HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/07/1954 '~\::;;:;lJ t' 'e, }'O ~:;n t I Counoil Hoom, August Jrd, 1954 corner of King St be left as is. " Carried It Moved by Cr Cerruthers seoonded by Hv Little that the Publio Property Committee bs authorized to inatall the eleotrio fixtures and wiring in the auditorium at the time that the soaffolding 1s ereoted for decorating. " Carried n BY-LAW Rv Little asked permission to introduoe a By-Law authorizing the oonstruction of oertain works as Local Improvement B under the Local Improvement Act. , Granted and read the first time. On motion rule JJ was suspended and Counoil went into 'I oommittee of the whole on seoond reading the I.layar in the oheir. On oommittee rising the I.layor reported the seoond reading with all blanks filled in. By-Law was then read I a third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Hv Little seoonded by Dp Rv Nioholas thet at the request of the ohairman of th~ lublio Property Committee, the benohes in the oenotaph park be moved to Franklin Perk. " Carried " Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Preston that the POlioe Committee be authorized to move the " Parking from here to corner " sign on the west side of Sougog St at King St, baok the proper dietanoe as allowed by the Highway ~'raffio Aot. " Carried " 4~~ (/6ierk. On Motion Council adjourned. -/'$ !/;~:z:;:;- Mayor. Council Room, ..Sept 7th, 1954 Regular meeting of Council 'Nas held on above date, members all PJ:"esent the Mayor presiding. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion confirmed. COM1'UNICATIONS From Public Utilities Commission enclosing engineers report on the cost of the construction of a sanitary sewer on Liberty at North amounting to $ 35,000.00 Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Cole th!t the report be referred to the finance committee for further study on tm proportion of the cost. " Carried" From Mr T.W. Cawker and others petitioning against tm construction of a sanitary sewer! on Liberty st North owing to the cost of frontage tax tret will be assessed against their properties. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Osborne that the petition be referred to the Town solicitor for a ruling as to the legality of the withd.rawal of names from the original petition and report back. ~ Carried" From Board of Transport Commissioners, Ottawa aCknowledging receipt of letter in reference to commuter service for the Toronto area. " Rec & Filed" From Llr J.3. Cross, secretary of the Prime M:inister of Canada acknowledging receipt of letter in re rerenee to th e constru ction of an all Canadian seaway. " Rec &; Filed It From AIr A.H. .Nilson, Superintendant C.N.R. Belleville in reference to the installation of a pipe for the intended automatio crossing protection on the Lake Hood. " Rec &. Filed tt From. lir Ronald Abbott, secretary of the Canadian Legion asking rermission to hold a canvas for the sale of poppie s on Nov 5th am 6th and a tag day on saturday Nov 6th. Moved by Or Osborne seconded by Cr Cole that permission be granted. " Carried " From L-~r A Hoorer, President of the Kinsmen Club asking :p3rmission to hold a tag day in aid of Memorial Arena artificial ioe on Saturday Sept 18th. Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Osborne that permission be granted. 11 Carried" From Dept of l.:unicipal Affairs, Toronto in reference to application for additional per capita grant for 1954 and stating that representative would check our records to confirm the population. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers that the letter be laid on the table " Carried tt Fran Public Utilities Commission enclosing cheque for $ 1,868.35 for rebate on street lighting for 1954. " Heo & Filed " From Miss Helen Cryderman. Deputy Registrar, Bowmanville, stating that the charge as provided by statutes is lOt eaoh for list of property transfers and asking if Council would be willing to pay 2511: eaoh for a list of pro~rty transfers. Moved by Rv Little Seoonded by Cr Carruthers that the rmtter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. " Carried tt From Mr J.J. Flett and Mr H.H. Trinnell petitioning for tte construction of a cement sidewalk on Jane St, north side, from Simpson Ave to 183 taet west. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Osborne that. the petition being certified as be~ing . sufficiently signed be accepted and the work prooeeded with. " Carried" --. .... "-. --,,_. .'-'.. r- '-"',:~'Ci.; ;;:~"" ~;Sn ---, -_._--------~_.~ Council Room, September 71>h, 1954 From Dept of Highways, Toronto enclosing forms tor interim road subsidy on expenditures for 1954. