HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/1957 u,;::;';~OI" /'f'C'C ?~h I oommittee submitting sundry I correct and recommending payment.4 ( n Reo & Adopted n / I Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded hy Or Brough that the premium on the Fire lnsuranc~( on the Town Hall amounting to $ 440",00 he paid. n Carried n , ~'oved by Rv Little second by fr Brough tl>it $ 67.50 be granted to the Fire Brigade being 50 % received from outside fires. n Carried n Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that all cheques or notes of the Corporation of the TC>Iln of Bowmanville drawn on any account with the Bank of Montreal, be signed on its bellalf by Nelson E Osborne. Mayor or Sidney Little, Reeve, and A.J. Lyle, Treasurer or Clarence S Oke, Assistant Treasurer and that L.G. Preston be author~ 1 ized to Sign all cheques on behalf of the Town for the Industrial and Publicity Bank ' account with the Bank of lIontreal. n Carried" ~;oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that the same committee on the rark Commision appointed in 1956 act for 1957. .. Carried n lIoved by Dp Rv Carrutbers seconded by Cr Brough that the Munic~pal World he ordered for Council mEIILber8 f'or 1957. n Carried " BY-lAW . Rv Little asked permission to introduce a By-Law to borrow money for ourrent expenses. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule JJ was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading, tbe Mayor in the chair. On committee riSing the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. Bylaw was tben read a second and third time, passed and ordered to signed am sealed. REPORTS Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from tbe finance accounts amounting to $ 8,927.38, certified as being Council Room January 7th, 1957 On Motion Council adjournsd. fj~c~~- ~~ \-.' c~ Mayor . ! i )/.,o/&''1! I /Lv/io'/ I ::1 I _~'lC"_..~ Council Room, February 4th, 1957 Regular meeting of' Council was held on above date, members all present the Mayor pres1 dil),g. Aa,-nute~,of last regular meeting were read and on motion confirmed. ;;~~.as0~!~~~18si0n to intr&d~;T~~: following by-laws;- To close parts of Hunt St, Duke St, Gravel Road ( cOl1lr:1only known as ~harf Road I Simpson Ave, :.1nart Ave flnd Mearns Ave. To close tl'13t part of the original allowance :for road between Township Lots 8 and 9 in the Broken Front Concession ( connonly kwone as Mearns Ave) lying between the southern limit of Provincial Highway 401 and the northern limit of the C.N.R. lands. To provide for the sale of t.hat part of original hllowance for road between tONnship lots 8 and 9 in the Broken Front Concession ( commonly known as Mearns Ave ) closed by By-Law No 1642. Granted and read the first tiIlle.. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading) too }la~'or in the chair.. On committee rising the !.~ayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Laws ware then read e second e.nd third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. CO~llmCATIONS From Dept of Highways, Toronto in rat"arence to conveyance of land adjacent to Highway 401. l:ovsd by Cr Preston ,seconded by Cr Lathangue tlmt tbe letter he laid on the table. " Carried " cut dewn in front From Leslie and Leta Jackson) 54 Church .Jt requesting to have a tree of their property. )"loved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that the reCluest be works. with power to act.. From Crown Assets Disposal Corporation) Ottawa. in reference rost Office. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Lathangue that the letter be referred to the Finance Connnlttee to bring in a recommendation for the bUdget meeting. " Carried" From Fublic Library Board in reference to establishing a free pUblic library. Moved by Cr Hlggon seconded by Cr Fice that the request be referred to the Finance i Committee to bring in a report. tt Carried" i }~rom Public Library Board re~uesting tl'et the Town purchase the old post office I building for the use of the library. 1.10ved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Lathangue that the request be referred to the Finance \ committee to bring in a report.. " Carried" "-.. referred to the Board jot " Carried tI I to the sale of t-he present; ... '.~~:',;.