HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1954 ~.'."'~'~co I u..mo/,:;<!(~ I'.tt?!,- ?~:;~ ~c.' ~ Council Room, January 4th, 1954 Inaugural ~etlng of Council was held on above date. The Clerk reported on the result of t he A~unici pal elections for 1954 as follows; Mayor F .M. Vanstone, Reeve Sidney Little, Deputy Reeve Owen Nicholas, ace lal!l.ati on , Councillors, N.E. Osborne. 593, 'N~D. Carruthers, 587, W.D. Higgon, 580, Fred S Cole, 515, T.F. Rehder, 478, L.G.Preston 469 Public School Board, G.A. Vinish, Wm G James, A.D. Hooper, Acclamation, Public ,Utilities Commission, W.R. b'trike, Acclamation. After taking the oath of office, members elect took their seats and the Mayor callad i upon Rev Harold Turner to open the meeting with prayer. I Cr Carruthers on behalf of Council thanked Rev Turner for his services. The Mayor gave his inaugural address welcoming both old and new members of Council for 1954. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Nicholas that the standing committees for 1954 be as follows, first named to be chairman; Finance; Osborne, Nioholas, Little, Carruthers Roads & streets; Little, Nicholas, Carruthers Fire; Cole, Hehder, Osborne Polic B; Nichola s, Hehder, Higgon, Cole Public Property; Carruthers. Higgon, Little Uivic & Relief; Hlggam, Osborne, Preston, Hehder Cemetery; Hehder, Cole, Preston Industrial; Preston, Cole, Higgon "'""':[ ! i I I " Carried " The minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion confirmed. OOI,Th-.tJNIOATIONS From Mr H..L.Anderson and. others requesting too installation of street lights on Haverly Road. }toved by Or Cole seconded by Cr Osborne that the request be referred to the Public Property Committee with power to act.. " Carried" From Bowmanville Recreation Department requesting the use of the Town Hall auditorium on Monday Eevenings from January 4th to April 26th from 8.00 P.M. to 10.00 P.M. for rehearsals of tm Bowmanv:Ule Choral Sooiety. Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that the request be referred to tm Public Property Committee with power to act. It Carried tI From Miss Nina E Neads enclosing renewals of insurance on the Town Hall amounting to $ 394.0~cbnd recommending that the insurance be increased by $ 20,000.00 ' Moved bY.Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Oshorne that the premiums amounting to $ 394.00",) be paid and that the insur~nce on the Tom Hall be increased by $ 20,000.00 " Carried " I From Counties Clerk adviSing of a patient being admitted to Bowmanville Memorial Hespi tal. " Rec &, Filed " From Ontario Gool! Roads Asso advising of the annual convention and soliciting membership for 1954. ' Moved by Rv Litt1~ seconded by DpRv Nicho1aa that memberShip for 1954 ba renewed at a fee of .$ 10.00 ,. " CaITied " From Northwnber~lsnd-Durham Health Unit in reference to Plumbing and Sewers regulations.. Moved by Rv Litt1a seconded by Dp Rv Nichola s too t ther:1etter be lai d on the table and that the Clerk be instructed to write to Dr Hornar requesting the plumbing inspeotor to address Council in referenoe to the regulations.. 11 Carried" From Ontario Highway Construction 3afety Asso, Toronto in reference to prevention of accidents on construction of sewers and water installation.. Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Carruthers that the letter be referred to the I-ubllc Utilities Comnission.. " Carried" From Ontario Parks Asso, Waterloo requesting that representatives be sent to an initial meeting to be held in Kitehener at the Halper House at 2.00 P.M. on saturday Jan 9th. Moved by Cr Cole seoonded by Cr Higgon that the letter be referred to the Recreation Department.. " Carried 11" : REPORTS Cr Osborne presented a report from the Finance Committee submitting sundry accounts amounting to $ 3464'Z4 certified as being correct and recommending payment. " Rec & Adopted " Moved by Or Oole see nded by Or Carruthers that the Clerk be instructed to write letters to the members of the Recreation Commission thanking them for their ser';i,c.e'Sj for 1953. " Carried" ~ --~----- ----------- U;~:~;'~~l,L .- {o~"' no /id'; BY-LAW Rv tittle asked permission to introduce a By-Law to borrow money for current expenses. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule JJ was suspended and Council went into comittee of the whole on second reading the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Law was then read a third timet passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Rv Little that the Mayor appoint a committee to investigate the appointment of a building inspector and report beck to Council The Mayor appointed era Osborne, Hlggon and Preston. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Osborne that Cr Preston be appointed to Board as Town representative for 1954. Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Rv Little the. t Crs Carruthers and Osborne be as :representatives of Council on the Arena MaIlagament C=ittee for 1954. Council Room, January 4th, 1954 ------1 , I the Hospital PI' Carried " appointed TI Carried It Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers that Mr O'.F'. Robson and Ilr Albert Cole be appointed as members of the Pl.nning Board for 1954-5-6 and that Cr Higgon be appointed as representative 01' CounOil for 1954. " Carried " Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Higgon that Mr Walter Reynolds be appointed a mamber of the Durham District High School Board for 1954-5 " Carried" Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Rv Little that Crs Cole and Rehder be appointed as representatives of Conncil on the Recreation Commission for 1954. " Carried" Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Nicholas that the Clerk be instructed to purchase a t"lag- for the Town Hall. It Carried II Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Higgon that the Clerk be instructed to hold up any building permit for any building on a lot on Liberty St opposite Wellington St until after consultation with the Town solicitor. " Carried "' On Motion Council adjourned. ~~ 1''M I J~ _,;;e::; Mayor. Council Room, Janiary 12th, 1954 Special meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Cr Osborne I the Mayor preSiding and stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of passing a resolution submitted by the Durham County District High School Board approving the issue of debentures for the purpose of oonstructing a new high school in Port Hope and the addit50n to the High School in Bowmanville Elnd agreeing to aSSUMe their share of the annual charges for principal and interest on the debentures ~ Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Rehder that the Council of the Corporation of tba Town of Bowmanville being a municipality included in the said High School District hereby approve the said application and agree to assume its proper proportion of the amounts required to pay the said debentures and interest thereon and the expenses connected there.....ith to be determined from time to time in the manner provided by the High School Act. n Carried" COMMUNICATIONS From Hev Warren Turner inviting members of Gouncil, School Board and Town officials to attend a Civic service at St John's Church at 7,00 P,U. on Sunday "an 17th or 24th. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Rehder that the invitation be accepted to attend the service on Sunday evening at 7.00 P.M~ on January 24th. " Carried" On Motion Council adjounn8d~ ~~ I' '-h;, d, ,-:Z::;- May or ~ \ ~----~-----_._-------------_.- I ___________J