HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/07/1957 '":;;~:ii}( r ...... .......... ............ ..... ..m . Council Room, January 7th, 1957 ~ i]~~ Inaugural meeting of Counc 11 was held on above date, The Clerk reported on the r aaul t 10f the );unicipal elections for 1957 as ftlllows;- llayor, Nelson E Osborne,Reeve Sidney !Little, Deputy R.eve W.D. Carruthers, Councillors, J Brough, L.G. Pr.ston, Keith 'Lathangue, W.D. Riggon, 0 J Presson, Wesley E Fie., Public School Board, Norman O'Rourk Robert Kent, Rance L Dilling, Public Utilities Commission, M.J. Elliott. All elected by isac1amatlon. F.fter taking the oath of offic. memb.rs lect took their s.ats and the Mayor call.d upon Rev T.A. l!organ to op.n the s.ssion with prayer. p, Rv tkrith.rs on b.half of Council .xt.nded a vote of thanks to Rev. Morgan for his service.. ~h. ~ayor gave hi. inaugural addr.s. outlining th.. work to be don. this y.ar and eleoming the two new members to Council. . ~inutes of last regu~ar meeting were read and on motion oonfirmed. 'oved by Rv Littl. second.d by Cr Pr..ton that the .tanding committ.ea for 1957 be a. ,rollows, first named to be chalrman;- Board of Works; Brough, Carruthers, Lathangue, Higgon, Fice, Freston Finane.; Car rut he rs Littl. Brough, Riggon Polic. Administration; Pr.saon, Little, FIe., Lathangu. (Chairman of Finance and llayor to sit in on op.ning of a~~lications for Chi.f of Police Lathangue, Fice, Presson Little, Brough, Pr..ton Freston, Riggan, Presson ( To includ. Road. and Str.ets, lublic Froperty, Garba8" Cemtery, and POlic. Maint.nance.) Chairman to he chos.n by committ.. and any br.akdown of Board into committ.es to b. decided by Board.) Carried " Cr Preston that the fOllowing appointment. be mad. for Civic & Relief; Fire; Industrial; Board of Works; Moved by Rv Little second.d by 1957; Memorial Arena Management Committee; Mr Rob.rt Watt, Mr C. J. Semis, Mr Frank Hooper t Mr J Lander, Mr W Pageer. ( 2 Year term.) From Council 1 year term. Crs Riggen and Brough. Rv Little Mr J .A. Col., Mr G.L.Lander ( 3 Y.ars) From Council Cr Fice (1 Y.ar Crs Lathangue and Pr.sson. l:emorial Hospital Board; Bowmanville Planning Board; Recreation Commission; Durham County District High School Board; },!r L.A. Parter ( 1;r Alex lIcGregor Cr Lathangu.. 1 Y.ar) 1957 ( 3 Y.ars) 1957-8-9. Chamber of Commeroe; COMMm1ICATIONS From Bownanville Reoreation Department, re~uestlng an increase in salary for the recreation director. J.:oved by Cr Higgen ..conded by Dp Rv Carruthers thet the requ.st be r.f.rred to the Flnancx Committee. "' Carried " From Bowmanvl11e Planning Board in reference to re-zonlng the annexed land at the east b.ach . nd reouesting that by-law be pas.ed re-zoning it for heavy industry. Mov.d by Dp Rv Carruthers s.conded by Cr Riggon that by-law b. passed re-zoning the land for heavy industry. . " Carried n From BowmSDvill. Pl.nning Board submitting estimates of $ 500.00 for 1957 exp.n.... Moved by Cr Hig~n s.conded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the request b. ref.rr.d to the Finance Connnittee. - " Carried" From Rotary Club inviting m.mb.rs of Counci 1 to t heir annual municipal m..ting .t the Lions C.ntr. on Wedn.sday J.nuary 9th at 6.30 P.M. ,,"ov.d by Cr Lathangue s.conded by Cr Preston that the invitation be acc.pt.d and that the clerk notify the president of the numb.r att.nding. " Carri.d n From Workmens Compens8itlon Board, Toronto in reference to coverage for the fire brigade. ~oved by Or Brou~seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers tie t tb!l Jb.atter be referred to the ~ire Committeet " Carri.d.t From Mr George L Totten, Counties Engineer, Cobourg, in reference to.nrental of Counties road grader. ~oved by Cr Riggon second.d by Cr Brough that the l.tt.r b. r.ferred to the Board of ~ork9. "' Carried " " Carried " '~~~;~:.0.! F {edfl;.. ; Council Room, January 7th, 1957 v ~~i~ From Rev Harold A Turner J Secretary Bowmanville Ministerial ASBO asking Cotnoil for a g.ant for their transient fund. , Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv CarrutMrs ; Ministerial Association. I From Mr A.S. Baker, 98 Wellington St requesting in front of his property. Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Lathangue that the request be or works with power to act. From }~ G Nicholson, director of Ontario Parka ABso, Belleville to their association. 11Ioved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston , Park Committee. From Mr John R M1J.1er and Mr V/illiam Lyle making application to Fire Brigade. Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Preston that the applications Fire Committee with power to act. From Ontario Asso of Rural Municipalities requesting membership the t $ 100.00 be granted to the .. Carried " to have the top of a tree taken off referred to the Board " Carried " requesting membership that the request be referred to the "' Carried .. beoome members of the From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of patients being admitted l.emorial Hospital and Cobourg General Hospital. From Ontario Traffic Conferenoe. Toronto advising of a c aurse for control and training to be hel d in Toronto on ~,ay 13th to 24th. lJoved by Cr Lathangue seconded by Cr Higgon that the matter be referred to the Police Committee. .. Carried .. Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Dp Rv Carrutbers that WHEREAS too Corporation of the Town of Bownanvil1ehas agreed wit h tbe Minister of II1ghway s for the Province of Ontario to close the hereinafter described roads and streetsj- NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized to give notice the t tile Council of too Corporation of the TONn of Bownanville will give consideration to the ~assing of a by-law Closing ,he following described roads and streets; namely; (a) Those parts of Hunt Street, Duke Street, the Gravel Road ( commonly known as Vlharf Road) Simpson avenue, Smart Avenue and Mearns avenue lying within the limit. of Provinoial Highway 401; (b) 1 foot strips of the sa! d Hunt Street, Gravel Road and Simpson Avenue lying immediately northerly and southerly of Highway 401; (c) 1 foot strips of said Smart Avenue and Mearns Avenue lying immediately northerly of Highway 401, any time after the 1st day of February, 1957, by having such notice published in t he Canadian Ststesman commencing with the Jaauar)' 10th issue and continuing for three issues thereafter. WHERF.AS too Council of the ~:unicip'l Corporation Of the Town of Bowmanville deems it adv1aable to .top up and close thet part of the original allowance for road between lots 8 and 9 in the Broken Front conces.ion of the Township of Darlington now in the Town of Bo_anville. ) cOIllI'1only known as llearns Avenue) lying between the soutOOrn limi t, of l'rovincial Highway 401 and the northern limit of the Canadian National Railway landf'l; AND WHEREAS the said original allowance for road has never been bpened or assumed for Public usej AND VIffEREhS Blake Short, the owner of the adjacent lands in said lot 9 and Clarence Soper, the O'Nl'ler of the adjaoent lands in said lot 8 have agreed to the closing of the said allowanoe far road; NOW 'IHEREFCRE BE IT RESOLV/:D tlBt too Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville appro"ee in principle of the stopping up and closing of the .aid originel allowance 1'or road and that the Clerk be authorized to giva notice that Council will give consideration to the paSSing of a By-Law closing said part of the original allowance for road between Lots 8 and 9 in the Broken Front Concession anytime after the 1st day of February, 1957, by having such notice published in the \ Canadian Statesman commencing with tbe January 10th issue and continuing 1'or thre~ \ issues thereafter. ft Carried" ~--- ------ ----------------- -_..~_._- be referred to the " Carried" to their association. " Rec &: Filed" From Ontario Good Raids Asso, requesting memberShip to their association. ~oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Higgon that the request be referred 1;0 the work. de rartment. " Carried " From St John Ambulance Fund, Toronto asking Council for a grant. It Ree &; Filed" From Secretary Club 15 requesting permission to holda Mother March of Dimes campaign in aid 01' Foundation for Poliomyelitis on rr~ 30th Or 31st, and to use factory whistle and church bells to announce the opening of the campaign at 6.30 P.M. Moved by Cr Brougb .econded by Cr Lathangue that permission be granted. "Carried" From Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, enclosing report for November, 1956. " Rec & Filed " to Bowmanville " Rec &; Filed " police traffic '.;7~~;'~:L,fd v~dk:< v ~~~ l!