HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/15/1957 (Special) '~~~;.'~.~~Q'd r-~- ,:,dlZ.. I V i.i',:i; Special ," 'Little, ! by-laws I ! meeting of Council was he ld on the l,:ayor presiding and stated and general business. Council Room, 1:a;~~ ;:~~, 1957 above date, members f!ll present excepting Rv that he had called the meeting for passing RgPORTS }.ioved by Cr Riggon seconded by Cr }t'lce that $ 65.00 per month be charged E<S rent for Post Office apartMent. If Carried It The standing coromlttees presented tneir reports of estimated expenditures for 1957 os follows;- Fire Derartnert f 17,115.00, Publlc Property $ 22,000.00, Relief and Hospitalization, $ 8.B75.00, Cemeterv $ 5,670.00, Roods and Streets $ 62,497.00, Police $ 22,900.00, Chic $ 10,300.00 . 1ioved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr ~ that the reports of the stf:lndlng committees be accepted &nd adopted. " Carrled,~J h'.oved by Cr Fiee seconded by Cr Brough thnt the Brookdal~-Kingsway NUrSBI"ies Ltd be advisen to vacate the land at the cemetery by December 31st as the land is required far cemetery use. " Carried" Koved by Cr Preston seoonded vy Ep Rv Carruthers that the letter received from 1 Bc.lr:toral Hotel in ret'srence to re-uest that a B3'-Law be passed by Counoil licensing caterers, be ret'erred to the TONn solicitor for his advice as to whether Gouna!l oan pass 0. by-law or refuse to pass a by-law, licensing caterers in the Town.. II Carried" Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers 1'l8conrled by Cr Preston tpat thB budget be reduced by one mill " Carried TI BY -lJ.vm ~ If, ifJ Dp Rv Carruthers 8 ~'k:ed permission to introduce the following by-laws; , . I To raise by taxation certein sums of money for Town, County, Deventure and School It 1/ d purroses for 1957. ,,~ To authorize the ptLyment of renumeration to the 1Tayor, Heeve, Deputy Reeve and members J7 ~ I r of Council. ~~ /~~ 0 To appoint Town Officials rQr 1957. '1'0 provide for certain exempt:lons on farm lands of 5 acres or more. J i ,,' ') To provide ror 1957 expenditures on Roads and street s __LiV .'~) r:..... Granted and read the fiT'st time. On motion rule 3.3 was suspended and Counctl went into .ommlttee of thp. whole on second reading, the M~.or in the chair. On committee rising lhe }/a~i'or reported the second TBad1ng with all blanks filled in. The By-LaW to authorize renumeration to the 1:o.yor, Reeve end Deput~r Reeve and t'lembers of Counil was laid on the table. The' other by-laws were a read a second and thtrd time passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. On h!otion Council adjoll.rned.. (..,/..J' f;LC tlerk. . /It'- ~ /4-' L-. /- liiayor, I \ ~--------- -_.~-~._.~'--'~-,-_.,'-~.._- )