HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/01/1954 '-";.:"";"'~d ~.,. . "N' .11 ~o... ~.c' , _\120 r r --- ------------ -- ----- - -Counoil-Room, November 1st, 1954 ttegular meeting of Council was held on above date, J:1:Embers all present exoepting Dp Rv Nicholas. the Mayor presiding. Minutes of last regular meetings were read and on motion confirmed. Mr C Samis addressed Council submitting statement of receipts and expenditures o'f the Msmorisl Arsna from Oot 1st to Sspt 30th, 1954 and snolosing ohsque for. 2,000.00 Movsd by Cr Carruthsrs ssoondsd by Rv Little thst ths tinanoial s.atsmsot be reosivsd and thanks bs extendsd to the Arena Committes tor their servioss and that. 1,300 be oreditsd to the Kinsmen Club towards payment ot artitioial ioe debentures. " Carried " COMMUNICATIONS From:Mr Garnet MoCoy and others petitioning 'for the oonstruction o'f a watermain on Frederick Ave trom Scugog St to 360 test west. Moved by Cr Cole seoondsd by Cr Higgon that ths pstition being csrtified as being sufficiently signed be received and re'ferred to the Public Utilities Commission. " Carried" From Durham County District High Sohool Board in reterence to By-Law approving debenture issue for tl'El construotion of high sohools in Bowmanville and :Port Hope, Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers that it be referred to By-Laws. " Carried" on Elgin Strsst trom C.P.R. ---------....-.._..._._n._ trom Strike and Strike, in reference to proposed sidewalk bridge to Concession St. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Rv tittle that the motion passed in re'ferenae to the sidewalk on Oot 4th be resoinded.. " Carriad . Freon Durham County Distr,ot High Sohool Board stating that t hi" population ot 111s Town entitles us to_ another member on tb! Board. Moved by Cr Carruthers seoonded by Cr Cols thst ths matter be reterred to ths Civic Committee to bring in a recommendation either to appoint a member immediately or trom tb! first of the year. " Carried" From Mr Lou Lyle and other residents of Rehder Ave requesting the installation of .treet lights and kasing thst ths road be repaired. MOved by Or Hiegon seconded by Cr Carruthers that the request be referred to the Public Property and Roads and Streets Committees with power to act. " Carried" hom Mr John M James aSking to have two trees removed in front of his property at 85 Chur.oh st. Moved b;y Cr Osborne seoonded by Or Carruthers that the request be referred to tbe Publio Property Comittee with power to aot and maks a survey ot other trass in a dangerous aondi t:1 on. " Carried " From Kinsman Club requesting psnnission of Council to sponsor an " Elmer the Elsphant" campaign in the Publio Scllools. Moved by Ro Rshdsr ssoonded by Cr Cola that pennission be granted and Council baok it to t lB fullest extent. " Carried It From Public School Board in rsterenos to the drainsge ot ditohss at Church and St Gear Streets . Moved b.r Rv Little seconded by Cr Carruthers that the matter be referred to the Roads and Streets Committee with power to aat. " Carried" hom Department of Highways, Toronto aCknowledging letter in regard to the installation of traffic light at King and Liberty Streets. " Reo &: Filed tt From Bell Telephone Co, Oshawa requesting permission to install an additional telephone booth at the oorD9r of King and Temperanoe Streets. Moved by Or Osborne seoonded by Cr Cole that pennission be granted. " Carried" From Lions Club thanking Council for audience extended to member of 1)he olub in regard to srscting safety signs and traffio light at ths oorner ot King and Libsrty Strssts. " Rec & Filed " From Mr L.C. Mason enclosing consent and agreemnt of Mr J.J. Flett in regard to aplan for a new sub-di vis ion. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Or Cole that the letter be received and aokowledged. " Carried " ot a oonterenos to be he ld at Old Mill " Rec & Filed " training course for Fire Chiefs to be held From Ontario Parks Asso, Toronto advising Toronto. on Nov 6th. From Fire Marshall, Toronto advising of a in Toronto on Nov l7t3, 18th, and 19th. Movsd by Cr Higgon ssoondsd by Cr Rehder that tbe lsttsr Committee with power to act. be referred to the Fire It Carried " REPORTS Cr Osborne presented a report fran the fInance committee 8ul:mitting sundry accounts amounting to . 20,314.37 snd Public Sohool bUilding aooounts tor . 