~~I(~ 'dJ!!' y~ :.. y i~~;'; Council Room February 4th, 1957 From AIemorial Hospital Board aSking for a half mill grant for 1957 and thanking Council for the use of th:l Council room far their annual meeting. Aloved by Rv Little seconded by Cr ll1ggon that the request be refe~red to the Finance committee to be brought up at the hUdget meeting. " Carried" i From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of patients being admitted to Bowmnville Memorial Hospital. " Rec &0 Filed " From Mr Alvin Boyd reeuesting I"rmission to erect a Sign on his property at 85 King St West. Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Rv Little that the request be referred to the Board of Works with power to act. " Carried " From Bowmanvl11e Ministerial AS90 thanking Council for tl:e grant. " Reo & Filed n From Northumberland-Durh~ Health Unit, Cobourg, submitting report for December, 1956. tI Ree & Filed " From Ontario Trustees and Ratepayers ABBO J Toronto advising of the AJlnual oonvention to be held in Toronto on April 22nd to 25th, and requesting membership. " Ree & Filed " From Department of Agriculture, Toronto enclosing copy of regulations made under the lIilk Industry Act. n Rec &0 Filad " nom Bowmanville nanning Board submitting estimates for 1957. Moved by Cr Lathangue seoonded by Or Brough that the est imates be referred to the tinance committee for the bUdget meeting. " Carried "' From Oshawa Regional Planning ASBO enclosing resolution in reference to extension of municipal services beyond their boundaries. l:ovsd by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Presson that the letter be received snd filed and copy sent to fubl1c Utilities Commission. .. Carried n From Strike and Strike, Town solicitors in reference to annexation agreement with ! Township of Darlington. ! :Moved by Cr Riggan seconded by Cr Preston that the letter be referred to the Binance committee to be brought up at tlE budget meeting. " Carried "' i From S'trike and Strike, Town solicitors in reference to Waverly Road widening and I purchase of land from h:r H.L. Anderoon. :Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Ct: lreston that the letter be referred to the Finance committee and the account far $ 60.45 be paid. " Carried" i From LIr D.ll. Gorrie, District Munic"ipal Engineer, ~ort Hope enclosing 1957 road I appropriation by-law. lloved by Cr Lathangue seconded Z Cr Preston that the by-law be referred to the Board of Works. "' Carried "' !Uoved by Rv Little aeconded by I' Preston that NHEREAS Joseph J Flett registered a plan of sub-division of part of oringinal Township Lot 10 in the 1st concession of the Town of bowmanville on the 6th day of June, 1955. as Plan No 641 and has since made sales of lots according to seid Plan No 641; AND WHEREAS the said Joseph J Flett hes rem requested the Corporation of the TOIl1n of Bowmanville to make application to the Judge of the County Court of the United Counties of :t-lorthumberland and Durham under Section 90 of The Registry Act R.S.O., for an order closing that part of Orchardview Bmulevard and the mne foot reserve lying southerly of Southway Drive according to said registered plan No 641; A},TD iVHEREAS tre said part of Orchardview Boulevard ms not been opened or assumed for public use. j AND 'il1-I.fo::R.EAS Carl a Brunt and l'atricia Ann Brunt and Harvey lrlorton Lunney, the owners of Lots adjoining the sa! d part of Orchardview Boulevard liave agreed to such application being mde and that a conveyance of rhe sai d part of Orchardview Boulevard shall be made to the said Joseph J Flett who owns t:m lands immediately to the south of tie 1 foot reserve at the end of Orchardvlew Boulevard j NOli THEREFORE BE RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of ; Bowmanville apply to the JUdge of t he County Court of the United Count ie s of l Northumberland and Durham under Section 90 of The Registry Act R.S.a. 1950 for an order closing that part of OrchardviAw Boulevard lying between lots numbered lJJ and 1}4 together with the 1 foat reserve at the south limit of said Orchnrdview Boulevard all shown on registered plan No 641 find that the Mayor and Clerk be, and t hey are hereby authorized to Sign and execute all necessary documents in connection with the "pplicatio provided that all expenses of the application shall be paid by Joseph J Flett. , " Carri ed II 110ved by Or HiggoD seconded by Cr PrestonLthatHH:eRF.AS Irene Terry, the assessed owner of Lots 6 and 7 and part of Lot 8 in Block 16, according to Grant's Plan of the TORn of ,BoWffianville has reruested that the Town of Bowmanville has re~uested apply to the !Judge of the County Court of tbe United Counties of Northumberland and Durham pursuant Ita Section 90 of The Registry Act R.S.O. 1950, for E.n order Closing that part of BIlown jStreet lying southerly of Victoria Street and westerly of Liberty Srreet in the Town ) ,Of Bowman vi lIe . ',,- "~;~~~'~\I ",- , /,,:S~~< Y i:~~ '.