HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/01/1954 . \~;~~~ILL AGrJJ!!:.~ ?Y ~:."r,! "c ~ Council Room 1'.arch 1st. 1954 ltegular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the h.;ayor presiding. Minutes of last regular fU'ld special meetings were read and on motion confirmed. COl\:tTUNI8ATIONS From Mr N.F. Quick, Elgin St requesting to have a stump removed in front of his property. Uoved by >tv Little seconded by Cr Higgan that the Property Committee with power to act. From Hr end Mrs Earry '::Imlth, Queen St requesting the removal front of their property. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Hlggon that the request be referred to the Public lroperty COl!llllttee with power to act. If Carried" From Mr James L GrahaJJi- and otter residents of Brown St requesting that Brown 8t from King to Church dt be declared a " Ho Parking" block and that a bread truck be prohibited from making an exit on BrONn St from Robson' 5 yard as it damages the sidewalk and creates a Ie. te hour traffi c on a residential street. : Koved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Carrutr..ars that the complaint be referred to the I Police Committee with power to act end to take action. 11 Carried" From Miss Helen Cryderman I Deputy Registrar, ~egist~, Office re.questing an appropriatio of $ 250.00 to be used to copy and retrace some Bowmanville plans ar,d maps which are falling to pieces through age and use. t~oved bJ.' Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers that a grant of $, 250.00 be made to the Registry Orfi ce for re-tracing plans and maps. " Carried" I From Mrs Gladys Bartlett, King 3t C;ast complaining of tlB condition of the entrance of Brown St frOO' King St and requesting that it be repaired. 1Ioved by Cr Biggar. seconded by Cr Preston that tffi complaint be referred to the roads and streets committee with power to act. " Carried If From Ilr WilJ.iarn Shotter, J.arlisle Ave reGuestine t hat Ii light pole be removed from in front of his driveway. Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Cole tmt the request be Utilities COIDJT!i!'lsion and ttet the letter be acknowledged. From Bowmanville Committee CflDadlan Eational Institute for the to hold a tee day on Snturday May 8th. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Cole th9.t pemission be granted. II Carried" From 1':rs Arline Ayre, Secretary of the Memor1al Hospital A.uxillary asking p3rmission to hold 9. tag day some time in March or April. Moved by Or Osborl8 seconded by DpRv N:lchol&s tMt confirnation as to date by the clerk. }I'rom Counties Clerk, Cobourg advisin3 of u patient Hospital. From Mr Glenholme Hughe s, Secretary of the for 1954. Jv:oved by Or Osborne seconded by Or Cole that tre Public for 1954. From llr R.J. Dilling, Secretary of Bowrranville },remorial one half mill grant for 1954. l:ove d by Cr Higgon seconded by Rv Little that Bownnnville Memorial Hospital be granted one half mill far 1954. II Carried n From Bowrranvi lIe Public School Board reouesting the sum of $ 88,384.00 for Public School pdrposes for 1954. fI Rec &: Filed tI From Durham Cou~ty District High School Board requesting $36,000.00 fo~ High Schonl purposes fo r 1954. It Rec &. Filed " From Kr N O'Rourke, 3ecretary or tho Lions Club rs(uesting a erant equal to the taxes for 1954 on their property on Beech Ave. 1~oved bJ.' Cr Riggan seconded by Cr TIehder that a grant be nade to the Lions Club equal to the amount of their taxes far- 1954. " Cf:1rried " From Public School Board informine Council that $ 150,000.00 would be required for the c0~struction and furnishing of the new six reom school on Church St inRteud of $. 138,000.00 forl'lally asked rar and thut the debenture b~y-law be changed accordingly. l';ioved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers that the letter be received and filed and that approval be given to chanee the by-law. " Carried II From Board of Transport Commissioners, Ottawa, stating that the I'e~1iest for the installation of an automatic protection signal on the C.N.R. crossing on the Lake rood had been forwarded to the commission counsel of the C.N.H. for their attention. It Laid on the table tt Osborne making application to install tow ten thousand gallon fuel 011 property at 102 King St ';est. request be referred to tlB Public " Carried It of a c he stnut tree in referred to the lublic " Carried 2 Blind, asking permission permission 'be granted subject to " Carried II being admitted to Bowmanville It Rec & Filed It PublIc Library aSking Council for a grant Library be granted $ 2,000.00 " CBI'ried " Hospital ~sking CouncIl for I From lOr E.V. \ t.anks on his '-.....