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the Public Pro1)erty Committee be authorized to advertise for tenders for floor covering far the Town Hall and necessary Signs for civic offices and lavatories. " Carried n Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Scott that Council go on record as showing recognition to the Juve~ile HOCkey Team on winning the Juvenile" B " hookey Bhampionship of Ontario) and tlB t the Mayor appoint a committee to purchase trays suitably engraved fer presentation to the team and mqnagers at their banquet and that letter be sent to t m Canadien Legion congratUlating them on the management of too team. " Carried " Thft fI.:ayor appointed the Civic Conunittee to arrange for the purchase. of the trays. Moven by Cr Lathangue seoonded by Cr Brough that a presentation of $ 100.00 be made to Kr ;r.H. Highfield for his 35 years servioe as oaretaker of the Cemetery and that Ii letter of reoognition be sent to him. tI Carried It BY-LIl.WS Dp Rv Carruthers asked permission to introduce the following by-laws;- To close part of unopened road allo'Nance between 12 ao d lJ in the Town sometime known as Soug~ St South, To provide for the exemption trom kunicipal Taxation except for Looal Improvements and School purposes of the property of the Canadian Legion. Granted and read the first tIme, On motion rule JJ was suspended and Counci 1 went into committee of the whole on second reading, the Mayor in the chair, On committee rising the ~ayar reported the seoond reading with all blanks filled in. The By-Law to exempt the Canadian Legion from taxation excepting Sohool and Local Improvement taxes was laid on the table. The By-law to c lose part of Sougog St was given the second and third readings, with all blanks filled in, passed end ordered to be signed snd seal ed. ,/ r ? ;;LA " .., ". - ' /'\- ( , I ',--", ,Qler k. i i I l, On Motion Counoil adjourned. ;rI ~.::!i?) ".