HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/06/1956
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'$~~i~ r'::ve:~~~cr L5thangUes:c~cnd::~b~ nC:::~d:':~~~~~ ~ir:~0::f::~i~9~~i:~9~ hood
, ! of the police car, thet a lens with" Police stop" be installed on the rigbt front
fender, that regulation police flasher be installed on tha top of the car, and that
the police car be lettered in white. " Carried "
Rv Little asked permiseion to intnoduce a by-law to provide for the borrow&ng of the
sum of * 110,000.00 upon debentures to defray the cost of building and equiping of a
-Six room addition to the Vincent Massey School.
Granted and read the first time, On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into
committee of the whole on second reading, the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising
the Mayor reported the second reading."lly...r.aWlwaa.than laid on the table.
On Motion Council adjourned.
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Council Room, January 30th, 1956
Special meeting of CounciLwas held on above date, members all ];resant excepting Crs
Rehder and Preston. the Mayor presiding and stated that he hed called the meeting
for the, purpose of passing a petition for the statuary grant on rood expenditures for
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that the treasurer be authorized to apply for
the statuary grant on 1955 road expenditures. " Carried"
On Motion Council ad journed.
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Council Room, February 6th, 1956
Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the Mayor
preSiding. Minutes of last reguler and special meetings were read and on motion
From Mr Glenholm Hughes. secretary Bowcenvllle Public Library Board petitioning Council
to take the neceesary action to appoint a library board and establish a free public
Mr R Hamblyn addressed Council in reference to the establishment of a free public
Molted by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Scott that the request be referred to the
finance committee to bring in a report. " Carried"
Mr A.H. Sturrock on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce addressed Council in reference
to the establishment of a parking lot at tbe reat of stores on the north side of King
St between Temperance and Division Streete.
Moved by Cr Preston seconded by Rv Little that Mr Sturrock be given permiseion on
behalf of the Chamber of Commeroe to obtain offers of purchase for land for a parking
lot and report back to Council. " Carried"
.rom Dr H.B. Rundle, Sec-Treas. of the Inter Club committee requesting Council to make
a bid for the present post office when offered for sale and requesting that tbe
dressing rooms in the Town Hall be renovated. I
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston that the matter of bid for present post Offic,
be referred to tm finance committee to investigate and report back to Council. :
" C"rried "
Moved by Cr Preston seconded by Dp Rv Car rut hers that the matter of renovating the
dressing rooms be referred to the Public Property Committee to investigate end report
back to Council. " c~rrled "
From Chamber of Commerce recommedning that a Park Commission be established.
From Reoreation Commission in reference to a park area near the oentre of the Town.
, Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Rehder that a committee be appointed to investigate
I and report back to Council and that the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce be the
chairman. " C"r ri ed "
From Strike and Strike, Town solicitors in referenoe to the appointment of committees
of Council. " Rec & Filed "
From Stike and Strike, Town solicitors in reference to amendment of section 262 of
the MuniCipal~ct~n_"_:ec__~med ~_)
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P '''" Moved by Cr Soott eeoonded by Cr Higgon that
oommittees of inooming Counoils be pre"red.
Moved by Cr Soott seconded by Cr Rehder that
oontractors be re-introduced.
From Mr Walter Reynolde tendering his resignation as
distriot high sohool board.
Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Lathangue that the
Counoil Room, February 6th, 1956
a procedure by-law for the seleotion of
" Carried "
the by-law licensing eleotrioal
" Motlon"LOst "
a member of the Durham County
resignation be aooepted.
. Carried .
From Miss Nina E Neads emolosing renewal of liability insuranoe for 1956 at an annual
premium of $ 625.00
Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the premium of $
625.00 be paid.
n Carried rr
From ~lr L.W. Dippell, prinoipel of the High School requesting the erection or
. No Parking . signs in front of t he High School.
Moved by Dp Rv Cerruthers seoonded by Cr Higgon that the request be referred to the
Police Committee with power to act. . "Carried'
From Mr Russell Robbins, Sougog St re~uesting the removal of treee in front of his
Moved by Cr Brough seoonded by Rv Little that the re~uest be referred to the Publio
Property Committee with pC1Nsr to aot. n Cerried n
From Canadian Netional Railway, Canadian Paoifio Railway, Prime Minister of Canada,
and Brotherhood of Railway and steamsbip Clerks aOknowledging receipt of resolution
forwarded to them. " Reo & Filed "
From Ontario Munioipal Board, Toronto enolosing order in referenoe to new pUblio sohool
building. . Reo & Filad .
_rom Ontario Munioipal Board, Toronto in raferenoe to oonstruction of sidewalks.
Moved by DP Rv Carrutbers seoonded by Cr Brougb that the Clerk be instructed to reply.
n Ce;rrled "
From Mr K Symons, Counties Clerk in reference to site for proposed new oounties hams.
Moved by Cr Soott seoonded by Cr Brough that tbe letter be aoknowledged stating tbat
the Town has no available site witb the neoessary facilities at tbe present time.
n Carried It
From Mr T.G. Shields, Counties Assessor, advising of a meeting of munioipal assessors
to be beld in Cobourg on Friday February lOth at 10.00 A.M.
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston that the assessor be instruoted to
attend, with expeoses paid. " Carried"
From Mr H.R. Hobbs, Fire Co-ordinator, Ontario County, Osbawa advising of a meeting
to be beld in the City Hall Oshawa on Friday February 24tb at 8.00 P.M. and requesting
tbat representatives from Council and Fire obief attend.
