HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/03/1956
.~~~ I:a~::l~:~~::-o~::~:::wa:- held on-:~;~d~~~~~~i~ ~~:~ ;:n~~~;2~~'t~~5~e8Ul;
" of tile lIunicipal elections for 1956 as follows; lIayor, Nelson E. Osborm, Reeve Sidney
Little, Deputy Reeve W.D. Carruthers, acclamation. Councillors;- Norman J Scott, 884,
John Brough, 876, Lloyd 0 Preston, 824, Keith R Lathangue 805 W.D.Higgon, 80l.
Thomas F Rehder; ~~), Public School Board, Arthur D Hooper, Clarke K Wilson, and
William 0 James, Acclamation.Public Utilities Commissioner, W.R. Strike, Acclamation.
Attar taking the oath of office, msnbers elect took their seats and the Mayor called
upon Rev A SCott to open the session with prayer.
Dp Rv Carruthers tllenked tile Rev SCotlt for his services on behalf of Council.
The Mayor called upon two forDllr ~layors, F.M. Vanstone am Sidney Little to address
The Mayor gave his inaugural addrese stating tIBt may new problems would face Couno11
this year and welcoming the two new IIl9IIlbers to Council.
lIinutes of last regular and special meetings were read and 'on motion confirmed.
Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Preston tIBt according to an amendment to the Munio1pal
Act!. no business can be transacted by the outgoing Council after polling date and that
adv ce on this ....tter be obtained from the Town soUcitor. " Carried"
Moved by Dp Rv CarrutberB seconded by Cr Higgen tbe.t the standlng committees for 1956
b. a s follows, flrst named to be chairman;-
Finance; Carruthers, Little, Soott, Brough
Roads end StreBts; Brough, Carruthers, SCott, Lathangue
Fire; Rehder, Brough, Lathangue
PoUce; j;oott, Llttls, Rehde,r
Public Property; Riggon, Carruthers, Preston
Civlc '" Relief; Little, Riggen, SCott
Cemetery; Lathangue, Preston, Brough
Industrial; Preston, Higgen, Rehder
" Carried "
Moved by Cr Scott.seconded by Cr Brough that the Town solicitor or Town Clem obtlll.n
detinlte information from the Munici pal Act as to p,roQedlll'e for the forming Of
standing coamittees.of Council. " Ca,rried "
From IIr Oeo,rge W JlIlIlBS, editor of the ::l1>a1>esman enclosing resolution in re",rd to
settlement of wage disputes between tbs railway am non operating employees and
requesting Council to endorse t~e resolutlon.
lIoved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston that the resolution be adopted by Council
and dopies aent as requested. ft Carried"
From Department of Public Welfare, Toronto in referenoe to dese,rtion cases.
lIoved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Higgen that the letter be referred to the Police
depa,rtDll at. ' " C rr1ed "
~m Bowmanvllle Recrea~ion Commission, stating that they ,recommend en increlse of
. 200.00 per annum to Mr DouglaS Rigg, Recreation Director cOlllllenelng January 1st and
aSking Council for their confirmation.
Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Preston that the sala,ry of the Recreation Dlrecto,r
Mr Douglae Rigg, be inc,reased by $ 200.00 per annum as f,rom Janua,ry 1st, 1956.
" Carrie d "
From Mrs Joan Vinish, Secretar,y Cl~b 15, requestlng permisslon to hold a Maroh Of
Dimes campaign on Feb 15th, 1956.
Moved by Cr Preeton seconded by Cr Brough that permission be granted. " Carried"
From Ontario Oood Road Asso, requeeting renewal of memberShip for 1956 end advislng of
the annual convention to be held in Toronto on Feb 20th to 22nd.
lIoved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Scott that membership for 1956 be not renewed.
ft Carried "
mamba rahi p to the
Officers, Toronto requesting
From Association of Assessing
Association for 1956.
lIoved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Rehder that membership for 1956 be renewed at a fee
of . 10.00 Carried ~
; From Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, enclosing monthly repo,", for
:Nov-.ber, 1955. ~ aec '" Filed"
From I!r H Woolley, Balmoral Hotel, asking permission to erect a sign attached to the
illoved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr ::lcott that perm1ssioo be granted. " Carried"
" From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advising of patlents being admitted to Bowll8nvllle I
!lIemorlal Hospltal. " Rec '" Fl1ed ~
From Electrical Contractors AS90 of Canada, ClUelph, congratulatlng Council on paselng
i::-l_a~~~CenSlng elect:lcal ~on_trac~or~_ ______ ,', ." Rec:_~~led "
fLo /001-
~ ~~.'~
Counoil Room, January Jrd,~i956
Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from the Finance COlllllittee submitting sundry
aooounts amounting to ~i7079.99, certified as being oorreot and reoOlllllending payment.
