HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/05/1954 ",:::::::1,1 ~~ w,fft;., ..;;.--- ~:;m 'Nork C cune 11 Room, to be divided equally, at a price of 45t. per square foot, mix to On l\~otion Council adjourned. ,) /;) ~,,(',,,, c--{---:/---. c..._' /', I ,// -..---.,: C1l"1'k. June 2 2nd 1954 b3 6 to 1. fP Carri ad ,., ~#t- tI~_~ k:ayor . Council Room, July 5th, 1954 .Hegular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the Mayor presiding. Minutes pf lest re~ular and special meetings were read an on motion confirmed. COHm'ICATI01,S From h':r Herbert lIoorcraft, Temperance St, Mr Fred Purdy, Church .:3t, ~r Sidney ~,r:orris, ';Vellington at and hIr Thomas Lymer, '.1ueen St requesting that trees be removed in front of t heir respect! ve properties. 1lovea by Cr Osborne seconded by DpRv richo1as that the requests be referred to the l~ublic Property Committee with power to act. IT Carried It From Department of h:unicipal Affairs, Toronto advising that the grants for elementary schools for 1954 amounted to $ 42, 127.32 " Rec & Filed" From t:r R.G.lcCallion and other residents of Simpson Ave requesting the removal of telephone poles in front of their prorerties. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr OsoC"rn8 that the letter be received and that the Clerk be instructed to contact t~r G Anderson of the Bell Telephone Co, Oshewa, requestine that the poles be moved and referred to the Roads and Streets committee with power to act. II Carrled " From Canadian Fe08ration of 1\Ta~'or9 and Municipalities. kontreal, advising of the annual conference to 09 held in "lHndsor from Ilug 2Qth to Sept 2nd. " Rec & Filed" From Board of Transport Commissioners, Ottawa, and Carod:ian r~ational RailWays, Montreal. aCknowledging receipt of letters in referlimce to autom.s.tic protection for C.N.R. Lake Road croRsing. It Reo & Filed 11 From Ontario l.:u!1icipal Board, Toronto in reference to hearing for approval of restricte area by-law of th e Township of Darlington. I! Rec & Filed II From lI':rs 'r/innifred Chase, acknowledging expresslon of sYlT'.pathy upon the death of her husband the late George Chese. tI Rec & Filed fI From City Planning ARsociates, Toropto Offering their services as planning consultants. I! Ree &. Filed tI ~'rom Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advistne of a patient being admitted to Osha'Na General Hospital. It Rec & Filed If From Cour~ies Clerk, Cobourg, advising of a ban~uet and nresentation for Kr~.F. ~,:arston. to be held in Cobourg ,July 21st and asking Council for a d.onation to the fund. Uoved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Osborne thnt e donation of $ 25.00 be rrade to the presentation fund c::.nc sent to },'r K SYi:ons, Counties Clerk. " Carried If From !lfr H Vander Linden and others petitioning for the construction of 8 wfltermain on Waverley Road. Moved by Rv Little seconded by sufficiently signed. Tenders for bituminous :pavlng 'Nere received from t.he following, ton for the supply and application of RI~ 3 Hot }'~lx. Cr Osborne "that the petitton be returned, being not " Carried " quotinc unit price per Brennan Paving Co Ltd L~w Construction Ltd ii .B. Bennett Pnving Ltd 1~iller lavir.g Ltd - K.J. Beamish Construction Co Ltd ",'ia.rl'en Bi tUJI'linous laving Co I,td Ilamilton Toronto Oshawa Tarant 0 Toront 0 toronto -Ii 6.67 7.95 8.41 8.5C 9.00 11 .25 tioved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv l'~icholas that the tender of Brennan Faving Co be accepted Elt a unit price of 1; 6.67 per ton, being the lowest tender received. " CArried " Ltd RSPORTS Cr Osborne presented 3., report from the Finance Comittee submitting atnpryaccounts amountin€'; to $ 7, 352.q6; water'Norks construction accounts for (; B36.62~. and Public 3chaol building nccouny-s for $ 23.615.10!J certified as being correct and, recolJlJTlending payment. .I " Rec &, Adopted It I \ ',,- j ------"~ '~.~7;~~~Old ,v~ '~:. .. ;~~~ ~(, '. Gouncil Room, July 5th, 1954 1:oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Carruthers that the mtter of ditching and installation of culvert~ on i{averley Road aten e.rprozimate cost of $ 6,000.00 be left over until next year upon advice from rr E.F. 1:arston. District 1:uniciral .r!;ngineer. It Carried" ].;oved b~' H.v I,ittle seconded by Cr Carruthers that Cr Eig/'on be instructed to contact Premier Frost and r..nyone that can be of benefit to us in,'regard to the construction of a clover leaf on ilaverley Road and to co-operate with the 8huniber of CO!'r.rr,erce. " Cryried II k:oved by Rv Little secorded by Cr lreston that the matter of curbing be left with the .Konda and Streets Committee with power to act. " Carri~d }loved by Rv Vttle sflconded by Gr Preston that the Clerk check with the Town solicitor to ascertain if 8. B~'-law is necessary to make a c hurge for opening up the roads for sewer connections and brine in a reconmendation. rt Carried" I.loved by Rv I.i t tIe seconded by Cr Currut her 5 that the Roads and 3treet s COITlmi t tee be a uthori'?:;ed to hire two extra men to cut weeds. It Carried " 1:oved by Cr Car ruthers secondee. by Rv L1 tt Ie t hat the C Ie rk be ins true ted to write t:r Charles t.:utton, C.r.R. sElction fl"')reman requesting him to repair the Lake Roed crossing. I' CArried " Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Rv Little that the m9tter of }:arking between Church am K~. King Sts on .:lcugog St be referred to the Polic e Cammi t tee with rower to ae t. " Carried ,. },';oved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that the Fublic J'roperty Committee be authoriz.ed to have the back of the stage and dressing rooms re-decorated at the same time as t he a udi torium ~ 11 Carri ed " Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers trot },':rs Annie Oke be notified that as no claim was made for a broken window at the time of the accident, no peyment can te made at this time. " Carried II ).',oved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers that the ITll tter of the iMprovement of th cenotaph and grounds be left in the hand s of the Public Property Committee with power to a ct. " Carried It h',oved by Or Osborne seconrled by Rv Little that the Roods and 3treets Committee be instructed to contact the TONn solicitor in regard to letter referred to him~ " Car ried II lI~oved by Cr Osba,ne seconded b: Or Carruthers that the 1Tl1Yor issue a proclamation declaring Monday August 2nd t Civic Holiday. " Carried" On Motion Council edjourned~ /'1 /: " (f ~. /,~ J<l~, I CJMk. J,;Ayor . p ----~ 74- rJa-;2", , I l , ~~-----~----_._--~