Moved by Dp Rv Carrutbers seconded by Cr Lathangue that the request be referred to the
Fire Committee with power to aot. ' " Carried It
From Bowmanville Planning Board reoommending tbat a permit be issued to Mr Floyd Bradd
for the construotion of a house on Third cit.
J.:oved by Cr Brougb seoonded by Cr Higgon. that a permit be granted. . Cerried .
From Mrs J.E. Vinish, seoretary of Club 15 requesting permission from tbe Counoil to
use faotory whistles and cburoh bells to announce tbe opening of Maroh or Dimes
Moved by Cr Preston seoonded by Cr Rehder that permission be granted. . Carried.
From Secretery Bowmanville Memorial Hospital requesting a grant fer 1956.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Higgon that tbe request be referred to the finanoe
Committee. " Carried"
From Department of Higbways, Toronto stating that they could not looate a plan of
Waverly Road. " Rec & Filed If
From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advising of patients being admitted to Bowmanv! ll.e
Memorial Hpspital. . Rec & Filed .
From Northumberland-Durbsm Healtb Unit, Cobourg, enolosing report for lJ8Oember, 1955
" Rec &. Filed "
From Stike and Strike, Town solioitors in referenoe to Chapel St "rossing.
Movsd by Rv Little seoonded by Dp Rv Carrutbers that tbe Cle11< be instruoted to send
. oopies of letter to Mr J Leddy and Mr Howard Burgess and advise thsm of liability
insuranoe. " C~rried ft
From Salvation Army, Toronto and St Johns Ambulanoe Fund, Toronto aSking Council for a
Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Preston that the requests be referred to the
Finance Committee to bring in a reoommendation. n Cerried It i
. From Ontario Traffio Confsrenoe, Toronto advis ing......Of a oonvention to be held in LO.ndOj
Ion April 9th to 11th and requesting that representative be sent. n Reo & Filed'
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Counoil Room, February 6th, 1956_
From Ontario Sohool Trustees and Ratepayers Asso, Toronto sdvising of ths annual
oonvention to be hsld in Toronto on Apr 3rd and 4th and requesting that reprssentative
be sent. " Reo & Filed "
From Town of Port Colborne rsquesting that the Provinoe assist looal munipalities
in the oost of domestio sewer installations " Reo & Filed "
From Bell Telephone Co, Oshawa enolosing aooount of t 80.45 for repairing oable on
Middle ROad, and requesting payment.
}loved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Or Preston that the acoount be referred to"the
insurance oompany. " Carried
From Departme nt of Planning and Develotm!int, 01 vie Defenee Branch t T01'O nte in reference
to formation of a oivil defenoe organization.
Moved by Cr Scott seoonded by Cr Rehder that the oorrespondenoe be referred to Mr J
Elston to oonsult the seotrary of t ha Chamber of Commeroe to oontaot tIE Canadian
Legion to see if a oivil defenoe organization oan be formed. " Carried"
Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from tIB Finanoe Committea submitting sundry
aooounts amounting to. 5,163.41 oertified as being oorreot and reoommending payment.
.. R8Ic &. Adopted n
Moved by Cr Soott seoonded by Cr Higgon that the Mayor and DP Rv Carruthers be
appointed to meet with the town solioitor to bring in a draft of by-law for new roads
on sub-divisions. " Carried"
Moved by Cr Brough seoonded by Dp Rv Carruthers that Donevan and Rioherds be instruoted
to oomplete survey of Waverly Road and to plsc e neoessary marlrers for a 66 foot road.
" Carried"
Moved by Cr Brough ssoonded by Cr Lathangue that the roads and streets oommittee be
authorized to purohase a Colas spraying maohine at an approximate oost of t 365.00
" Carried ..
Moved by Cr Soott seoonded by Dp Rv Cerruthers that Cr Brough be authoirzed to advertis
for tenders for 2000 cubio yards of orushed gravel. " Carried"
Moved by Cr Rehder seconded by Cr Higgon that the fire brigade be granted t 235.00
being 50% of money reoeived for outside fires. " C~rried "
~he By-Law to provide for the borrnwing 0 . 110,000.00 upon debentures for the
building and furnishing of a six t'oom addition to tIB Vincent Massey Public School
was given the third reading with all blanka filled in, passed and ordered to be
signed and sealed.
Moved by Cr Soott seconded by Cr Rehder that ths Clerk be instructed to find out the
flate that the Town was inoorporated. " Carried It
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Rv Little that Mr William G James be appointed
as a manber of tllt Planning Board for a three year term.. n Carried"
Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Dp Rv Carruthers that Mr A.A.H. Striks be eppointed as
a member of tha Durham County District High School Board for a three year term.
" Carried n
, a.;,.k.
Council Room, 'ebruary 20th, 1956
Speolal meeting of Council was held on above date,members all present tm Mayor
presiding and stated that he had oall ed the meeting for the purpose of a discussion
in regard to garbage colleotion for the Town.
Moved by Dp Hv Carruthers seconded by Or Preston that Council go
whole, t he Mayor in tIE 0 hair for the purpose of disouseing that
On committee riSing the Mayor reported progrese.
Mr A.H. Sturrook addressed Council in refereme to securing options on land for parklngj
purposes. I
)'1oved by Or Scott seoonded by Or Preston that Mr A.H.-)turrock be authorized to obtain
options on land for parking purposes at a total cost DItlt exoeeding . 50.00 and that
I the Town sollcttor be instructed to draw up the agreements. " Carried"
On Motion Council adjourned.
into committee of
matter of garbage
fl Carried n
On Motion Council adjourned.
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