HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/07/1957 . .;;~~~~Ol,' I' -dfJ:.~ ~ ? ~~;~ ,,~ ~ ,:,'0 Council koom, Uct. 7, 1957. Regular rrleetinf of Gauncil ~iJas held on above date, I1embers all rresent, the r~u~'or presiding. Yinutes of last regular &nd areolal seetinrs were retid fwd on cation confirned. cO!U1JrnCATTotTS Petition was received [ron ~r. L.. (aw'ell and othors retitioninr, for the construction of a water Pla.in on First st. frOIol Snart ~)t. to ".flarns !lve. r,~oved b~' Rv. Little, seconded by Dr. Bv. Cbl'ruthE:1's thflt the petit,ion belnt~ c}ertified by the clerk RS Tl(lt hein~' sufficlently slvnen, be received and filed and l\lr. Gingell be eotified Elccord5_nfl~' ~ II Carried. " From the Bownarville ]<'i1'e DerEll'tT'lent und the l,ion's Club, Bm,L:anville, in reference of re-loc[;til~f, the Resuscitator now et the t':en()r~Dl H08J'ital. }':oved by Cr. LDthanr,ue, 1Jf:cr;nded hy Cr. Hif{~on ttlat the To"m Eepre8entitive on the Hospit&l Doard meet w:1,th the hospital Bo&rd in refard to the Ioeation of trle Resuscitator and re~:ort back to courc~l. " Carried. " I From the residents of Frederick J.ve. requesVnp rernission to plant flowerinr Crab Trees on the BoulevErd of FreclBrick J.ve. J.;Ioved by Cr. Preston, seconded by Cr. BroUf'l1 that ~~ernission be €;ruLted E;.nd thbt lI'.r. E:IMer BSIltinr he notified uc:cordin~'_ly. " Carried. 11 From thenLondon Council of :ilor'len, Lom'1on, Ontario in reference to re::wlution extendifl€, the ~,lunicipal ]'rHnchL;e b~r eliDlinatj_nr the present property qUblific~.t~"ons ane. substi- tuting merely EI residene~' requirenent of one yenr. l~oved by vr. Carruthers, sBconcled by Cr. Ll.lthanBU8 U\at the clerk he inHtructed to reply. From the office of the Fire Larshall, ToroI1to. advisinr October 6th to 12th. !I'Toved by Rv. Little, seconded by Cr. Preston thLt the letter CO:rrJ..lLi ttee. From the Counties Clerk, Cobourg, t1dvising of patients be:'i.nf: 11euori81 lIosptic.l and Oshew& C'rerwral Hosl\ltal. letter be received If Curried. " of Fire T'reventioIl ','leek and the he referred to the Fjre " Carried. " admitted to Bowmanville II Received aIid Filed. " Froll1 },eTr. O. J. Pres son, Pre sident of Bmmanvi lIe Boy Scau t AS~iacitltion, req uesting perr;:ission to hold JI.-pp16 D&~' on Friday October 18th end S8turda~' October 19th. Moved b~1 Dp. Rv. CE.lrl'uthE::rs, SllCOIic1Bd by Gr. Hi~:gon that the request be e:ranted. " CtLrl'ied. " From Public Sohool Bourd requesti n~~ the el'E:cticm of signs and road mar}~.in€-:s and other safety precautior:s fit the intersection of Libert~r t:.Lnel Ilell!rJfton Strnets, designating it as a school crossilW. l,~oved by Cr. Higfol1 , seconded by ::":1'. rre~;ton thHt the request be rp,ferred to the Police Connittee with J'G'Iier to act. IP Carried. 11 !>"oved by Dp. Rv. C~,rruthers, seconded by Cr. Hif,gon that the renolution pllS :ed byCl Council on ,Tune 3rd 1957 in reference to Plann~nv Board constltutine itself as Ii Bo&rd of adjustnert be retcindecl bno tllat ttle rlt:.Lnrd.nc BOllrc1 constItute itself or some of its members as a Leard of a('_-'ustment. " Carried. II Rr.rO~T8 Dp. nv. Cl.l.rruthers rres8r:.ted B re1'ort :fron t.he FinElnce GOru. dttee nubnittinp, sundry 1) ACOOUIlt B:r.J.ount inf to #13, 193 .4~ Hr:d Pu blio School but Id inf: account.. s for ~~~242. 