~ ~ ";.,, Council Room, February 4th, 1957 AND WHEREAS the Council of the Cornoration of t he Town of Bowmanville deems it advisable to make such en application; NOW THEREFORE BE IT R,;SOLVED that the Council of the ~;unicipal Corporation of t.he Town of Bowmenville apply to the Judge of the County Court of the Unied Cour.ties of Northumberland and llurhem under Jection 90 of The Registry Act R.S.O. 1950 for an order closing the said part of Brown Street and that the "..layor and Clerk be, and are hereby authorized to sign and execute all necesse documents in connection with the application, provided that all necessary expenses in connection with the said application shall be paid by the said Irene Terry or other It\nd owners who may benefit from the .aid OtQ.etr~losing part of Brown Street. " IT Carried Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Higgon that WHEREAS the Town of Bov.mBnville has agreed to sell that part of Belleville Streets lying between Ontario and Duke Streets in the Town of Bowmenville as two building lots; NOW THEREFORE BE RESOLVED till t the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvl11e instruot its solicitors, Strike and 3tr&ke,to take suoh action as they desn necessary to close the said pirt of Belleville streets either by by-law under the Municipal Act or by application to a County Court Judge unde The Registry Aot, and that the 1Ia~yor and Clerk be, and are hereby authorized to sign end exeoute all necessaey documents in connection with such application in the event it is made.. rt Carried " REPORT S R1' Little presented a report from tne f lnance committee presenting sundry accounts 'I' amounting to $ 12,465.97 and Public School Building accounts amounting to $ 6)9.25/,/. certified as being correct and recommending payment. II Rec & Adopted" t Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Rv L1 ttle that the tenders for the purchase of a truck be left over until next meeting of the Beard of Works on Feb 18th.. " Carried" Moved by ~r Brough seconded by Cr Preston thet the Beard of Works be authorized to ~urchaBe a used grader, " Carried " koved by Cr Lathangue seconded by Cr Brough that the report of the works department be adopted with the exception of the purchase of a power saw which is to be referred to the Boord of Vlorks with power to purcase... " Carried" Loved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Preston that the }ublic Property Committee be empowered to supply the necessary IIE'_ terial J heating and plumbing to renovate tm rear of the fire hell for rental to Woods Senate. " Carried It Moved by Or Fice seconded by Cr Preston tl11t the charges for opening graves be increased to $ 25.00 for standard graves end tp 30.00 for vaults. It Carried tI Moved by Cr Lathangue seconded by Cr Fice that the building at the front of the cemetery be torn dO;,tm by th~ HorksDepartment and lumber salvaged if possible. " Carried " ~oved by Or Presson seconded by Hv Little that the Police Committee be authorized to hire Mr Eric Smith of the Town of Alliston as Chief of Police commencing ~:arch 1st. 1957. " Carried " Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston that tIr \'{alter Hately be hired to be in full charge as caretaker of the Fire Hall and serviCing of fire trucks as from 1:arch 1st 1957, at a salary of $ 500.00 per annum. " Carried IT Moved by Rv Little seconcled by Cr Brough that the Finance COImnittee be appointed as a Court of Revision for the purpose of writing off taxes and confirming additi ons to the assessment roll. It Carried It t:oved by Or Lathangue seconded by OCr Higgon that lIlr L~oyd Quinton, Road Foreman be authorized to attend the Good RoadR Convention on Feb 5th, with all expenses paid. " Carried II /JjL~ L-~2~ On ~otion council adjourned. ,J~ / Clerk. 1:ayor. ~