--. I I ) fLo. /57.2. no /$73 iLo /57'-/- lLo /$7.{ '.~,H'"T'~O "~~4 .j!7 ~~.~~ ~0 '. '- I Council Room, ~arch 1st, 1954 ]!;oved by Cr Cole seconded by Rv LittIe that permission be Bl'anted subject to all regulations of the Hi~hway Department, Fire Marshall's Department and r~soline Handling Act. 11 Carr led II Fr0!'" Ontario Scool Trustees ann Ratepayers AS80, Toronto, requesting rr.embership to tbeir assoclCltion. II Rec & Filed It From Mr R.A.R. Sleep and other residents of High St petitioning for the oons~ruction of a cement sidewalk on High St from Second to Third 3t. From t:r J .J. Flett and others petitioning for the construction of' a cement sidewalk: on ~impson Ave from 100 feet south of Prince St to Southway Drive. !loved by Rv Little seconded by Or Cole that the petition, being certified by the Clerk as being sUfficiently slBnsd be accepted and that the constructi on be started at the earliest convenience. " Carried" From Canadien Rational. Railways enClOSing agree:ments for permission to cross their right way with the water main frot:1 too lake. Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Higgon that tte M':lyor and Clerk be instructed to sign the agreements. " Carried. " R grORT 3 Cr Osborne presented a report from tre Finance Committee submitting sundry accounts amounting to ~ 2,847.85Jcertjfied as being correct and recommending payment. / tl Rec & Adopted " The suanding committees presented their reports of estimated expenditures for 1954 as follows;- Hoads and Streets $ 43 000.00, Police $ 14,540.00, Fire $ 17,520.00 Public Property t 18,200.00, Relief $ 6,100.00, Civic $ 7,600.00, Cemetery $ 4,785.00 " Lal d on the Table " ).~oved by Rv Little seconded by DpRv Nicholas that the reports of the sLanding committees be accepted. " Carried TI Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Dp Rv Uicholas thlit B C oI!'M1ittee be appointed by the Mayor to investigate the possibilities of municipal garbage collection and that garbage collection be started on January 1st, 1955 if possible. " Carried II Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Nicholas that the 'Norks deIfirtment be instructed to put up II Half l..onds in effect " in effect onstreet s recently raved in the Tom. " Carried " Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Higgon that tl>! fire brlgade be granted $ 50.0\)"'I being 50 t$ of t re money received for outside fires. U Carrt'ed " Dp Rv Nicholas gave notice of motion that he would instroduce a by-law to amend the traffic by-law to prohi bi t parking s paoe fat' taxi st ands on King Street. Moved by Dp Rv Nicholas seconded by Cr COle~at the traffic survey from A~r L.S. ~:annell be received and accnunt for$: 100.0 e paid. It Carried II Waved by Dp Rv Nicholas secon~ed by Cr Col that the tender of Robson Motors for a new Pontiac Coach police cBr'.be accepted at price of $ 1350.00 " Carried fI Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr r'reston tmt the matter of Signs for taxi s'Cand in front of 3tanley Lunch be referred to the Folice Committee with power to act and to consult with tffi Town solicitor. II Carried" t:oved by Cr Carruthers secanded by Rv Little that the clerk be instructed to advertise for sale a Tom lot on Ontario St &nd that the highest or any tender be not necessarily accepted. " Carried ,. BY-LANS Rv Little asked permisRion to introduce th9 follow! ng by-laws- .La raise by taxation certain Stuns of rr.oney far Tmm, County J Debenture and SCl1001 purposes for the year 1954. Fo:;, the appointment of Town officials. .LO exempt from taxation other tron School and Local Improvellll8nt taxes , the proper ty of the Canadian 1.1Jgion. For the appointment of a BUilding Inspector. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second readiq~ the Mayor in the chair. On conunittee rising the l-.-;ayor reported the second reading w1th all blanks filled in. The by-law to exempt the property of the Caredian J,egion from taxation was laid on the table . The otrer by-laws were given their third reading, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Or Cole that the clerk be instructed to write Mr N.H. Brown requesting him to ranow all his machinery from the road allowance on 3cugog street, inmediately. " Carried II Moved by Cr Clirruthers seconded b~' Rv Little that the clerk be instructed to insert a notice in tho Statesman recuesting that all j:eraons desiring trees to be planted in front of their properties to notify the clerk as aoon as possible. 