HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/07/1954 "~~~~~:'::),1d rttJ!.. ./ft/ ~~ -l Council Room, May 19th, 1954 ! Special meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Dp Rv I Nicholas, Ora Riggan and Preston, the Mayor presiding ani stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of passing a By-Lew. BY-LAW The by-law to provide for the borrowing the sum of $ 320,000.00 upon debentures to defray the cost of installing an intake in Lake Ontario, pumping equipment, settling basin and water mains for the waterworks system of the municipality was given the third reading with ell blanks filled in, passed end ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by t<v Little seconded be' Cr Cole that the Public Property Committee be authorized to hire a bull dozer to clean up the Town dump. If Carried" t<~(/ /' ' ~ C,,/S~/ k. On Uotion Council adjourned. 7k L.~, May or . Council Room, June 7th, 1954 Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, members 6.11 present the Weyor presiding, 1:1nutes of last regular and special meetings w~re read and on motion eonflrmed. Mr S Jarvis addressed Council complaining of water draining onto his property from Chapel St and requesting tlat the ditch be opened up. Moved by Rv Little seoondecl by Dp Rv Nicholas thet the matter be referred to the roads and streets Committee wi th power to ec t. " Carried" COI~'UNICATIONS ,'rom Faul H Simpkin Cabinet Co and other residents of Church St requesting tlat "No Parking" regulations now in effect on Church St, North Side, from Division to Temperance St be ext.ended from Temrerance to Silver St. }loved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Preston that the letter be acknowledged and l.ourned over to tre Roads and Streets Conunittee. It CArried" From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advising of county rate for 1954 amounting to $ 26,894.19 11 Rec & Filed " From Cpl G.M. Keast of the Provincial Police advising that they would vacate the offices in tle Town Hall on June 30th, 1954. " Rec & Filed" From Dapt of Highways, Toronto enclosing copy of audit of road expenditures for 1953. J..:oved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Higgon that the report be referred to the roads and streets cozmnittee to report back. tI Carried tI From Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, recommending that the smoke by-law be enforced if neoessary. Jo.'1oved by Rc Little seconded by Cr Cole that the letter be received and that notice be inserted in the State smen st ating t la t t herre is a sm oke by-law in foroe and that anyone can lay a complaint. tI Motion Lost" l;oved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Hi/Sgon tmt the letter be received anill filed. II Carried " Council to pass a by-law prohibiting dancing at From Chief S Venton, requesting Bowmanville beach on Sundays. Moved by Cr Riggon seconded by Cr Osborne tlBt the request be referred to the Police Committee to investigate. tI Carried" From Chief Venton re~uesting the annual holidays for the police force. .toved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carrutrers that the request be referred to the Police Committee with power to act. " Carried " f'rom Chief Vent on reqU9 sting Coupcil to purohase a new shield to be donated to the Junior Police games. 1I'';oved by Dp Rv Nicholas seconded by Cr Osborne that the request be granted and that a small replica be given t:J the individual winner each year. n Carried" From Lords Day Allianc6'4- Toront 0 in reference to t he operation of the If.emorial Arena on Sundays. " Rec & Filed" From Law Derartrnent, Camdian National RailW,,",s, Montreal enclosing estimates amounting to $ 16,800.00 far t:te inst allation of tow short arm gates at the Lake road crossing. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Car rut he rs tllit no action be taken this year for the installs tion of t re automatic proteotion at tre Lake road corossing and t:w.t it be deferred until 1955 and that the C.N.R. and Beard of Transport Commissioners be advised acoordingly. " Carried" From ~~rs Arlene ~re. Secretary of the Ladies Auxillary of Memorial Hospital thenking Counc 11 for t he free use of t la Town Hall for a play in a id of the Hospital. It Rec &. Filed " i l "-- .