HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/01/1954 '~\:~,.~'.;l(( ,Va <~~ .; OM.,T ~n' ;.'~ Council RooID, February 1st, ~1954 Regular meeting of Council was held op above data, members all present the Uayor presiding. Minutes of last regular and speoial meetings were read and on motion confirmed. Mr W.O. Cameron, Plumbin~ Inspector. Coubourg, addressed Council in reference to Plumbing and Sewer By-Law. Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Dp Rv Nicholas that a vote of t hanks be extended to Mr Cameron for his services and that the proposed BY-Law be passed. " Carried" COMlfUNICATIONS From Mr John Buttonshaw Jr offering to purchase a Town lot on Ontario Street near Li berty Street. Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Rv Little that the offer be referrsd to tl1l Public Propert Committee to report back. If Carried" From ~!iss llina E Neads enClosing liability policy for renewal. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Hlggon that the policy be renewed at a premium of $ 600.00 " Carried " From Mr W.C. Parsons, Waverly Road stating that he wished to proceed with the approved plan of a sub-division on Waverly Road. " Laid on the 'rabla tl From Salvation Army, Toronto and Hospital for Sick children, Toronto, asking Council for grants. Moved by er Carruthers seconded by Cr Higgon that the Finance Committee to be dealt with under grants. From Oshawa and Distrtct Labor Council, Oshawa asking the Poll T x. From Tony EhOW, Stanley Lunch, re~uesting that the be removed from in front of their property. ~oved by Cr Osborne seconded by Rv Little that the request be referred to the Police Committee with power to act. " Carried n From Bowmanville Memorial Hospital adviSing of a patient being admitted to the I Hospital. " Ree & Filed" i From Bowmanville Rotary Club stating that if the Town Hall auditorium were re-decorated this year, they would authorize the expenditure not exceeding $ 500.00 for alteration to the stage front ana curtain track. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Cole that a letter of thanks be sent to the Rotary Club and the letter be turned over to Cr Carruthers. " Carried" From Bowmnnville Branch, Cnnadlen Legion aSking Council to pass a BYTMw exempting their property on Queen St from Municipal Taxation for 1954, excepting School and Local Improvement taxes. Moved by Or Osborne seconded by Rv Little that the Clerk be instructed to prerare the By-taw. " Carried" From Railway Association of Canada. Uontreal, enGuiring if tlE Town would be adopting Day-Light Saving time for 1954. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Nicholes that Day-Light Saving Time be adopted in the TONn from Sunday April 25th at 12.01. A.M. until SUnday September 26th at 12.01 A.M. and that the :Mayor issue his proclamation accordingly. n Carried It From Count1es Clerk, Cobourg, requesting tM Clerk to make available information as to the finan~:1:al status of persons admitted to the Counties Home. "Ree &. Filed" From Boswell Engineering Co Offering their services as consulting engineers. " Rec &. Filed II From Irovincial Government, Toronto in regard to leaseholds and rental s. tl Rec &. Filed" From Mr L.S. Mannell, Oakville, enclosing traffic survey. Moved by Cr Osborne secrmded by Rv Little that the report be referred to the Folice Committee and report back to Council. or Carried" REPORT S Cr Osborne presented a report from the finance committee submitting sundry accounts amounting to $ 4,904.78JOcertified as being correct and recommending payment. I " Rec & Adopted " Fire Chief C. L Hooper submitted his annual report of fires and fire lossee form 1953 amounting to $ 3,132.00 Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Higgon that the report be received and acknowledged and the Fire brigade be commended for their good work for the past year. "Carried" BY-LAIIS Rv Little asked p3rmissi~n to introduce the following by-laws;- To provide for the 1954 expenditures on Roads end Streets. '1'0 provide for the payment of fee for the inspection of plumbing and sewers. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading the Mayor in the chair. requests be referred to the " Carried n Council to consider abolishing II Ree &. Filed " n No larking " signs for taxi stand ~ S.',.AA<LC<> ~''''I'om.'h!~{ .'\ie' 0_' .i ~:,';;! "r,''''?0 1zo/:57i Council Room, February 1st, 1954 On committee rising the Vayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. Moved' by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Higgon that the proposed schedule of' fees be adoptedt plus 25 % . " Carried It By-Laws were then read a third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Carruthers th~t the Roads and Streets committee be authorized to call for tenders for the purchase of a J ton truck according to their specifications. II Carried" Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Osborne that the Clerk be instructed to write to the Board of Transport Commissioners, Ottawa and en1uire what steps must be taken in order to have a warning signal installed on the Lake Road. " Carried " Moved by Dp Rv Nicholas saconded by Cr Cole that the Police Committee be authorized to call for tenders for the purchase of a new Police Car. " Carried" Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Rehder that Mr Duncan Jrnit h as elee tri cal contractor and Mr Claude Kilmer as electrician, be appointed as members of the Board of Examiners under the By-Law to license electrical contractors and eledtrlcians By-Law. tI Carried It Moved by Cr C6le seconded by Cr Rehder that Mr Lionel Parker Jr as representative of the Arena Managet!l.ent Committee and Mr Claude Kilmer of the Parks Committee be appointed as members of the Recreation Commission. IT Carried" 1:oved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Osborne that Mrl{alter DeGeer be appointed as a members of the Arena Management Committee for 1954. " Carried" On Motion Council adjourned. c~~ ~At.U~ Msy or. Council Roomt February 16th, 1954 Special meeting nf Council WBS held on above date, members all present tl:e Mayor presiding and stated that he had called the meeting for the purpos e of considering estimates and paSSing a By-Lfllw. COM!iUNICATIONS From Bowmanville Public School Board requesting Council to secure ,a right of' way from Liberty Street to their new property on Church Street. From Bowmanville Planning and Development Board recommending that provision be made for a road running easterly from Liberty Street at Wellington 3treet to provide entrance to the propoeed Public School and facilitate future developn:ent of lands east of Liberty Street. " Rec & Filed IT BV-LA1I Rv Little asked penn isston to ir:troduce a By-Law to acquire the necessary lands to afford access to th9 grounds of the Public School situate on the west side of Church st Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading the Mayor in the chairt On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reeding with ell blanks filled in. By-LaW was thEfl read a third t Ime, passed and ordered to be si gned and seal ed. On Motion Council adjourned. ~ ' : ark. . i' ~ {/~~ Mayor. ~ I ~j