HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/1957 . ~~7:~~~!d r V'~r/jS;.. p ","" Regular meeting of ",' <, preslbding. Minutes confirmed. Council Room, l:arch I,th, 1957 Council was held on above date, members all present the Mayor of last regular and special meetings ware read and on motion C01!l>'U!lIC1.TIONS l:r A.H. Sturrock representing the Chamber of Connnarce addressed Council in reference to paving the parking lot end submitting estimates from W.B. Bennett Paving Ltd and also in reference to securing land for h laneway behind the business section on the south side of King Street between Temperance and Division streets. I Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that the estimates for paving be referred to the budeet meeting. " Carrien " J\.':oved by Cr Lathangue seconded hy Rv Litt.le that the Chamber of Commerce investigate the possibilities of purch~sing land and buildings for a laneway behind the business section on the south side of King Street between Xing and Division streets and be given authority to obtain options of purchase for all parties concerned at a cost not exceeding $'100.00 " Carried" From Strike and Strike in reference t.o the establishment of a Public Library. "'~oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded hy Cr Higgon that the letter be referred to By-taWS. " Carried " From Rev F.K. 1fulane, Pastor of St Joseph's Church requesting to purchase the land on the Flett sub-division on Nelson St on behalf of the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of the diocese of Peterboroug for the purpose of erecting a church anrl r~cto h:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Broueh that the Clerk be inRtructed to write the Department of Planning ond Development rer;uesting :permission to sell the property and t,het if permission i? granted to advertise the property for sale end that 1ir },'arvin Allin be notified. II Carried" From _pepurtment of Htghways, T....rcrt'J in reference to tranSfer of property to the Town between highway 401 and ,sArvioe road running from Liberty St to liharf Road. },:oved by Cr BrOUgh seconded by Dp Rv CE"rruthers that the mE,tter be referred to the Public Property Committee end To.vn solicitor. It Cerried " Fro~ Hon W.K. Warrp,nder, Minister of 1:unicipal Affajrs, Toronto in reference to levying 1957 taxes. " Rec & Filed It Fr~m Clerk Township of North York J enclosing resolution petitioning the Provincial Government to convene without dela~r Cl. Provincial r.;unicipal conference tl1 work out a fair division of revenue and responsibilit.ies and requesting the endorsation of Council. ::f.:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Prest'Jn that the resolution be endorsed and I copies sent as reouested. " Carried n iFrom Northumberland-DurhflIIl Health Unit. Cnhourg enClosing booklet on r:ursing care in 'I the bome. l1:oved by Cr lIiggon seconded by Cr r"thangue that the booklet be referred to the Civic I and Relief Committee. It Carried II Frot'] Northumberland-Durham Heal th Un! t, Cobourg, enc] osing report for January, 1957. Rec & Filed " : !l~rom l~rs h;arion Wiseman, Secretary of 'flomens Institute rerjuesting the use of a room i in the old post office building if purchased by the Town and stating that they would ibe willing to give financial assistaIlcefor the use of the room. IL;oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little t,hat t.he request be referred to the ~ 'Public Propert~' Committee. II Carried" From kemnrial Park Association requesting E. grant of $ 100.00 towards cutting the grass in l;.morial Park for 1957. ).:oved by Cr Brough seoonded by Cr l.athangue that ~ 100.00 be (;ranted iPar~ Association towards cutting the grass for 1957. [From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advisi.ng of patients being udJl1itted to !l:emorial Hos~l tal From A~r and t.rs F.C. Vanstone thanklng Council -ror remembrance 50th Weddine annivers~ry. i From l:r Geor€:E! J Elliott, King St asking permissj nn to erent a Ibowling alley. !l.lo,reQ by Cr Brough seconded by Cr PreRton that the re~uest be referred to the Public [lroperty COrm::Jittee with power to act. " Carried" ;From Lynne Bagnell thenking msmbfH'R of Counnil for their remembrance. "Rec & Filed 11 From Ontario Parks Asso, 'lvaterloo reluest1 ng memberShip to their association. i~oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded byvRv Little that the recuest be referred to the IPublic Property Committee and Parks Boerd. " Carried II IFrom Department. of Health, Toronto enclOSing hooklet on Hospital Care insurance for Ontario. " Rec & Filed " ,From Bowmanville Planning Board, in reference to transfer of property fram A.E. Bellman ~o George Vine and enClOSing letter stating that tfie Board haa recommended that the " '-----~- --------..