~.,:s~;::;,( ,Va ~'i.~~ .I OM'" Council Room, June 7th, 1954 .From John :MoKay taIling Co Ltd Bowmanville. requesting a reduction of 50 % of the amount of taxes OWing on account of damages to their property from floods. ~oved by Or Osborne seconded by Or Carruthers that the Clerk be instructed to reply stating tmt under the circumstances Counell have no power to allow reductions in taxes. It Carried " REPORTS Or Osborne presented a report frOM tbs J:l'inance Committee submitting sundry accounts amounting to $ 5612.41. certified as being correct and recommending rayment, . ') . - " .hac & Adopted " h:oved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Nic holas that the north si de of Church St from Si1 ve r to Temperan 03 St and t he east si de of T8mIE ranee at from Church to Nellingt on st be widened. l10ved an Amendment by Or Hieg:on seconded by Or Carruthers that the north side of Church St from Silver to Temperance St and the east side of Temperance St from Church St to 'ilellingtonSt and any other street that tre committee dean advisable, be widened. "Amendment "Carried" Moved J>y Rv Little seconded by Cr OarrutlErs that the ditChing and installation of culverts on 'Haverly Road be left in the hands of the Roads and Streets Committee wi th power to ect.. " Carried" Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Rllhder that the Fire Brigade be granted $ 285.00{lbeing 50 % of money received from outside fires. 11 Carried ,. Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Riggon that the Fire committee be authorized to purchase 200 feet of ~ inoh red pressure hose at an approximate cost of 85 It per foot. " Carried" Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by IIp Rv Nicholas that the two officee in the To"" Hall vacated by the Provincial Police be advertised for rent as from July 1st, 1954. " Carried If hloved by Rv Little seconded by Or Preston that the matter of postel delivery for the ! Town be ta ken up with Mr John M Jane s 1I. P ~ " Carried n On Motion Counoil ad ,1oumed. ~.- ;/' ~ / /,,~ :Z:-;:. Mayor. Council Room, June 22nd, 1954 Special meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Bp Rv Nicholas, the Mayor presid,ing end stnted that he ha.d called the meeting for the purpose of opening tenders for debentures and sidewalks. J.he following tenders were received for the purchase of $ 150,000.00, 4 %, Ita 20 year, Fublic Sohool and $320,OOO.OOf J~ % 1 to 20 year~, Naterworks debentures-; Dominion Securites Corporation Ltd Bell Gouin10ak & Co Ltd J.L. Graham & Co Ltd, Bankers Bond Corp. and Bank of Toronto Harrison & Co Ltd 1.nderson &. Co t,td, Equi ta ble Securi tie s Ltd and Canadian Bank of COt'!1m3roe 1:ills Spence &: Co Ltd end r.:cLeod, Youne, Weir & Co T.td R.I.. Daly & Co Ltd. II.C. Pitfield & Co Ltd and Deacon, Findley Coyne Ltd ~esbltt Thompson & Co Ltd Gairdner & Co Ltd Burns Bros &-- Denton Ltd snd Harris and Partners Ltd Dawson, Hannaford Ltd and James rtiohardson & Sons l:oved bv Cr Osborne seconded bv Cr Carruthers that the tender of Dominion Securities Corp. Ltd for 99.023 and accrued interest, being the highest tender received, be accepted. tI Carried" ~he followinp, tenuers were received for the construction of cement sldewalkSj- A Belko &:: Son, Oshawa, hnger BroA, L. 'l'urnar, Murdoch & Welsh and Allin and Hetherington, Bowrnanvi lIe. Moved by ~v Little seconded by cement sidewalks be awarded to Toronto 99.023 98.80 98.519 " " " 98.36 98.30 " " 97.83 97.76 " .. 97.531 97.344 97.26 " " .. 96.81, " Cr Carruthers that the tender for the Anger Bros and Allln and Hetherinp:ton of Ltd ./ construction Construction ..R....nca, ~".""':[,l(~ ,V~ ON' .. ;:.~ ~ Council Room, .June 7th, 1954 From Mr K.R. Baird, Fire Chief Cobourg, advising of' a meoting to be held on June 15th ! at 8.00 P.ll. in the Town Hall Cobourg, to discuss Civil Dsfence >'ire eervices and I mutual aid plans and inviting tre fire chief and representative from Counall to attend. