HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/1954 . \;:,%'~.~)td vf~~~ ?'~"T _._'~~------~--~.. ----"~---l Counoil Room August 3rd, 1954 1 Regular meeting of Counoil was held on above date, ...mbers all present excepting Cr 'I Osborne, the Mayor presiding. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion oonfirmed. COMMllNICATIONS From Mr Harry Hughes and others petitioning for the oonstruction of a sanitary sewer on i Liberty st from Conoession st to approximately 3200 feet north. Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that the petition being oertified as bsing SUfficiently signed by the Clerk, be accepted and raferred to the fublio Utilitiea Commission, " Carried" From Mr H.K. Colmer, Wallington St, requeating the removal of a chestnut tree in front of hisrproperty. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Nicholss that the request be referred to the lublic Property Committee with power to aot. " Carried" From Mr E.F. Marston, District Engineer, Port Hope, stating that he had been moved from this territory and would be succeeded by Dr D.A. Gorrie. " Reo &. Filed" From Counties Clerk Cobourg, advising of a petient being admitted to Bowmanville Hospital. " Rec & Filed" From Department of Municipal Affairs, Toronto, enclosing cheque for $ 9,502.50 for ' unconditional grant for 1954 and stating that if the determined population wwes 1 inoorreot that appeal could be made. Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Carruthers that the Clerk be instructed to make applioation for the additional grant due. " Carried" From Clerk Township of Pickering, enclosing resolution requesting Council to petition t , ' Board of Transport Commiss1c'ners, Ottawa, to make an order granting adequate commuter service for the entire Toronto area. Moved by Or Carruthers seconded by Or Higgen that the resolution be endorsed and the Board of Transport Commissioners and Township of lickering be advised acoordingly. " Carried " From Clerk, TownShip of Crowl end enclosing resolution requesting Council to petition the Prime Minister of Caneda thet the St Lawrence Seaway be oonstructed as an all ! Canadian pro.1ect. , Moved by Dp Rv Nicholss seoonded by Cr Cole that the resolution be endorsed end that the Prime Minister of Canada and TownShip of Crowlan,d be advised acoordinglY. " Carried tt From Department of Highways, Toronto stating that the approaches to Highway No 401 at Duke St end Liberty st would be under the oontrol of the Depert...nt of Highways. " Reo & Filed " From Bowmanville Chambsr of Commerce in regard to the activities of the Chembsr of' Commerce. " Rec &. Filed" From Department of Municipal Affairs, Toronto advising of a short course on Municipal ! Affairs to be held at the Unh.. r~itl' of Toronto on Sept 13th to 16th and reque sting attendano e of munioipel officials. Moved by Cr Cole seoonded by Rv Little that the Clerk and assessor be authorized to attend and that the department be advised aocordingly. " Carried" From Bell Telephone Co advising of the change over to new numbering system fOr the Town to take effect on September 25th, next. " Rec & Filed" "j" From Bowmanville Recreation Department enclosing ennual report. " Reo & Filed REPORTS Cr Carruthers presented a report from the finence Committee submitting sundry aocounts amounting to $ 10,678.36, Local ImprovEIllent acoounts for $ 1352.30 and Publio School I bUilding acoounts for. 22,238.72, certified as being correct and reoommending pay..,nt. " Rec &. Adopted It i Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Dp Rv Nicholes that when the 'lueen St widening is 'I completed that the present " No Parking" signs be moved from the south side to the , nortll side of 'lueen St " Carried " Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Nicholes that the roads and streets Committee be authorized to purchase 10 tons of oalcium chloride. " Carried . Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Nicholes that the Clerk be instructed tc write to anyone who has oomplaints about steep driveways that this is their responsibUity. " Carried It Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston that Mr D.A. Gorr1e, district municipal engineer, be requested to investigate the south approach to the Elgin St bridge when 'I in Town and make a recommendatton. tt Carried" Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Rv Little that. 102.50 be granted to the Fire Brigade, I ! being 50 j& of money reoeived from outside fires. .. Cerried . I ~~:d by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Cole that . No Parking" be allowedn on the east ' ~ of Scugog St between king and Church Streete~~the_:~~~arking~Sign et the} '.;7:~"'b!