HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/13/1954 (Special) ""'iii" ~' 000"" .O~. '"'' "". "" ~ ;~~ Speoial meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Up , Rv Nicholas, the Vayor presiding and stated that he had called tha meeting for the purpose of passing by-laws. BY-LANS ! i _. / "7 7 . Rv Little asked perdssion to introduce a by-law to provide for a tsmporary loan for LV. 0) _ I the purpose Of erscting alid equiping a six room Fublic School on Church St. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading, the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Law was then read a third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. The By-Law to provide for the borrowing of t 150,000.00 upon debentures was give its third reading with corrections and all blanks filled in and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston t hat the Fire Committee be instructed to give the Clerk authority to write a letter to the Fire ~hief, Cobourg, confirming mutual a1 d. " Carried tl On Motion Council adjourned. ~ k. 7';M (/, ~. Mayor. Council Room, May 3rd, 1954 tiegular meeting of Council was held on above date, rembers all present the Uayar presiding. Minutes of last regular and special ms stings were read and on mot ion confirmed. COMMUNICATIONS Mr W Labine, 187 King St E, addressed Council complaining of the damage to his property by children and reouesting tlBt action be taken. tioved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Cole that the comp.l,alnt be referred to the Police conmittee with power to act. " Carried It From l:r Ken Nicks, Love rs Lane, complaining of sewage water draining onto his property and requesting tb3.t tte necessary steps be taken to divert the water or inBtall a tile drain. Moved by Rv tittle seconded by Cr Car rut he rs that the complaint be referred to the Roads and streets Cormnittee to investigate and with power to act. " Carried" From Chief S Venton in regard to tlJ! problem of stray doga and requesting trot Council take action. tI Laid on the Table" From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of patients being admitted to Cobourg General Hospital and Bowmanville Memorial Hospital.. n Ree & Filed" From Board of Transport COII'IID.issloners, Ottawa, in regard to automatic protection for the taka rood railway crOSSing. tI Lair on the Table " From Department of Highways, Toronto enClosing chaque for $ 1169.18 additional subsidy on road expanditures far 1953. " Rec &; Filed" From Ontario MunlcilBl Board, Toronto stating t18t validation order for school debentures would be issued on MaY 14th. " Ree &. Filed It From :Lir M Tighe, Secretary Bownanville Base ball Club requesting two loads of loam for the baseball diamond on tm High dchool grounds. From Lir Irwin C Beauprie, President of MEII'lorial P rk Asso requesting four loads of sand for the baseball diamond at Mernori al park. tI!II Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston tret the request be granted. II Carried tI From L:rs Helen Park, Secretary of the Memorial rl"lrk Asso asking permiSSion to hold a vag day in aid of the park on Saturday June 12th, also requesting that the tl No Speedirg II signs be moved on Duke and Libert y Streets farther north, and that the police patrOl tlJ! playground occasionally during the summer. Moved by Or Osborne seconded by Cr Cole that pemission for the tag ,lay be granted if tIE date is open and tlB t tIE request for moving the signs and patroiHing the park be referred to tl:e police committee wit h power to act. " Carried .. From Mr A.G. Alexander in regard to plan for sub-division on Liberty St North, enclosing deeds for 5 % of the land in the sub-division far public purposes and consenting to restrict t lB land to confcrm with all taNn by-laws. ),':oved by Cr Osborne secorrled by Cr Carrutl'ers that the letter be acknowledged, the deeds accepted am approval be given to the proposed plan. "Carried" From Iilr L.H. Downey complaining of cancellation of taxi space for taxi stand on King street and requesting tlBt the tONn allow him to use the taxi stand space until his license expires. on December 22nd next. \ '. ~