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Preston that the Reeve and Fire i.Jhief and any otmr member of Council that can. attend the meeting. t1 Carried t1 From Ontario Asso of Mayord and Reeves, Toronto, advisi ng of the annual conference to be held in '/HndsoD on .June 9,10, and 11th, 1954. "Rec & Filed" From Board of Transport Commissioners, Ottawa advising of sittlng~ in regard to the application of the Trans Canada Pipa Lines to be held in Ottawa on .June 15th, 1954 " Ree & Filed " From lIIr W.C. Parsons, 'Naverley Read rer.uesting that some large stones be rEll'loved tmt are on the roo.d al10wan ce t in front of his propert y. Moved by Dp Rv Nicholas secondad by Cr Higgon that the request be referred to the roads and streets coromi ttee with power to ac t. " Carried tl From Specialty raper Products Ltd stating that street lighting was promised outside their property on TEII1perence St but as yet has not been installed. A!oved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers that the Clerk be instructed to reply stating that the lights are in process of installation. " Carried" From Specialty Paper Products Ltd enquiring if they \\Uuld be charged local inprovement tax itf tb3 rood waB widened and requesting tl:at the driveway at the south end of their building on Temrerance St be recollS true ted and levelled. Moved by Hv tittle seconded b7 Cr Osborne that the Clerk be instructed to reply stating thet no charge will be made if the curb is removed and that the driveway will not be dt sturbed. 11 Carried " From :Mr J.O. Vftn Nest, aSking rermission to erect a sign in front of his real estate offi ce at 118 King St East. l.:oved by Cr OabOI'm seconded by Dp Rv Nioho1.B.s that the request be referred to the Public Property Conmittee with power to act. " Carried It l!'rom t':r Walter Jane, Chairman of Unemployrrent Conference, Oshawa stating that a personal presentation would be made to the l'remier of Ontario and Frime !idnister of Canada in regard to the present unetlployment situation and that notice w:.~1)lJ b~ f"'1ven II when interviews 'Here arranged. 1t.-R~C;:"&.Filed From City Clerk, ~Nindsor enclosing resolution in regird to unemployment and aSking Counci I to endorse it. Il Reo &. Filed" From h~iss Dora }urdon, Secretary Domanville Recreation Derertment, statiilg,that the budget of the Recreation department does not provide for the upkeep of p3.rks and requesting that Council have the small swings repaired, the grass cut more regularly the grabage collected on r.rondays and Thursdays at li.emoriaJ. }'ark, and the erass cut more regularly .at Franklin PArk find stating that the wading pool at Memorial Park is leaking. . A:oved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Osborne that the letter be acknowledged st ating that the grass would be cut more reeularly in both parks an d that the upkeep of the playgroundS equipment, geltbage collection and repairs to the wading pool is the responsibility of tre Fark Associations. '1 Carried" From Dept of Agricultmre, Toronto I in regard to the appointment of a weed inspectcr. 1~oved by Cr Osblprne seconded by Cr CalTutrers that Mr C.S.Oke be appointed as weed inspector for 1954 at a salsry of $: 75.00 }:Elr annum. " Carried" From BownE nville Branch, Ganadian Legion, requHsting that the dates 1939-1945 be added to t he cenotaph in memory of those who served in World War 11 1~oved by Rv I,ittle seconded by Cr Preston that the request be f,;ranted and the Legion be advised accordingly. I' Carried" I From 1':rs if{ Oke claiming damages f'or a plate glass window in her store on King St east J caused by a stone f'rom the road. ),':oved by Cr Cole second sd by Cr Carruthers that the clerk be instructed to investigat. and repart back. It Carried " I From City Clerk, Chatham, enclosing resolution in reeard to appeals from decisions of I Police Commissions and flsking Council to endorse it. " Rec & Filed" From ~':r ~: Connaghan, Scugog St, complaining of the plrking of old farm m9.ehinery on adjacent property on Scugog St end re(1ue sting COllnell to take action to have it removed. t~oved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Cole tm t the request be referred to the Rot1ds and Streets Committee with power to act. " CeTried " From 1'Ir Herman Kessinger and othe rs petiti oning for the con3truction of a water~ain on First St from Smart Ave to Town line ~ast. j l:oved by Cr Carruthers seconded by CrOsborne that the petition be returned as being insufficiently signed. tt Carried It ~~ .. --------- ".