HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/1954 '.~:::~';P4 ;E'/<Ji;;, p-- ~:m Council Room October 4th, 1954 Regular meeting of Council was held on above date~ members all present the MeYor pr.sldlng. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion oonfirmed. Mr Alex McGregor, member of the Durham County District High School Board addressed Council in referen"" to the building of an addition to the Bov.manville High School and a new High School in Port Ho,pe and re::;.uestlng Council to pass a resolution and ~-L w authorizing the issue by the Counties of debentures. Movea by Or Osborne seoonded by Rv Littlj3: that the resolution be passed and the By-Law be dealt with under by-laws. " C rried " Mr W Braden addressed Counoil on behalf of the r~ions Club in reference to ~raffio control at King and Liberty Streets for school children attending thl3 Vincent Massey Sohool on Church St. "loved by Rv Little seoorned by Cr Osbar-ne that e. orossing guard be placed temporarily at King and Liberty Streets for school children crossing King St and the police committee be authorized to investigate the school orossing problem and report reck to Counci 1. Moved an Amendment by Dp Rv Nicholae seconded by Cr Cole that a stop-light be installed at too Corner of King and Liberty Streets end that 'ft temporary guard be placed at the corner of King and LIberty Streets. Amendment carried rt Moved by Dp Rv Nicholas seconded by Cr Cole that the Lions Club be given permission to have rt Sohool Signs" installed in close proximity to the schools. " Carried" COIII,'UIlICA TIONS From J,;r Arthur Hone and at hers pe('lli1olung lor the construction of a watermain from Liberty St to 95 Concession St East. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston that the petition being certit'ied by the Clerk as being sufficiently signed, be received and referred to the Public Utilities Commission. 11 Carried " From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of patients being admitted to Belleville General Hospital amd Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. " Rec & Filed It From Mr Frank Williams. 62 Brcwn 3t and Mr J OtNeil, Church St requesting to have trees removed in front of their respective properties. From Mr S.H. Brown,. 43 Ontario St .rer'Juesting to hsve the limbs of a tree trimmed overhanging his house~ Moved by Cr. Osborne ,seconded by Or I'reston that the requests be referred to the lublic property COIrll'J.ittee wi th power to act. " Carried" From Miss Mary ~ewell. secretary of the WOuens Business and Profeesional Club aSking rermission to hold e. Tag nay in aid of the United Nations .l:l:elief Fund on Saturday October 23rd. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Higgon t-hat :r;ermission be granted. " Carried" From A-~r S.R. James, secretary of the Public Sohool Board re1ueating that the school crol'lsing guard be provided with a 8):6c181 cap, belt and stop sign~ Moved by Cr Carruthers s~conded by Cr Osborne that the crOSSing guard be requested to waer a special cap and to Use the stop sign and that a belt be provided and that 1 temporary arrangements be made lor the otner guard. " Carried" From Community Frogram Branch, Board of ~ducation, Toronto approving the appointment of ltr G.A. Vail as director of recreatiC'ln. tI Rec & Filed" I From Mr ;[.3. Emmerson, secretary of' Boy Jcouts Association aSking permission to hold the annual e pple day on Saturday October J6th. I. Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Rehder that permiSSion be granted, "Carried fl From Kenneth R Baird, County Fire Co-ordinator. Cobourg thanking Council for making the fire demonstration held recently a SUccess and providing the refreshments. 1 " Rec & Fil ed " From Mr Ray Lathangue.! member at' the Chamber of Commerce aSking permission to install . containers t'or rubbisn at }~ranklin l'ark, Memorial P rk and Bowmanville Cemetery. Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Preston that perm!ssion be granted and acknowledged with thanks. If Carried" From ).~rs D:l.vid }ark, secretary of too Mem01"ial Park Asse thanking Council f'or trees planted in the ~rk and enqUiring about a deed f'or the new club house. Moved by Or Carruthers seconded by Or Cole thtit the finance committee be instructed to investigate in regard to deed and report reck to Council. tI Carried" From Continental Casualty Co, Toronto in reference to claim for water damages and stating that claim was excluded from the pOlicy. t1 nee & Filed" From Bowmanville Planning and Develo_nt Board returning pl~n SUbmitted to them from Mr Charles Bickle, Concession St requesting him to allow for road allowances that will tie in with extensions from lE'Jrlbert and 3t George Streets. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers that the re1ueet be complied with. " Cgl'ried rt r r .,.~~;:;.~~.-! w~ $~~ ~o , .'PO Council Room, October 4th, 1954 From Defuty ,Minister, DenartID3nt of Highways, Toronto, in reference to complaints and . suggest ons for improvements of the approaches to Highway No 401. I 110ved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Cole that a letter of thanks be sent to the Deputy 1:1nlster for his interest in the matter. " Carried ". I REPORTS Cr Osborne presented a report fro~ the Finanoe Committee SUbmitting sundry accounts ' for $ 1l,689.76'and hblic School bUilding accounts for $ J<.150.~4 certified as being I correct aD d re'commendlng paymen t. " Rec & Adopted " lloved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Nicpolas that the roads and street s committee be authorized to spend $ 150.00 for ditching on the I;jle Roaavand~gh Street. ~ r>~ '/ II Carried" I Moved by rtv Little seconded by Cr C"rruthers that e roai&{ e,n Streets committee be I authorized to order 15 tons of rock sal:b at a cost ot' ~ 21.50 j:Sr ton. "Carried" Moved by Rv ~ittle seconded by Cr Carruthers that the guide posts be installed on the ' east side of t he south a pproach to Elgin Street bridge and that no ramp be constructed I on the east side of t re south approach from the sidewalk. and that a cement sidewalk be constructed on the we at side of Elgin Street souther Iy fram the C .P.R. bridge for a distance of approximately 150 feet. I Moved an amendment _by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Osborne that a cement sidewalk four feet in width be constructed on the west side of Elgin street from the C.P.R. bridge to I' Concession Street subject to the approval as to the legality by the Ta.m solicitor. " Amename nt Carried II ' BY -LAWS IltV Little asked permissIon to introduce tre following By-Laws; ~o provide for the hOlding of ~unioipal elections;_ ,. To provide for especial ret e to be levied in order to defray the Town's share of the cost off construoting and e~uipping a new High School at Port Hope and tl:e addition to the High .:.::.ichool at Bowmanville for the Durham County High dchaol District. I Grented and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended Bnd Council went into oommittee of the whole on second reading, the ~'~ayor in the cbair. On Committee rising the Aiayor rerorted the seoond reading. The By-Law to provide for a special rate to be levied for the cost of Bowmanvl11e's share for the construction of the schOOls was laid on the table. The By-LaW to provide for t h9 hOlding of Municipal elections 'NaS given the third readin passed and ordered to be s1 gned FIn d seal ad. On Motion council adjourned. ~- /'4- d~~ , 110 15<53 7lo IS gJ-/ Meyor. r I I I I I I I I I l I I II I J