(~ {oJ<!{.. p;:~.. 120 /579 ! Council Haom, August 3rd, 1954 corner of King St be left as 1s. ,. Carried " ~oved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that the Public Property Committee be authorized to install the electric fixtures snd wiring in the auditorium at the time that the soaffolding is ereoted for decorating. tt Carried" BY-LAW Rv Little asked permission to introduce a By-Law authorizing the construction of ~ certain works as Local Improvement s under the Local Improvement Act. I Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was euepended and Council went into committee Of the whole on second reading the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Law was then read a third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Nicholas that at the request of tbe chairman Of th lublic Property Committee, the benches in the cenotaph park be moved to Franklin Perk. " Carried " Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston that the Police Committee be authorized to move the " Parking from here to corner" sign on the west side at Sougog St at King st, back the proper distanoe as allowed by the Highway Traffic Act. " Carried n ~,y t.~:E: (// ark. On Motion Council adjourned. :/':& tI;~ Mayor. Council Room, ..Sept 7th, 1954 Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the h::ayor presiding. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion confirmed. COM~1JNICATIONS From Public Utilities Commission enclosing engineers report on the cost of the oonstruction of R sanitary sewer on Liberty St North amounting to . 35,000.00 Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Cole th,t the report be referred to the finance connnittee for further stUdy on tffi proportion of the cost. " Carried" From Mr T.W. CaY/kar and others petitioning against t:re construction of a sanitary sewer on Liberty St North owing to the cost of frontage tax trot will be assessed against their properties. Moved by Rv L1 ttl e seconded by Cr Osborne that the petition be referred to the Town solicitor for a rUling as to the legality o:f the withdrawal of names from the original petitio n and report baok. ':t Carried " From Board of Transport Commissioners, Ottawa aOknowledging receipt at letter in reference to commuter service for the Toronto areB. tt Rec &. Filed " From l':r J.S.. Cross, secretary of the Prime 1Iinister of CaIlBda acknowledging reoeipt of letter in reference to the construction of an all Canadian seaway. If Reo & Filed" From Mr A.R. Wilson. Superintendant C.N .R. Belleville in reference to the installation of a pipe for the intended automatic orossing proteotion on the Lake Rood. " Reo & Filed" From Mr Ronal d Abbott, secretary of the CaDa dian Leg! on aSking p;l rroi ssl on to hold a oanvas tor the sale of poppies on Nov 5th am 6th and a tag day on saturday Nov 6th. Moved by Cr Osborne seoonded by Cr Cole that p:!Irmission be granted. tt Carried" From 1fr A Hooper t President of the Kinsmen Club asking J;l3rmission to hold a tag day in aid of Uemorial Arena artificial 10e on Saturday Sept 18th. A]oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Osborne that permission be granted. It Carried" From Dept of ),~unici:pal Affairs. Toronto in reference to application for additional per capita grant for 1954 and stating that representative would check our records to confirm tbe population. Moved by Or Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers that the letter be laid on the table tt Carried " Fron Public Utilities Commission enclosing cheque for # 1,868.35 for rebate on street lighting fer 1954. " Rec & Filed" From t'uss Helen Cryderman, De put y Registrar, Bowmanville tate ting that the charge as provided by statutes is lO~ each for list of property transfers and asking if Council would be willing to pay 25~ each :for a list of property transfers. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Carruthers that tlE mtter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. " Carried" From J.1r J.J. Flett and Mr R.H. Trinnell petitioning for tr'-3 construction of a oement sidewalk on Jane St, north side from Simpson Ave to 183 taet west. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Or Osborne tha" the petition being certified as being au1'ficiently signed be 8 ccepted and the work proceeded with. " Carried" \ ~-