HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/1954 (Special) ":;~~J ~~:~~ .,c' Council Room, Uay 19th, 1954 Special meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Dp Rv Nicholas, era Riggen and Preston, the Mayor :rresiding am stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of passing a By-Law. EY-LAW The by-law to provide for the borrowing the sum defray the cost of installing an intake in Lake basin and water mains for the waterworks system third reading with ell blanks filled in, passed Uoved by hV Little e ecomed b)' Cr Cole thet the authorized to hire a bull dozer to clean up the On Motion Council ad.1ourned. of $ 320,000.00 upon debenturee to Onto rio, pumping equipment, settling of the municipality was given the and ordered to be signed and sealed. Public Prope rty Committee be Town dump. " Carried" ,r-; ./~ ~~c- Cc e k. 7;W /~~; !lay or . Council Room, June 7th, 1954 Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the Mayor presiding, )':lnutes of lest regular end special meetings were read and on motion confirmed. ~r S Jarvis addressed Council complaining of water draining onto his property from Chapel St and requesting the t the ditch be opened up. Moved by Rv little seconded by Dp Rv I'!icholas th.et the matter be referred to the roads and streets Cormnlttee with pcraer to act. tI Carried ft COI~'UNICATIONS }!'rom Iaul H Simpkin Cabinet Co and other residents of Church St rS'1uestlng thst It No Parking" regulations now in effect on Church St, North Side, from Division to Temperance st be ex'tended :from TemIErance to Silver St. 1:oved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Preston that the letter be aoknowledged and lourned over to the Roads and Streets Connnittee. " CArried II From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advising of county rate for 1954 amounting to $ 26,894.19 " Reo & Filed " From Cpl G.M. Keast of the Frovincial Police advising that they would vacate the offices in t:te Town Hall on June 30tht 1954. " Rec & Filed" From Dept of Highwa,s, Toronto enClOSing copy of audit of road expenditures for 1953. lI:oved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Higgon that the report be referred to the roads and streets committee to report baok. " Carried" From Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, recommending that the smoke by-law be enforced if necessary. Moved by Rc Little seconded by Cr Cole that the letter be received and that notice be inserted in the State sman st Elting t te t t helre is a sm oke by-law in 'force and that anyone can lay a complaint 0 " Motion Lost "' Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Hi/Sgon thflt the letter be received anlB: filed. II Carried " Counoil to pass a by-law prohibiting danoing at From Chief S Venton, requesting Bowmanville beaoh on Sundays. 110ved by Or Riggan seconded by Cr Osborne tlBt the request be referred to the Polioe Committee to investigate. " Carried " From Chief Vent on re0uesting the annual holidays for the police force. l:o'tled by Cr Osborne seoonded by Cr Carruth3 rs that the request be referred to the Police Committee with power to act 0 " Carried ft .iI'rom Chief Venton req\J3stlng Coupoil to purchase a new shield to be donated to the Junior Police games. Moved by Dp Rv NicholAS seoonded b3-' Cr Osborne that the request be granted and that a small replioa be given t:) the individual winner each year. " Carried" From Lords Day Alllanc8If;. Toront 0 in reference to t he operation of the Memorial Arena on Sundays. II Rec &. Filed ft From Law Dep:l.rtment, Camdian National Railw,y:s, Montreal enClOSing estimates amounting to ~ 16,800.00 far tte installation of tow short arm gates at the Lake road crOSSing. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Carrutrers tmt no action be taken this year for the installa tion of t:te automatio protection at the Lake road corossing and that it be deferred until 1955 and that the C.NoR. and Boord of'l'ranaport Commissioners be advised accordingly. " Carried tl From ~r. Arlene Ayre, Secretary of the Ladies AuxilIary of Memorial Hospitel thanking Council for the free use of the Town Hall for a play in aid of the Hospital. " Rec &. Filed " \ ."--