HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/1956 'R"'.'~COI r----- --- ~--------------------~-~- =--=--~=-"'--=------ ----~::::-:--:~l ,r.)'J,d Council Room, March 5th. 1956 ?~~~; Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the Mayor I presiding. Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and on motion confirmed. ! COMMUNICATIONS From Mr N .A. Bickell end 919 otheroratepayers of the town petitioning against propollld municipal garbage collection and recuesting that the question be submitted to a vote of the municipal electors. Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Rv Little that owing to the number of ratepayers Signing the petition thet the matter of municipal garbege collection be submitted to a vote of tba municipal electors at the next civic election. For the Motion;- Soott, Little, Lathangue, Preston Against the Mot ion; Carruthers, Rehder t Brough, Higgon The motion was lost, the Mayor voting agalnst. Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Preston that the Clerk be instructed to write to the Department of Municipal Affairs to ascertian if Council in view of the petition submitted by the ratepayers calling for a vote, can legally pass a by-law for Municipal garbage oollection. " C rried " Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Pres ton that the Clerk be instructed to o~tain legal advice on whether Council oan epend money for equiJlllent for gerbage collection without submitting the question to a vote of the l'8tepayers. tl Carried" From lir Callan, Onte,ria St and M1' W.H. Harrison, Church "'t, requesting the removal of trees in front of their respective properties~ Moved by Cr Preston seoonded by Cr J..athnague that the requests be referred to the Public Property Committee with power to aot~ n Carried" From ).~rs R Callan, Ontario St requesting to have the broken sidewQlk on Argyle st opposite her property, repairAd. ~oved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr r~thangue that the re1uest be and streets oommittee with power to aot. From Public School Board submitting estimates for referred to 'the reads tt Carried " 1956 amounting to . 112,252.05. " Reo & Filed " From Durham County District High School Board suhmitting estimates for 1956 amounting to . 68,128.35 " Reo & Filed " From Bowmanville Chamber of Commeroe submitting reoammendatios in regard to parking and traffic control. Moved by Rv LIttle seconded by Cr Soott that the reconnnendations be referred to the >'o11ce Committee to confer with the Chief and Mr Kitney and to bring in a reconnnendatioll on eaoh of the several points. n Carried" From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, enolosing oopies of by-law regulating the looation of buildings on County Roads ~ It Reo &: Filed " From Assooiation of Ontario Mayors and Reeves, requesting membership to the Association and adtising of the annu1a conference to be held in North Bay on June 8th to 10th. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers secnnded by Cr Brough that membership fee of $ 20.00 be paid and that the Mayor be authorized to attend the conferenoe with all expenses paid. " Car ried " enclOSing oopies of proposed From Bowmanville Planf1ing and Develor,ment Board amendmente to By-Law No l5~7. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers eeoonded by Cr Rehder t hat it be referred toBy-Laws. " Carrie d II From ~r L~ Vernon Walker, Oshawa insurance adjustor repUdiating olaim of Bell Telephone Co for damages to broken cable on Middle Road. II Reo & Filed" From Mrs J Biggs, Secretary Bowmanvll1e H & SAsso requesting that the Town consider purChasing the present post offioe to be used as a library. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston that the letter be "rom Counties Clerk ad vising Hospital. From ~r L.C ~ Mason enclosing duplioate deeds for parkland sub-division plan Moved by Or Scott seconded by Cr Brough that oommittee to stUdy the l1uestion and bring in of a patient be ing a dmitted to laid on t he tab 1e. II Carried " Bowmanville llemor lal " Reo &. Filed " and walkway on Flett From Uepartment of ~unioipal Affairs, of the Town ~ From Railway ASBO of Canada, Montreal saving tin.e this year. I' Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Rehder that day-light saving time be observed in the Town this year and that the Mayor iesue his proclamation stating that day-light \ "'----___ .mn____. ..n______. _____no ..._.._...._____ '__nn_nn.._ the matter be referred to the finance a reoommednation and acoept the deed. " Carried " Toronto in referenoe to date of inoorporation " Rec &: Filed " ennuiring if the Town would ohserve day-light j ..._-_.~ '~1.~ '::Vi:. t ::.~':u:~~-~-:- o::~~v.~~in~the .::~ fr~m 1_. ~~~~~~~ls~~~:y ~~~~~ ~~~h ~~~tl ... 12.01 A.Il. Sunday SeptElllber 30th, 1956, providing that it oo-insides with the dstes of other towns and that the rlalway association be advised accordingly. II Carried" From W.A. Ryder Paving, Toronto stating that repaire would be made to Liberty St when the weather perm! t s. tI Reo &. Filed " From Clerk New Toronto enclosing resolution requesting the federal government to inorease old age pensions to $ 65.00 per month. Moved by Cr Soott seconded by Cr Preston that the resolution be endorsed and copies sent 8S requested. II Carried n From Bowmanville Lions Club requesting a grant equal to the 1956 taxes on their property on Beech Ave. Moved by Or Higgen seconded to their 1956 taxes. From Durham County District High School Board requesting from supplemental roll for 1956. From Department of Agrioulture, Toronto in reference inspector. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv T.ittle that Mr C .S. Oke be appointed as weed inspector for 1956 at a salary of $ 75.00 " Carried " From Bowmanvl11e Branoh, Canadian Legion, requesting exemption of taxes exoepting school taxes on their property on Queen St. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the clerk be instructed to prepare a by-law for the exemption of taxes excepting sohool taxes. " Carried ~ From Bowmanville Wool Co claiming exemption from business taxes, owing to being out of business. Moved by Cr Bcott seconded by Rv Little that the matter be and court of revisio~. From Ontario Traffic Conference, Toronto in reference to a in London on May 13th to 25th and reque sting attendance. Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Dp Rv Carrut hers that the matter be referred to the 1'011ce Committee with power to act. " Carried" REPORTS Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from the Finance Committee sub~itting sundry acoounts amounting to ~ 6505.71 and ~ublic School building accounts amounting to $ 8,587.48, certified as being correct and recommending payment. II hec & Adopted" Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Rehder that a grant of $ 2500.00 be made to the Fublic Library Board for 1956, and that th61r request for the establishment of a free public library be not granted this year. " Carried " Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that the BOWlllanv1l1e Memorial Hospital be granted one half mill on the 1956 assessment amounting to $ 3250.00 rt C rried " Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the letter from the Bo~anv1l1e H &. S assl'Joiatlon be answered and explained. " Carried " Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston that no action be taken on requests for grants from Salvation Army and st Johns Ambulance Society. " Carried" Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Scott that trucks entering the Town from highway No 401 be requested to enter the business sectIon by way of Liberty st. tl Carried" Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Lath""gue that t,he Roads and Streets Committee ohairmE,n be instructed to oontact the looal member in reference to re-surfacing the westl beach hoed bridge. " Carried" Moved by Or Scott seconded by Cr Preston that the roads and streets oommittee be authorized to obtain a survey of necesBary storm sewers. rt Carried" Moved by Cr Rehder seoonded by Cr Preston that the fire brigade be granted 11 237.50 being 50 % of money received from outside fires. n Carried n Moved by Cr Rehder seconded 'hy Cr l"lreston that Mr Daniel Ross be appointed as a member of the Fire Brigade on a d:r:,"onths probationary period as from 1larch 1st, 1956. " Cs rrled rt 1;oved by Cr Rehder seconded by Rv Little that the Fire Committee be authorized to ,purchase a pump end equipment for the fire truck at an approximate cost of # 4350.00 I " C rried " : Iloved by Cr Lathangue seconded by Cr Preston that the Cametery Committee be aU~horized : to purchase a power lawn mower for $ 180.00 and a hand mower for $ 25.95 I " Carried " !The standing committees presented their reports of estimated expenditures for 1956, as follows;- Fire Dept $ 18,635.00, Publio Property $ 19,065.00, Cemetery $ 5,07:)0,00 I : Roads and Streets; $ 59,000.00, ~olioe Dept $ 19,150.00, Civic $ 8,000.00, Relief end \HosPitalization # 7,750.00 " ---_._------ ---.."------- .._--~-- ---.------.---- -.-..--- - - --- -- -1 I by Cr Rehder that a grant be made to the Lions C lu b equal " Carried" payment of money colleoted II Rec & Filed " to the appointment of a weed referred to the assessor " Carried ~ training course to be held '.'."ARac" . "'''TlO."ld ,vG~~~ V'"H' Council Room. W:arch Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston that the estimates committees be accepted and adopted. BY-LAWS Rv Little asked permission to introduce the following by-IaW8j- "1'0 provide for a temporary loan for the purpose of erecting and e qui ping an addition to t he Vincent Massey School. To provide for the perticipation of the fire department in county mutual aid. To appoint a working foreman for roads and streets and works department. To appoint Town Cfficials. To raisw by taxation certain sums of money for Town. County. Debenture and School purposes. , I Ie, II To authorize the conetructlon of local improvements. ';(Q l-L-L""rl To amend zoning by-law No 1587 -- ~Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspendad and Council went into loommittee of the whole on second reading the Hayor in the chair, Un oommittee rising ithe Mayor reported the second reading of by-laws with all blanks filled in. The !by-law to amend zoning by-law no 1587 was laid on the table. The other by-laws were I given the third reading, passed and ordered to be si~ed and s.Ued. : Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv T.1ttle that the finance committee he I autho1"ized to purchase a calculator for tne assessors office. " Carried" 'Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston that no new residential building !permits be issued until new sub-divisjon by-law is passed. " Carried" 'Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Rehder that the Police Committee be authorized to ! check in regard to parking in front of the Balmoral Hotel. " Carried n !Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the clerk be instructed to insert 'Ia notice in the Statesman requesting all persone desiring trees to be planted in front of their properties to notify the Clerk as soon 8S possible. " Carried" I On Motion Council adjourned. ~//,!, //: ~ ZU its {~:~r~.4'1 Council Room March 19th.\1956 Special meeting of Council was held (In above date, 1IIEImbers all present the Mayor preSiding and steted t!lit !Ii !lid called the meeting for the purpose of passing by-laws. BY-LAWS Rv Little Raked permlssioT; to int~oduce the following by-laws; To fix oonditions preoedent to the approval by the corporation of proposed plans of subdivisions within the limits of the corporation. To designate an area of subdivision oontrol. To provide for the 1956 expenditures on roads and streets. Granted and read the first time. On motl()n rule 33 vres suspended and Council went into co~mittee of the whole on seoond reading. the ~ayor in the chair. On committee riSing the ~,ayor rsported the second reading will all blanks filled in. By-Laws were then read a second and third time. passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved bl' Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Scott thet, the Clerk he instruoted tr'''1"ita the Superintendant of the Goodyear '"'ire &0 llubber Co ttd thanking him for the cuehions far Council rooJl'l chairs. " Carried" Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Rv Little that'Ltlle Iil!lyor appoint a committee to bring in a report and itemized statement of costs for construction of sewers on new sub-divisions. " Carried n Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that the motion withholding the issue of' hulldlng permits for residence construction be rescinded. " Carried" 5th. 1956 of the standing " Carried " lLo/&.0 rLo / b I 't rLo/{P/~ On Motion Council adjourned. f}~{;k- aerk. !., /'U' 12l /.;,,,- L, i <,h'L_ Mayor. : , I I I j