HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/20/1956 (Special) . '""""". f"'~~"~~'~~""~~~'~'" '~~--'~'~"" "~-~"'~"~~'~--'~"""'" ...._.~'.._. ~ '~~~'.(I . .... ., CounoilRoom,February.6th,1956 p i:.'~ From Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers Asso. Toronto advising of the annual 'C ~ cl.'C convention to be held in Toronto on Apr )rd and 4th and requesting that representative be sent. " Reo &. Filed " From Town of Port Colborne requesting that the Provinoe assist looal munipalities in the cost of domeetic sewer installations " Rec & Filed " :!!'rom Bell Telephone Co, Oshawa enclosing account of $ 80.45 for rspairing cable on Middls ROad, and requesting payment. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Or Preston that the acoount be referred to"the insuranc e company. " OalT led From Department of Planning and Developrent. Civic Defenee Branch. Toronto in reference to formation of a civil defenoe organization. Moved by Cr Soott seconded by Cr Rehder that the oorrespondence be referred to Mr J Elston to consult the seotrary of the Chamber of Commeroe to oontact tha Cenadian Legion to see if a oivil defenoe organization oan be formed. " Carried" REPORTS Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from tlJ! Finanoe Committee submitting su.ndry aooounts amounting to Ii 5,163.41 certified as being correot and reoommending payment. " Reo & Adopted " Moved by Cr Soott seconded by Cr Higgon that the Mayor and Dp Rv Carruthers be appointed to meet with the town solicitor to bring in a draft of by-law for new roads on sub-dlvlsions~ " Carried" Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Dp Rv Carrut hers that IJonevan and Richar ds be 1nstructed to complete su.rvey of Waverly Road and to pl..e necassary markers for a 66 foot road. " Carried " Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Lathangue that the roads and streets committee be authorizad to purohaaa a Colas spraying machine at an approximate cost of Ii 365.00 It Carried .. Brough be authoirzed to advert is " Carried " brigade be granted. 235.00 " C~rrled tI' ---l Moved by Cr Soott seconded by Dp Rv C.rruthere that Cr for tenders far 2000 cubic yards of crushed gravel. Moved by Cr Rehder seconded by Cr Higgon that the fire being 50 % of money reoeived for outside fires. BY-LAW The By-Law to provide for the borrrywing of . 110,000.00 upon debentures for the building and furnishing of a six I:oom addition to tlJ! Vincent Massey Public School was givan the third reading with all blanks filled in, pass ad and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Rehder that the Clerk be instructed to find out the elate that the Town was inoorporated. tt Carried" Moved by Dp Rv Carruthere seconded by Rv Little that Mr William G James be appointed as a member of th9 Planning Board for a three year term. " Carried" Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that Mr A.A.H. Strike be appointed as a member of tlJ! Durham County District High School Board for a three yaar term. " Carried " On Motion Council adjourned. :b(M~fc . e:%k. Council Room, February 20th, 1956 Special meeting of Council was held on above date members all present tlB Mayor presiding end stated that he had call ed the meetIng for the purpose of a discussion in regard to garbage colleotion for the Town. Moved by Dp Hv Carruthers seconded by Or Preston that Council go into committee or the whole, the Mayor in the chair ror the purpose of discussing that matter of garbage collection. " Carried " On committee rising tha Mayor reported progresa. I Mr A.H. Sturrook addressed Council in reference to secu.rlng options on land for park!,1 purposes. Moved by Cr Soott seconded by Cr Preston that Mr A.H.lturrock be authorized to obtein ' optione on lend ror parking purposes at a total cost nolt exceeding. 50.00 end that I the Town 8011cttar be instructed to draw up the agreements. ,. Carried" I Ai , /,~ I (;!/~ ;5'/., ""~ Mayor. On Motion Council adjourned. ) (/'-7 "/ . J U~,~/t~ ;t~L/-I-' d/~ /. ,// ' (./ C lerlc . Mayor. ,-------- ----- I , " '---...------