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Or Car rut hers that the treasurer be authorized to apply for interim road aubsidy. " Carried n From Fire Marshall, Toronto in reference to rire prevention week Oot 3rd to 9th, and enclosing progress report on the standardization program. Moved by Rv Little seconded by \Or Cole that tbe letters be referred to the Fire Committ e " Car ried " of By-taw regulating the locat! on of ~a ~ ,q"'Q r- From Counties Clerk, CObourg, enclosing copy buildings on County roads. Moved by Cr Riggon seconded by Cr Carrut hers that the By-taw be referred to the planning board. " Carried " From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, encloeing agreements to be filled in and submitted with other papers for the admission of any P9rson to the House of Retuge. "Rec & Filed ft From Counties Clerk, Cobourg stating that the fox bounty would be paid from Nov 1st, et the rate of ~ 3.00 per fox. . Rec &0 Filed. From Board of Transport Commissioners, Ottawa in reference to the Trans-Canada Pipe Lines. n Rec & Filed" From Mr Charles Bickle, Conoession St submitting plans of his property on Concession St for the sale of lots. Moved by Cr Osborne s eoonded by Dp Rv Nioholas that the plan be re1"erred to the Planning Board. . Cerried . Mr Keith Lethange addressed Council on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce submitting plans for pirking lots in the Town and requesting Council to make the necessary improvements and also re'luesting that the four hour parking on the streets be changed to two hour parking. Moved by Dp Rv Nicholas seconded by Cr Preston that the me tter of perking lots be referred to tile Public Property Committee to investigate with power to act. " Carried " Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Cerrutllers that tbe matter of changing tbe four hour j:6rking to two hours be referred to tlB Police Committee to report mok. "Carried" From Mrs Victoria Frank, Scugog St claiming damages to her property as result of the blockage of a town sewer on Sougog St. Moved by Cr OsborD> secondsd by Rv Little that tbe claim be sent to Idiss Nina Neads Insuranc e agent, and tb! ala 1m acknowledged. n Carried n REPORTS Cr Osborne presented a report f'rom the Finance Committee suJ:mitting sundry accounts for $ 7.832.07. tocal Improvanect accounts for $ 2,219.40 and Public School Building acoounts for' 28,035:.04, certified as being correct and recODmending paynBnt. . n Reo &; Adopted " a,loved by Cr Osborne seconded by Dp Rv Nicholas that the assessor be authorized to take I a course on asseSSing at 8 oost of. 50.00 " Carried" Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Rehder that the Fire Brigade be granted $ 120.00 being 50 % of money rece~ved for outside fires. " Carried" I Moved by Cr Cole eeconded by Cr Cerruthers thet this Council recommend to next year's and suoceeding Councils that t hey adopt the policy of buying two new fire ai'arm boxes ,I per year until all boxes are replaced. " Carried" I Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Or OsbOl"ne that the natter of parking on Queell&s Ave be referred to the Police Committee to report beck. n Carried" I Moved by Cr Carruthers :seconded by Dp Rv Nioholas that the Fublio Property Committee be authorized to trim trees opposite the residence of Mr Fred Mitchell, Church at and Oppoai te the Fublic School on ,'lellington St. " Carried " I BY-LAlS }L / ,/ "0 Dp Rv Nicholas asked permiSSion to introduce the following bY-lawe; L,.Q;)6 ,For the appointment of a 'i'own atfic 1al;- ;loJ~-gr-I. To authorize the borrowing of' money for Looal ImprovSIlBnt purposes; lid? ';!; $;;; To prohibit the breaking up of any roadway within tbe limits of the Corporation without the written consent of the :Munici pal Cler k and upon payment of a fee of $; .2 5.00 I Granted and reed the first time. On motion rule .33 was SUSpended and Council went into oom.ittee of the whole on second reading the MaYor in the chair. On committee rising I tbe Mayor reported tbe second reeding with all blanks filled in. By-Laws were tben read a third time, paBsed and ordered to be signed and sealed. 'Moved by Cr Osborne Seconded by Or Carruthers that the balance of salary of Mr D.M. I Shay, recreation dlrectcr amounting to. 116.67, be paid. " Carried n Moved by Or Carruthers seconded by Cr Osborne tllit the matter of drainage of watel."' on ,Liberty st south be referred to tbe Roeds and streets ttee with power to obtain the edvice of a qualified engineer, /'..J? r" Csrried . On Motion Council adjourned. ~ ~. //,?~ ~~