1,493.81, oertified as being oorrsot snd recommending paymsot. . Reo & Adopted. "~:<~H"Lq; ~~. P~:h; """!-'O Council Room, November let, 1954 Moved by Cr Carrut18rs seCOnded by Cr Osborne that the finance committee be instructed to obtAin further information on cost of proposed sewer on Liberty at and if deemed" advisable to have a by-law prepared. . Carried Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers tbat the clerk be instructed to advise Memorial Park Asso that deed for Club House has nevar been made out and that Council are not in favor of making out a deed far the property. " Carried' Moved by Rv Little sseconded by Cr Carruthers that no action be taken to open up a ditch on Chapel Street and that the Clerk advise the parties concerned accordingly. ~ ,. Carried " Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston that the Clerk be instructed to writa Mr H.W. Knapp on the advic. of our engineer to obtain the advice of an engineer and surveyor to ascertain if more water Is being drained onto his property than formerly. ,. Carried ,. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Carruthers that the Clerk be instructed to write Mr L Bernes. Conoession St instruoting htm to repair and clean the earth arf the sidewalk in rront of his property. . n Carried ,. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Osbome that an advertisement be inserted in the State amen forbidding the buril1g of l_s and rubbish on t18 paved roads. " Csrried " Woved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Rehder that a letter of thanks be sent to the organizations who contributed to the re-deooratlon of the auditorium. ,. Carried " Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Higgen that the Womene Business and PrOfessional Club be granted free use of the Auditorium for opening night, " Carried' BY-LAW Rv Little moved the t bird reading of the By-Law to provide for a special rate to be levied in order to defray th!l Town's share in the coet of constructing and equipping High Schools at Bowmanville and Port Hope, By-Law was than read a third time with all blanks rUled in, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Rv Littls that the matte r of street Signs be referre to tlB consideration of next year's Couna11 for prggres*lve: ooverage of the Town and cost be provided far in t18 bUdget. " Carried . Bn Motion Council Adjourned. ~? "~ L C/""{ ~~ 19i:rk . ;f$r/~ , ,- Mayor . Council Room, December 7th, 1954 Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, rnembens all present excepting Dp Rv Nicholas, t18 Mayor presiding, Minutes or last regular meeting were read and On motion confirmed. COMMUNICATIONS I From Retail Merohant's Comrni ttee, Chamber of C~rce requesting Council to declare Monday December 27th, Boxing Day as a holiday. Moved by Cr Osborne seoonded by Or Preston t hat the Mayor issue a proclamation : deolaring Monday December 27th, Boxing Day, a legal holiday. " Carried" IlProm Counties Clerk, CObourg, advising of pitlents being 8 dmitted to Bowrmnville Hospital. tt Rec &. Filed" Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Cole that the Clerk be instructed to cheek with the ,Childrens Aid SOoiety, Port Hope, in regard to the residence of one of the patients. I tt Carried " From Bell Telephone Co, Oshawa stating that they would be unable to install an additional pay phone on Temperance St at the present time. " Reo &. Filed" : From Mr Roas Hallowell, 50 Church st, requesting the removal of trees. I Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Or TUp,gon that the request be ref'erred to the Public Property Committee with power to act. " Carried" hom 141" John H Kerry tendering his reSignation as a member of the Fire Brigade. I " Reo &. Acoepted " Fram Mr Charles Oattren, Plant Manager Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Co Ltd requesting that " No Parking or Standing" Signs be placed on the east side ot Queens Ave. I Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Riggon that th e request be ret'erred to the Police ICODIm.lttee with pOwer to act. " Carried" From Mrs Helen Park, secretary Memorial Park ASBO requesting that a street light be installed on Park at between tlber~y and Duke Sts. iMoved by Cr ~lggon seconded by Cr craIe that the request be referred to the Public Property Com with power to act. " Carried" I