24 /"'/"- certified as Lein~ correct 8.!!d reoonnerlCiirlf ~)u~'!'lent Hlth the exception of aCCouIit. t'rorr. the Cuncan P&rking 1..eter ....0. for 4nOO.OO vihi(:h HftS reffJrred to the T'olice :":rn'-'f:1itt",e for adjustLlent 'Il1th power to ~(;t. II rec:Ecived m:c il..dopted. " Cr. Brow:h presellted a report on 6 r.1set;lI\f of the BOBrd or 1/01'1:0 amI. r.loved S8conueu by Dp. Rv. Carruthers thht the report be adoT'ted. " Carried. " ~/oved by Cr. l!'iC6t seconded by Cr. Preston tha.t the nattar of H~r:IiS fnr dead end street be left in the lu.nds of tLe Police Conrnittee 'ilith FOi'ler to uct. If Carried. 11 Moved by Cr. JIi€;r;on, seconded by Cr. Preston thnt Ell.l the sUf:gestions froo Public Property Gommittee in referenr:e to 81teratious at the T,ibrnry nuildin~ be adopted with the excerJtion of the outsi6.e (loor leud~lW to the rear lobl:~' End the installHt5.on of a storie at the letter drop orl l:inr St. " CarriEd. IT I : Moved by Cr. Higgon, seconded by Cr. Preston thE.t the doors tit the South and East end o:n 'l the Town hall be rep6irecl ::.t fln ar~:roXh1&te cost of ~4)O. 00 tlnd the nece usar3' r1asterin and roof repairs be made. It Carried. tI Moved by Cr. Latbe.ngue, secondedLy Cr. Brou~~hthtlt a fhJ.g be purchased Elnd flown durinr. "the Queen I s visit. 11 r.;ul'rtecl. 11 " '...H'.T'Ca ":mlil/i~ i\-:S:--1V";~, ~ i~~ )Lo / 0 7 ,;zJ Council HooIl, October 7, 1957. R,;P0HTS (cont'd. ) ~!oved by Cr. rresson, fleCOIlded hy Cr. Lathancue tlwt l:.11'. HUBsell L. f;avlor be hired as Police calista bIe io.. t a s81tlr~' of ~)200. reI' unnun fl s -('rorrl Octo bel' 5, 1957. rT Carried. " h:oved by Cr. Pressor, S€COIHlec1, hv R". T,ittle that. tlie olo:.=rk '1/rite Et leLter "to Constable lJeIwHm at SutlIQlbrook [(oSl.'jtul, 1'oroLto, wish:.nc hipi a sJlet~dy recovery from his illness. " Ubrried. " Moved by Dp. nv. Little, st'eomled by Gr. 1:lrOlwh that t.he }"11'e Gmrr:ittee be Duthorit;ed to purchase, two trU_ocJ.~ nozzle holders at & cost of ~28.93. If G8.l'l'ied. II Moved by Ev. Litt.le, secor,cif,d by 0]'. Brouf"h tlUtt the 1"11'8 Hr"i.fude he craLted ~.:,b?50 being 50% or Norle~.' received froT', nut.sloe fj_re. I Rv. Little IlY - tN/IS. os,~ed perr~:tssion to intrnduee tLe followiIW Hy-l.uHS: 1'0 authorize the construction of certain works Elf! For t.ILe ftppoir,tnent of '...'own Offid.als. To BM~rd l~-L&w t'o. J_6sP. Granted Hnd read the f':rst tine. On notioll rule 3"3 vmn cor:rrr.ittee of the wholE.:, on 8econd reudinc the rlH~'or :i.n the nayor reported tIle !IUnOlId reudinrs wittl all blarks ft.'-Laws were then re~jd u "econd E1n( third t:[:E~, raSS8([ sealed. 1008.1. inrrovem-ents. sus)1eI:ded the ctw~_r. filled in. hnd or(]E:red unr1 councn. ';Ient :nto (m cmlDtittee risinr: to he slrned &ncl On P1fJtion Coune.:l ad 'ourned. .~/ l//;~ L f J . '/. ~t"'~:;.,--~~- 1:0.:\'01'. Gouncil .t(00I1J October 22nd, 195 .. Specinlneeting of Council vias held on aLov8 date to pass El BJ'-Law. hieP1bers all nrese1lt eXHc1,tiw-' t,a'!or OS:Ol'1e, Ev. T-,ittle ~dld Gr. Jresson, Dp. Rv. Gbrruthers i,residin€-:. . ' ~ IlY - LA'/I Cr. Brauch tLsked r:errt'tssion introduce L b~.I-IHw to l'rovide for the hoibdinf of 1-:unicipal election. Granted [.lId nHtd t.he first title. On notion rlLle 33 waf> suspenc't:d hnd Council "ilent into oomr.littee at' the Hhole on o8cond reudirWt Dp. Rv. CfJ.rruthers in the ohElir. On comnitte ris1n['; the deputy Reeve reported the ;;ecolld readhw with HII blcnks filled ill. By-Law was then read a secold Ellie\ t ird tine J ]lflSSeCl i.Jnd ordered to be siClled and sealed. On ! otiOll COUIld.l ad,i(lUrlied. ~'; / I' / r/ I ' I-c ____.__ / l ~ ./ '..- /',7<' '-/ /1', l>~ L, ?/ii2~ (// ~~k l,~ayon.. I \ ~-------------.-