HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/04/1957 5'\~;~:.~ll' ;re:C, ~,- Counc).~ Haorl Nov. 4, 1957. Regultl.r meetluf, of Council was held on above d&te Members all present excepting Councilors Fre::;ton and' Fiee, the I'lElyor res5_dine_ I,~inutes of last re~:ular neeting and special rleetinp, ~,rere relict and on notion cOIlfirned. cm'~}, tWrCATIOFE:i. From Strike Ellld Strike enolosing By-Law to aMAnd by-lbw t-;o. 161h, referred to by-lc''lJfl. in reference t,o LeAse to the PeJ'l1orial FroI"l Stri'ke and Strike, To\'rn SoU.oitars Park Associatton. ltoved by up. Rv. CHrrutllers, sec()I](ied b? qr. Brou{':h that the letter to the ~enori&l Park AS~iOc5Htion. From Strike hnd Str1.te, stE/tint! that Deeds had heen on "Nnverlev Haad tind tl18t r:a"I1ert sho111cl be cade to Nilliem C.' Pursons for ~;15b ~ 00. Moved by Dp. P.v. Carruthers, seconcled by !":r. Brourh tjwt the letter lie reu8iveo and filed and the accounts 1)8 raid. FroI"ll~r~ F. ,T~ Smith, A.~(;1X~ El.f'~)l~'ir'r for H license to opere.te 8 nobile li'ish and Chip Kitchen in the Town. l.~oved b~' F..v. Little, SeCOflGEQ b~r Dp. Rv. a license be issuec. Fron Bowmanvil1e !lecrt'Btlor: Depttrtnent Flaking fJppJ.icbti.on in the new Librar;y Build::n{' us l:1 l1erI'1ar..ent Craft HOOfl'l hnn make plaItS for ir:11,rOveLents if perrdssion .dere rranted. I;oved by Dp. I:v. Cv.rrutlwrs, seconc]ed by ::':r. prenson thet the request be referred to the PubIie Pronertv L;mrr:itt~le to r8T'ort at next neBtin.-.. " Cu.rrit;d. II From 1~r. ClareIlCB 'osborne, hif,h ~3treet, rer:uefltill€~ the'.r",;r:ov~,l nf H tree in front of hi s proy.erty. ~,'.oved by Cr. Luthanf:ue, secoJl(iect l)~l Hv. Llttle that; tilf) l'eClue~;t be referI' ,d to the PublIc PrO]lerty Uonnittee v6th power to ~lCt. .From ~,;. L. Ruddy va. T,td., '!'oronto, l'A0u8sttnc l'ernission to erecL !onter }arels on the prorert j A,s 01' ;'.r. Il~ ~'~. Trjxlble, 1,1 herty ';t., eno l:r. Yftr,cJ corkooy I S on ,U.n~~ st. E:. }:oved b:.' Cr. Hln;on, socoI:cled by Cl'. T,btliupnle thut ]'errds~;ion 'fie not crt:.nted L.nd that the .i:<.:. L. Hudd:y Go. be Ilotif'j.ed aecorcttnf'l~r. II C:ur:,:ied. It FrOM l.orthumberlm c. Durhurl BOt.J'd of tienlth, Go[.our[:., er,(:lns'itlf-: cory of report for Septer.lber lCJ57. II Beceived and }I'iled. 11 Frorr, 1l,-q)f1rtMsnt of' ~:unicirBl At'feirR, Tnrorto, er'.ol(1sj.r~: stutef.lent eXf'Jeir.lnc unconditionbl pel' capitfl f,rc.lnt !)<-,~'rr,eI:t for 1';57. "Heceived f;I,d Filed. " Fror.l Countien Clerk, Cobourc, nrlvj8~Pf. of rtd;:ent.s he5.r~F uinitted to l'enorial Hosri tel, Bm'!l:~lI;V';, lIe. n Hnceivm! c.:<r1Q Filen. It Fran COUllt5..es Clerk, CObOllI'C, ndv1n5.rc of l'fltif-H.:ts Lejrw mlnittHd to OSLml'6 General Hospital. ~.Coved b~r Rv. IJittle, seconded 'hy Cr. ~r(luf"ll tbHt the clerk be in~trur~ted to investigute [is to refidence. II Carried. II From neptirtr!Emt 01' IIi['It'IHiYs, Toront.o, enc10siIl~~ stbterrent of eX1'p.I!ri.i tul'8;:; to AUfust 31st, find er'cloninr cherue for ~}22,5q2.q~. 11 Received urd Filed. " FroN OsluHVEL Rer:OH1I :nlenninr ASfl0C~.c.:.tjor, wlvi:;ing of meetj_Il€" to be held in OSI1((',/8 on Noverr:ber 13t11 Eit P P.t.. in the Cltv Hal.l. 11 Received find Filed. tl From the DepurtI'lsnt of F.ealth, Tor~I1t.o, ~,n ref'E:rE,nee to the BowI1lenv~lle Cer,!etary and enclosin!' que!lt~,onQire. }.roved b~' Cr. BrouE-Y', seooncied b~' Cr. Hin~(')n tlmt the letter CeT'1etf.ll'Y Cormittee. FroI1 Rev. Hf.rold i.. Turner, Seurp.tar~7 Treu-;urer l;inisterial a {'runt for their 7r&lis:.ent Fund. lI':oved by Gr. Presson, sE~conc]f;cl by Cr. I,ttthfHClle tlwt Ute reque~it be referred to 1958 Council at the J&DUarV nep,tifif.. It CHrried. 