~:~~~~O,(~ 'JJJ" j"'~Y<,"' ~ i:~ Council Room, June 22nd 1954 work to be divided equally, at a price of 451 per squBre foot, mix to be 6 to l. II Carried tI On Motion Council adjourned. c) <<,{(,A. / ,} I ,/ / .. , . 'Cl~rk. ;f'#;- V",-><_e:-; h':ay or . Council Room, July 5th, 1954 .Hegular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the .Mayor presiding. Minutes pf last ref,ular and special meetines were read an on motion confirmed. 80n:CTICATIONS From ~r Herbert Moorcraft, Temperance ~t, Mr Fred Purdy, Church St, ~r Sidney ~orris, 'Nellington 3t and Mr Thomas Lymer, Queen St reQuesting that trees be removed in front of their respective properties. Koved by Cr Osborne seconded bv DpRv :tTlcholas that the rec;.uests be referred to the l'ublic ProIJerty Committee with power to e.at. " Carried II From Department of 1':unicipal Affairs, Toronto advising that the grants for elementary schools for 1954 amounted to $ 42, 127.32 " Rec & Filed" From J.lr R.G.~'cCallion and other residents of Simpson Ave requesting the removal of telephone poles in front of their prorerties. },,:oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr ()s'horne that the letter be received and that the Clerk be instruoted to contact 1:1' G Anderson of the Bell Telephone Go, Oshaw8, requestine that the poles be movf3d snd referred to the Roads and Streets committee with power to act. " Carried" From Canadian Federation of KaJ'ol's and tTunicipalities, kontreal, advising of the annual conferer.ce to be held in 'Nindsor from. Aug 29th to Sept 2nd. " Rec & Filed" From Board of Trar~sport Corunissioners, Ottawa, and Camriian National dailwa~rs, Montreal, acknowledging receirt of letters in referAnce to autometic protection for C.N.H. Lake Road cr0ssing. " Rec & Filed" From Ontario 1:unicipal Board, Toronto in reference to hearing for epproval of restricte area by-law of the To.....nship of Darlington. If Rec & Filed" From 1':1'3 Winr,ifred Chase, acknowledging expression of sYMpathy upon the death of her husband the late Georf:8 Chase. " Rec &. Filed " From City Plbnning Associates, Toro~to Offering their services as planning consultants. " Rec & Filed " .J:t'rom Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of 8 patient being admitted to Oshawa General Hospi tal. " Rec & Filed " From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of a banf'luet and presentation for Mr .G. F. ~:arston, to be held in Cobourg July 21st and asking Council for 8 donation to the fund. ~:oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Osborne thllt a donation of $: 25.00 be nade to the presentation fund 2nd sent to },'r K S~rr,ons, Counties Clerk. Il Carried If From 111' H Vander Linden and ot,hers pet1.tioning for the construction of a ',',mtermain on Waverley Read. Moved by Bv Little seconded by sufficiently signed. Tenders for bituminous paving 'Nere received from t.he following, ton for the supply and application of HI. :3 Hot l(ix. Gr Osborne "that the petition be Brennan Faving Co Ltd LaW Construction Ltd iv.B. Bennett Pnving; T~td lo/iller laving Ltd - K.J. Beamish Construction Co Ltd ','\'nrren Bituninous raving Co I>td Hamilton Toronto Oshawa Toront 0 'roront 0 't'oronto returned, being not " Carried ". quotine unit price per ~ 6.67 7.95 8.41 8.50 9.00 11 .25 }/oved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Eicholas that the tender of Brennan :Paving Co be accepted at a urit price of :1'; 6.67 reI' ton, being the lowest tender reeelved. " CArried tI Ltd R~l'ORTS I Cr Osborne presented a report from the Fir:8!lCe COrUT,ittee submitting 3.lnpry accounts amounting to $ 7,352.96;waterworks construction accounts for $ 836.62;" and Public 3chool building accoun'Ys for $ 23,615.10,.1 certified as beirg correct tul4 recommending pa~rment . II Rec & A.dopted " \,,--