HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/19/1956 (Special) . .~:~~~~,~ ~- - ----- v ~~.'~ 'He. , flo 1004- " .. ,:,,,~ ,......:-..~, ~~~....:.::::.::. ~=:;.:: --I aocounts amounting to .17079.99, certified as being correot and reoommending payment. " Hec & Adopted " Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Ijr Preston that the fire brigade be granted. 50.00 I being 50 ~ of money received from outeide fires. " Carried" Moved by Cr Brough seoonded by Cr Soott that the fire oommittee and fire ohief be authorized to appoint td firemen to the fire brigade. " Carried" , Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Brough thet the publio property oommittee be 'I authorized to oall for tenders for cutting doors for the fire eeoape, neoessary lighte and plaetering. " Carried " I Moved by Cr Rehder seoonded by Cr Preston that t he plastering in the polioe oells be dO," at t he same time a 9 other work. " Carried " BY -LAW Rv Little asked permission to introduce a by-law to borrow money fer ourrent expenses. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule )) was suepended lIlld Counoil went into , oommittee of the whole on eeoond reading, the Mayor in tho ohair. On oommittee rising the Mayor reported the eeoond reading with all blanks filled in. By-Law was then read , a seoond and third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. I Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Rv Little that the following appointments be made for 1956;- Memorial Hospital Board;- Memorial Arena Management Committee; Bowmanville Planning Board;- Reoreation Commission;- Chamber of Commeroe; Durham County Distriot High Sohool Board; - Cr L.G. Preston Crs N.D.Riggon, J, Brough Cr N.J. Soott Crs T.Y. Rehder, X.R. Lathangue Cr X.R. Lathangue Mr 'Halter Reynolds for a three Year term. " Carr led n Moved by Cr Brough seoonded by Cr Preston that Dp Rv Carruthers and Crs Riggon and Rehder be appointed a oommittee to bring in a by-law for garbage oolleotion. " Carried " Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Preston that the Mayor appoint a oommittee with power to add, to work with tho Chamber or Commeroe on a Centennial Committee. " Carried " The Mayor appointed Rv Little aod Cr Preston. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Lathangue that all oheques or notes of the Corporetion drawn on any aooount with the Bank of Montreal be signed on its behalf by Nelson E Osborne, l4ayor or Sidney Little neeve and A...Lyle ~reasurer or Clarenoe S Oke, Aeei8t1ant Treasurer, and tlat Cr L.G. Preston be authorized to Sign all oheques on behalf of the Town for the Ind"strial and Publioity bank aooount with the .Bank of ~ontreal. ft Carried" On Motion Counoil adjourned. / fltl-('Z// /fA {~.;!~. L' .~hrL./ /" ~ "(it, /' /(' '{,('/'- L~, ,_",-:'I~"./ """ '-, -' / /' ./ (/C)'erk. Mayor. Counoil Room, January 19th, 1956 Special meeting of Council was held on abo", date, members all present the Mayor prUiding, and stated that he hed oalled the meetlng for the purpose of passing a by-law and accepting tenders for the purohase of a new polioe car. Moved by Cr Soott seconded by Cr Rehder the t the Police oommittee reco_end that a new polioe car be purohased. Tenders were presented from Palmer Motor Sales and Cowan Equipment Co for the purohase of a new police car. Koved by Cr Riggon seconded by Cr Rehder that the tender of Palmer Motor Sales for a Plymouth 2 door sedan at a prioe of. 155C.00 and allowanoe on the old polioe oor. Carried ft Koved by Cr Scott seoonded by Cr Brough that the Clerk be instruoted to write Palmer Motor Sales outlining details or purchase and inoluding the use of a oar for the interim period until delivery of the IlSW oar at no oharge anil that they remove the I flasher light from the Pontiao and install it on the new Plymouth at no oharge and that sxplanation be given to Mr Cowan fOr not aooepting his tender. " Carried ft Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Higgon that a speedometer certifioation be furaished I when new oar is delivered. " Carried ") -------------,-- ---'_._,~------ ~.'.<'RT~ec' I ~-=''''~''''_'__ - - .~-~._-,~-=---_______.._.____._______._ _.._n_________..m_ "~'J!i,l" '1- COUIlC 11 Room, January 19th, 1>9;6 J'Y";;;h Moved by Cr Lathangue seoonded by Cr Rehder that a siren he ins talled under the hood ," " I of the police oar that a lens with" Polioe stop" be installed on the right front fender, that reguiation polioe flasher be installed on the top of the oar, and that , the polioe oar be lettered in white. " Carried" 1 ~~ I '1 Rv Little asked rermission to intlloduoe a by-law to provide for the borrodng of the sum of $ 110,000.00 upon debentures to defray the cost of building and equiping 01' a , I six room addition to the Vincent Massey SChool. I i Granted and read the first time, On motion rule JJ was suspended and Council went into I I committee 01' the whole on second reading, the Mayor in the chair. On oommittee rising , i the Mayor reported the second reading.'dlly...r."WlwaLthan laid on the table. I , I i On Motion Council adjourned. ~ /i~t.~~ t: /~~~ ~ Mayor I Counoil Room, January JOth, 1956 Special meeting of CounciL-was held on above date, memhers all presant excepting Crs Rehder end Preston, the Mayor presiding and statsd that he hed oalled the meeting for the' purpose of passing a petition for the statuary grant on rood expenditures for 1955. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that the treasurer be authorized to apply for the ststusry grant on 1955 road expenditurss. " Carrisd " IlD ;' l c5 On Motion Council adjourned. I ;,{,' ,_ 1/ /l!,I~~1- j"i' ~ I Mayor. i Council Room, February 6th, 1956 I Regular meeting ot Council was held on above date, members all present the Mayor I preSiding. Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and on motion confirmed. COM}~NICATIONS I From Mr Glenholm Hughss, secretary Bowmanville Public Library Board petitioning Counoil to taks the necessary action to appoint a library board and establish a free pUblic Library. Mr R Hamblyn addrsssed Counoil in reference to the establishment of a frse pUblic library. Mo~ed by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr SCott that the request be refsrred to ths finance committes to bring in a report. " Carried" Mr A.H. Sturrook on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce addressed Council in refsrence to the establishment 01' a parking lot at the rea. 01' stores on the north side 01' King St between Temperanoe and Division Streets. Moved by Cr Preston seconded by Rv Little that I.!r Sturrock be given permiSSion on behalf of the Chember of Commerce to obtain offers of purchase for land for a parking , lot and report baok to Council. " Carried " , >rom Dr H.B. Rundle, Sec-Treas. of the Intar Club committee requesting Council to make j a bid for the present post office when offered for sale snd requesting that the dressing rooms in t he Town Hall be renovated. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston that the matter of bid for present post offio be referred to th! finance oommittee to investi@l!lte and report beok to Counoil. " Cptl"rled " Moved by Cr Preston seconded by Dp Rv Car rut bers thet the matter of renovating the dressing rooms be referred to the Public Property Committee to investigate and report back to Council. " C rried " From Chamber of Commerce rscommedning that s Park Commission be established. · From Reoreation Commission in reference to a park area near the oentre of the Town. Moved by Cr Soott seconded by Cr Rehder that a committee be appointed to invest1@1!lte and report baok to Council snd that the seoretary of the Chamber 01' Commerce be the chairman. " Csrrled " From Strike and. strike, Town solicitors in referenoe to the appointment of' oommittees at Council. " Reo & Filed " :!'rom Stike and Strike, Town solicitors in referenoe to amendment 01' section 262 01' the Munioipal Act. " Rec & Filed" -)