11 FroJTl the Chilclren h.i<i~ f3ociety', Port Hare, bskirT Council :for e. crar~t. ~~oved by Cr. Hin~on, seconded by Gr. Presson thut t.he requ8Ht be left l.lbe~'allce uLtil more inf'orml.ltiml is ohtfdned. II Carried. 11 From General Accident Inf-;urunce Co., Toronto, enclostrw insrectlon l'Elr-orts on bo:.le1's I in the new T>ibrur~7 Building~ " Received line. Filed~ It l From Comunity ]J1anning Association of Camlda, ulvis111{' of cO!lfereIlce to be held .n J"ondmn, Ontario, on Friday, rovember gth. " Received flIJrJ Filed. fI From d. J. Cobban, !:arr:wTlod Rerit HOF'.e, hdvisiT1f: Uwt rat,es for p8.t1.ent,~; "muld be "- clerk send cop~' of the II Carried. " nacle out to the 'i'own for land i/esley 1>;. 1"10e for :\1300.00 and Gurruthers tlwt the letter be recei vect It Curried. " ::01' the use of the Uwt they ,;,muld be Hnd basement able to be referrea to the " Carried. II .h.ssociet~on, rer1ueBting '-\:;~'.~L(' F ~ ')jc I ,\:;:.-~"' y ;~.U;; '.~ ~ - 2 - Council Room Novenber 4, 1957. Cm~TrrICh':J1Imn. increa.sed to :4i150.00 reI' I'lOnth corJ':enc5-r:r HOV8rlber 1st. Moved by Dp. Rv. Curruthers, secor"ded tw'Cr. nl'ou~'h that investigate and set-; if other acc0L8dl:itj_on in [1".Thllf.1ble. the cle1't be ).nstructed to " Carried. tI R:';POF:rr1,S. Dp. Rv. C~rruth~rs J!re~bnt8d a re!"1ort 1'1'oL the Finance Go!!u:littee submittine sunr)rv I "H~counts <:,rlol.lnt~nf: to ~~26,532.84 certlfied es heinc cnrrect ufid recor:r:',erc'in;:-: paVI1~nt.1 " ?eceiveO u.r' 1:..dlJlpted., \'t Cr. Brou€-;h reported on the PlOet:l.ng of the Board of 'lIords Hnd ITloved secondtJu' by , Cr. LathanGue that the report be adopted. It Carried. " Moved by Cr. Higgon, seconded b~' Dp. Rv. Carruthers that the request of the Toronto Dominion Bank for the renoval of a tree in front of their prorerty on 'l'eMperarce St. be referred to the Public rroTerty Conr:ittee ~dth power to act. tI Carried. Ir Cr. PreB~;.on reported on the Meetinr, of the Police CO!1I'1ittee Elnd moved seconded b:' Rv. Little that the rerort be ooopted. Ir Ctlrried. " Cr. Presson Chairman of the Police COrlF.ittf!€ re1)orted thtit Chief b:ric Srlith tendered his resignation hnd moved seconded by Dp. Rv. Ciu'rllthers that the resirnation of Chief gric: Sr'lith be accepted v'lith reg-ret and that. u hotter be sent to him to that effec t. " Carried. It Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded b~l Dp. Rv. Carruthers that the Police COF.Jnittee hnd Deputy Reeve be enpowered to select a new chief and subeit their r8connendatior,s to Council. tI Curried. " 1~oved by Gr. Jlresson, seconded by Rv. T"lttle thAt Lr. Arthur Kilpatrick be hired as School Gu&rd for the crosr:irw at Jane nnd JJiberty Gts., as frorJ :rOVe 1st at the S~I!'18 salllry as thf1 other guard. t1 Curried. tI 1~oved by Rv. JJittle, seconded by Cr. Presson t!wt the }<'ire Cmnnittee be fluthorized to purchase 150 feet of fire hOfOe at the cost :j?1.67 per ft. " C8rried. II lLuJ liP 73 FlY-LAWS. Rv. JJittle ns}~ed rerrr.1ssion to introduce a b~'-lL;w to anend bJ'-lEv. Ho. 1614 [;ranted and read n f'irst time. On motion rule 33 was susDended find Couneil went into COI"lr.1ittee of the Vlhole on seconcl reuding the nuyol' in thll chair. On comm.ittee risin~ the maJ'or reported a f,econd reLuinp with all hlHlLks filled in. By~law was thEm read a second tinct third tirlB ras;.ed fJ.nd ornered to he sir:ned &1:(1 seElled. 1,foved by Rv. I~ittle, seeoncled c:y Cr. Pre8GOn thtit l\~r. 1 urray 1:cKnie:ht ,Lf.lnarer of the Juvenile BE-se 13HIl Glub 'be Cranted 4,i15.00 towtlrd eXren~ies of the club for 1957. On wot:;.or; council ad,~ournell. c( i..VJI.;' {/ C~: , '/ 'd C:k- [cd?'~ V'E1;,or. ------_J I,. ''.....----------,--------'-~