HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/16/1954 (Special) '.ft.",nl<<l ~"",'t1lI:Ef~; ,VG' Q~' .I ~::~~ lzol:)7i ,':'c Council Room, February 1st, 1954 On committee rising the Wayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. Moved' by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Higgon that the proposed schedule of fees be adopted, plus 25 <;b . It Carried " By-Laws were then read a third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Uoved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Carruthers th~t the Roads and Streets committee be authorized to call for tenders for the purchase of a J ton truck according to their specifications. It Carried " Moved by Rv Little seconded bJ-' Cr Osborne that the ~lerk be instructed to 'Nrite to the Board of Transport Commissioners, Ottawa and en1u1re what steps must be taken in order to have a warning signal installed on the Lake Road. " Carried" Moved by Dp Rv Nicholas seconded by Cr Cole that tho Police Committee be euthorized to call for tenders for the purchase of a new Police Car. " Carried 11 Moved by Gr Higgon seconded by Cr Rehder that Mr Duncan Smit h as electrical contractor and ~r Claude Kilmer as electrician. be appointed as members of the Board of Examiners under the By-Law to lioense electrical contractors and eledtricians By-Law. tl Carried " Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Rehder that Mr Lionel Parker Jr as representative of the Arena :r.7anagern.ent Committee and Mr Claude Kilmer of the Parks Committee be appointed as members of the Recreation Commission. It Carried" :Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Osborne that Mr /{alter DeGeer be appointed as a members of the Arena Management Committee for 1954. It Carried tl On Motion Council adjourned. ~ C- Clerk. ;{~-J~ Mayor. Council Room, February 16th. 1954 Special meeting t)f Council was held on above (1ate, members all present tie Mayor presiding and stated that he hod callod the meeting for the purpose of conSidering estimates and paSSing a By-L~w. COlilmNICATION3 From Bowmanville Public School Board requesting Council to secure a right of way from Liberty Street to their new property on Church Street. From Bowmanville Planning and Develo:pment Board recommending that provision be made for a road running eastAI'ly from Liberty Street at Wellington Street to provide entrance to the proposed Public School and fao.11itate future developtrelnt of lands eust of 11 berty Street. " Rec &. Filed " BY-LAW Rv Little asked penn laslon to introduce a By-Law to acquire the necessary lands to afford access to tb3 grounds of the Public School s1 tuate on the west side of Church St. Granted and read the first t 1me. On motion rule JJ was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading the ]layor in the chair, On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-LaW was thEn read a third t 1me, passed and ordered to be s1 gned and seal ed. On Motion Council adjourned. ~ : ark. ' ;/' A c). - ;.~ Mayor. J