" Ileo &: Adopted "
Moved by Cr Brough seoonded by Ilr Preston that the fire brigade be granted. 50.00
being 50 ~ of moneyreoeived from outside fires. " Carried'
Moved by Cr Brough seoonded by Cr Scott that the fire oommittee and fire chief be
authorized to appoint td firemen to the f1 re brigade. " Carried "
Moved by Cr Scott seoonded by Cr Brough that the publio property oommittee be
authorized to oall for tenders for cutting doors for the fire esoape, neoessary lights
and plastering. . Carried " I
Moved by Cr Rehder seoonded by Cr Preston that t he plastering in the polioe oells be dO,.
at the same time as other work. " Carried"
Rv Little asked permission to introduoe a by-law to borrow money far ourrent expenses.
Granted and read the first time. On motion rule )J was suspended end Counoil went intc
oommittee of the whole on second reading, the Mayor in the ohair. On oommittee rising
the Mayor reported the second reading with all bllUlks filled in. By-LaW was tllen read
a seoond and third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Rv Little that the following appointments be made I
for 1956;-
Memorial Hoepital Board;-
Memorial Arena Managtlllant Committee;
Bowmanville Planning Board;-
Recreation Commission;-
Chamber of Commerce;
Durham County Distriot Higb Sohool
Board; -
Cr L.G. Preston
Crsll.D.Higgon. J, Bro~
Cr N.J. Scott
Crs T.F. Rehder, K.R. Lathangue
Cr K.R. Lathangue
I4r Walter Reynolde for a three
Year term.
" Carr ied .
Moved by Cr Brough seoonded by Cr Preston that Dp Rv Carruthers and Crs Higgon and
Rehder be appointed a oommittee to bring in a by-law for garbage oollection.
ft Carried "
Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Preston that the l4ayor appoint a oommittee with
power to add, to work with the Chamber of Commerce on a Centennial Committee.
" Carried "
The Mayor appointed Rv Little and Cr Preston.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Lathangue that all oheques or notee of the
Corporation drawn on any aooount with the Benk of Montreal be Signed on its behalf
by Nelson E Osborne, Mayor or Sidney Little neeve and A...Lyle ~reasurer or Clarenos
S Oke, Aes11l~ant Treasurer, and tlllt Cr L.G. Preston be authorized to sign all oheques
on behalf of the Town for the lnd.strial and Publioity bIUlk aocount with the Bank of
~ontreal. " Carried"
.,1,1 j/
t/ lip. / ('..Ihrl-/
On Motion Counoil adjourned.
/' (! /" /
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Counoil Room, January 19th, 1956
Speoial meeting of Counoil was held on aboVE date! members all present the Mayor
prUiding, and stated that he had oalled the meet ng for the purpose of paSSing a
by-law and acoepting tenders tor the purohase of a new polioe car.
Moved by Cr Soott seoonded by Cr Rehder till t the Polioe oommittee reoo_end that a
new police Car be purohased.
Tenders were presented from Palmer Motor Sales and Cowan Equlpnent Co tor the purohase
of a new police oar.
Koved by Cr Higgon seoonded by Cr Rehder that the tender of Palmer Motor Sales for a
Plymouth 2 door sedan at a prioe of. 1550.00 and allowance on the old police oar.
Carried .
Kcved by Cr Scott seoonded by Cr Brough that the Clerk be instruoted to write Palmar I
Motor Sales outlining details of purohese and including the use of a car for the
interim period until deli very of t he new oar at no oharge and that they remove the '
flasher light from the Pontiao and install it on the new Plymouth at no oherge en~j
that explanation be given to I4r Cowan for not aooepting his tender. . Carried"
Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Higgon that a speedmmetsr oertification be furaished
when new oar 1s delivered. " Carried"
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