---- to the Memorial " Carried " BOv.T1anville " Rec &. Filed II with flowers on their " Rec & Filed" sign in front of his '$~~~ r~C:C.ooper fo~tfrontagebeno: ch:rged upon the T~:n~~~e~~~~g ~~r~:r~:~n;9f~om '," 1.r Vice that the land would not be re-sold unless the frontage of $ 4.00 per foot was peid. I ~oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that t.he recommendations of the i IPlanning Board be accepted and the necessary agreement be drawn up by the Tovn solicitor protecting the Town under the sub-divisIon control by-law. " Carried" A.oved by Dp Rv Carruthers sAconded by Cr Brough that it has been brought to the attention o~ Council that the work at the Hospital has been given to outside contractors without allowing local contractors to submit prices and suggest that in the future that all contracts be advertised in the local paper and for an.r contract for heating t.hat the advise of a competent heating .8 ngineer be obtained before a contract 1s awarded. Carried It , REPORTS jlDP Rv Carruthers presented a rA]lort from the Finance cOll'lIllittee suhmitting sundry ~ccounts amounting to $ 12,846.66 and ~blic School building accounts amounting to $ 2,177 17, certified as being correct and recornr.ending payment. "Reo & Adopted" '.4 IMoveo by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that the additional tender for post office building be taken up under by-laws; " Carried " l:oved by Cr Brough seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the metter of the installation lof El gasoline tank and pump for town vehicles be referred to the BOO-I'd of Works with 'power to act. " Carried" Cr Brough reported on Board of "j{orks meeting and moved, seconded by Cr Preston that ,the report be adopted. " Carried" '11oved by Cr Riggon seconded by Cr Preston that 50 stacking chairs be purchased for the Council room. IT Carried" l;oved by Or Lathangue seconded by Rv Little that the matter of parking on t,~ueen St be referred to the Police Committee to report back at next Council meeting. , '.i_ Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston that the firemen be covered by CompAnsation for $ 4000.00 BY-TAWS IRv Little Bsked permission to introduce the following by-laws;- To provide for the establishment of a public library. To adopt the assessment roll of the Township of Darlington for lot 8 in the Broken ront Concession annexed to the TOW'n of BO\l4llanville. :To authorize the purchase of the land and premises known as the Post Office. 'Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 13 was suspended and Council went into ,committee of t.he whole on second reading, the liayor in the chair. On committee rising ithe ]'iayor reported the second reading with all blanks fllled in. By-Laws were then Iread e second and t,hird t 1me. passed and ordered to be signed and seal ad. ~oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Bv Little that the Crown Assets Disposal iCorporation be netifed by telepgra", submitting offer for post office building and icomplet1on of the deal be left in the hands of the Finance Committee. " Carried" lA:oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Fice that the follOWing be appointed as members. of the Public Library Board;- l;r Rupert Hamblyn, 3 year term, t;r Glanholm Hughes, 2 year term, and 1jr George Vice, 1 year term, and that Mr Glenholm Hughes be advised 'ithat a Public Library bes been established am t,hat the Public School Board be requested to appoint three manbers to the Public I.ibtm.ry Board. " Carried It I [On 1:otion Council ad .1ourned. ! " Carried " Workmans " Carried " /,'1 ' / ~ V"~ LA. I Cl&rk. ~/___ C&~_ Mayor. i I I l ,,~----------