11 Carried II Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Dp Rv Nicholas that the clerk be instructed to insert . \:,n advertisement in the Statesman stating that as a building inspector has now be:) ,..".'""/ "";Tm~.'j( NO,/i!!f;, Pi:f~ ~n " .,' ,^ C nunc 11 Room t appointed that a building permit 1s recuired before any building March 1st, 1954 is started. tl Carried" On Motion Council ad,journede ~~8 o rC'Yrk.- Mayor .. t' ht. (h __ -z:::;-- Council Room, April 5th, 1954 ttegular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the Mayor presiding. Minutes of last regular meeting was read and on motion confirmed. COMl~lICATIONS I Mr J.M. Hughes of J.L. Graham & Co, Toronto addressed Council 1n reference to the issue: of $ 150,000.00 Public School debentures and Offering to submit a price for their purchase. Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Osborne that the finance committee be authorized to investigate and advertise the debentures for sale and to report back to Council. " Carried " J.loved by Dp Bv Nicholae seconded by Cr Carruthers that no action be taken on an application for the issue of a license to sell fish and chips from a truck. " Carried" From Mr Arthur Walker requesting that the driveway at 90 Queen at be fixed as it i. now too high. Moved by Cr Higgon 'econded by Cr Cole that the request be referred to the Roads and Streets Committee with power to act.. " Carried ". From Ontario Municipal Board, Toronto enclosing order for the issue of $ 150,000.00 of debentures for the construction of a Public School. " !tec & Filed" From Mr H.W. Knapp, Liberty St S in reference to a watercoursecrosaing his property. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Carruthers that the letter be rererred to the Town solicitor. ft Carried ft From A:rs Helen Park, Secretary of Memorial Park Asso reque sting to have shade trees planted in t he park. , From Mr R.J. Dilling, secretary of Memorial Hospital requesting that trees be planted on the Hospital grounds. Moved by Dp Rv Nicholas seconded by Cr Higgon that the request be rererred to the Public Property Committee with power to ac t. " Oarried " From Mr H.M. MitChell, secretary of Durham District High School Board stating that a discount of 2i % would be allowed off any part of the school levy paid before June 30th Moved by Cr Carruthers seoonded by Cr Osborne that the letter be referred to the finance COMmittee and clerk with power to act. " C~ried ft From Mr H.W Mitchell, secretary Durham County District High dchool Board advIsing or a meeting to be held in Newcastle Community Hall on Monday April l2tp at 8.00 P.M. to meet the architects for the new school additions and stUdy the sketch plans for approval. Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Carruthers that the U..yor, Reeve and Cr Preston and any other member of Council that may wish to, a ttend the meeting and report back to Council. " Cerried ft From Counties Clerk advising of a patient being admitted to Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. I"' ft Ree & Filed ft From Mrs Isabel Ilc La uhglin , Secretary Women's AuxilIary Bowmanville Memorial Hospital requesting the use of the ~Own Hall auditorium, free or charge for a play in aid of the hospital. Moved by Or Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that the reque"l!It be granted. "Carried" From Nesbitt Thompson & Co Ltd, Toronto stating that now is a favorable time for the issue of debentures and offering their services in any issue of debentures. , " Rec ~ filed " I Fran Mr James G Martin and others petitioning for the construction of a cement sidewalk on Third st from Elgin to Lamb. Lane. Fram Mr Harry Allin and others petitioning for the construction of a 'Nster main on Edsall Ave from 337 feet west of Soagog St to 637 reet west of Scugog St. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Cole that the petitions, being certified as being sufriciently signed by the Clerk, be granted and the work proceeded with, as soon as possible. " Carried " From City Planning Associates, Toronto, offering their services as consultants on Town planning. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Preston thet the letter be referred to the Town I (anning board. " Carried" ~