-f) ! b'i [ !f..o/(P'f! I (Lo /Io'~ 'I. I <.-0, b' I -_.~~_.- -------j - ------ ------- ------- REPORTS Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from the finance aooounts amounting to $ 8,927.38, oertified as being Counoil Room January 7th, 1957 oommittee submitting sundry correct and recommending paymenth~ tI Rec & Adopted" /-. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthere seoonded by Cr Brough that the premium on the Fire insurance4, on the Town Hall amounting to $ 440.100 be paid. " Carried" / l;oved by Rv Little second by Irr Brough tl>l.t $ 67.50 be granted to tha Fire Brigade being 50 % received from outsida fires. " Carried" Y-oved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that all cheque. or notes of tbs Corporation of the Tavn of Bowmanville drawn on a.ny account with the Bank of Montreal, be signed on its be!lalf by Nelson E Osborne. Mayor or Sidney Little, Reeve, and A.J. , Lyle, Treasurer or Clarence S Oke, Assistant Treasurer and that L.G. Preston be author~ ized to sign all cheques on behalf of the Town for the Industrial and Publicity Bank account with the Bank of Montreal. n Carried n Moved by Rv Little seconded by Or Brough that the same committee on the Park COl!ll1lision appointed in 1956 aot for 1957. " Oarried " lloved by Dp Rv Oarruthe rs seoonded by Cr Brough that the l'unic~pal World be ordered for Council members for 1957. " Oarried " BY-LAW . Rv Little asked permission to introduce a By-Law to borrow money for current expenses. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading, the llayor in the chair. On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. Bylaw was tbsn read a second and third time, passed and ordered to signed and sealed. On Motion Council adjourned. 3~cZ~/- - '--' ;dJ?- L - ~ Mayor. Council Room, February 4th, 1957 Regular meeting of' Council 'flas held on above date, members all present the Mayor presi dil!g. la~utes,of lest regular meeting were read and on motion confirmed. ~:'~""" ,Y&WdA,W BY-T.AWS Rv Li~tle as ked permissinD to intrmduce the following by-laws;- To close parts of Hunt St, Duke St, Gravel Road ( comnonly known as "harf Road) Simpson Ave, ~art Ave and :Mearns Ave. To close that part of the original allowanoe for road between Township Lots 8 and 9 in the Broken Front Concession ( COmMonly kwone as Mearns Ave) lying between the southern 1imit of Provincial Highway 401 and the northern limit of the C.N.R. lands. To provide for the sale of that part of original ~llowance for road between tONDship .lots 8 and 9 in the Broken Front Concession ( oommonly known as lleerns Ave l closed by By-Law No 1642. Gran ted and read t he first tiIl1e. On motion rule 33 was susvended and Counci 1 went into committee of tr~e whole on second reading, th9 Ma3'or in the chair. On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Laws were then read e. second end third time. passed and ordered to be Signed and sealed. CO~nm,TIOATIONS From Dept of Highways, Toronto in rererence to conveyance of land adjacent to Highway 40l. Koved by Or J'reston .seconded by Cr Lathangue thnt the letter be laid on the table. t! Carried " cut dawn in front From Leslie and Lata Jackson, 54 Church ~t rSGuesting to have a tree of their property. l:;oved by Rv Little seconded };,y Cr Brough that the reflueRt be works. with power to act. From Crown Assets Disposal Corporation, Ottawa, 1n reference Jost Office. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Lathangue that the letter be referred to the Finance Committee to bring in a reconnendation for the bUdget meeting. 11 Carried" From r~hlic Library Board in reference to establishing a free pUblic library. Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Fice th1:tt the request be referred to the Finance Committee to bring in a report. " Carried" .'rom Public Library Board reeuesting thet the Town purchase the old post offioe building for the use of the library. Il:oved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Lathangue that the request be referred \ committee to bring in a report. \". referred to the Boardjof " Carried " to the sale of the present to the ~~~anc e J " C8rri~