HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/01/1957 ..._".~..co "";;g;}/ --- P da~ Regular meeting of presiding. Minutes confirmed. Council Room, April 1st, 1957 Council was held on above date, ID3mbers all present, the .Mayor of last regular and speaial meetings were read and on motion COWUNICATIONS 34 other residents of Church, SOUgog, Silver and Wellington the establishmsnt of a new and or used car lot at 194-196 From Mr Thamas Hiroock and Streets protesting ag$inst Church ;;it. ~a.s F Gardner addressed Counoil protesting against ths establishmsnt of a used car lot on the premises. Moved by Or J:liggon seconded by Cr Presson that Council request tha Planning Board to re-zone the north side of Church St between Silver and Scugog Streets as a residential zone. " Carried " From Board of Direotors, Bowmanville Memorial Hospital in reply to letter sent by Council in reference to work at the h~spital being done by outside firms. " Rec &: Filed " advising of a training oourse for Fire Chiefs From Office of the Fire Marshall, Toronto to be held in Toronto on April 24th-26th. Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr heston Committee with power to aot. From Strike and strike, Town solicitors that the letter be referred to the Fire " Carried n in reference to licensing caterers. " Rea &:. Filed " From Strike and Strike, Town solicitors enClosing by-law for the exohange of properties n Ref. to By-taws" From Department of Municipal Affairs. 'lloront 0 enClosing by-laws to authorize the renumerations to the Mayor and mElllbers or Council. " Ref to By-Laws" From Durham County District High School Board stating that the extra grant reoeived from the Provincial Governmsnt would be used to epply against building account deficit and to raise teachers salaries. Ioioved by Dp Rv Carruthsre seconded by Cr Lathangue that the letter be received and filed and that request be sent from Council to place the operation of tha sohool cafetaria on a self supporting bas!. as promised to Council by members of the Board a year ago. n Carried n From Public SChool Board stating that owing to increased grants , ths 1957 levy ,""uld be $ 111,936.41 " Rec &: Filed" From Public School Board stating that Messrs A.M. Thompson, L.W. Dippell and Mre Elsie Lunney had been appointsd by them as representatives of tha Board on the Public Li~y Board. " Hec &: Filed " From J.lr Andrew Crombie, 32 Liberty St S in reference to a blocked osllar drain. }loved by Cr Preston eeconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the lstter be referred to the Public Utilities Commission. " Carried" From Mr J .H. Abernethy requesting to erect a sign on his property at JJ King St W. }!oved by Cr Lathangue seconded by Cr Broup,h that the request be referrsd to the Public Property Committee with power to aot. .. Carried " ,'rom Onte rio Hospital Cobourg, inViting ths Mayor and membersof Council to attend Alental Heillth Wsek cUe brat ion from April 28th to May 4th, 1957. " Reo &: Filed " From Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society, Oshawa aSking Counoil for a grant. " Reo &:. Filed " have a tree trimmsd in front From Miss Anno. M Hyland, 162 Wellington St requesting to of her property. Moved by Cr Fice seoonded by Cr Presson that the request be rete:rred Property Committee with power to aot. From Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, to the Publio n Carried n enolosing report for February. n Ree &. Filed " reque sting the appointment of a weed inspector ]'rom Depe.rtmen t of Agrlcul ture, Toront 0 for 1957. }loved by Cr Higgon seoonde. by Cr Prsston that Mr Lloyd Quinton, works forsmen, be appointed weed inspector for 1957 at a salary of . 75.00 per annum. " Carried" :From Air A':aurlce Stephens, on behal:f of the Canadian Order ot .b'oresters, asking permission to hold a blitz campaign in aid of the Canadien Canoer Seolety on April 30th between ? and 8 }l ""'1. J.loved by Ur Lathangue seoonded by Up Rv Carruthers that the requel!lt be granted~ " Carried " From Railway Asso of Canada, Ioiontreal, requesting views of Council on Day-Light Saving '1'ime, and enquiring if day-light saving time would be adopted this year. }loved by Hv L1 ttle seconded by Cr nce that Day-Light saving time be adopted in the ,~rom 12001 A.M. Sunday April 28th to 12.01 A.M. SUnday, October 27th, 1957, '"~S~'i,l,; r: ... u . ....... u' .... ......... ... .... .. ... ........u.. . .. ~~ c_~ ~ ~.:~~ i and that the Mayor issue a proclamation acoordingly. I From Lake Ontario Development Assooiation, Peterborough, membership and rsqussting that delegate be pppointed. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Preston that the 1957 membership fees be paid and that the Mayor be appointed as a delegate to the Assooiation. It Carried " From strike and Strike, Town solioitors in reference to street olosing aooess roads. " Reo & Filsd " O.T.C traffic training oourses Room April l5~, 1957 " Carried .. enclosing account for From Ontario Traffie Conferenoe, Toronto advising of to be held in Toronto on Mll7 13th to 24th, 1957. Moved by Cr I!iggon seconded by Cr Lathangue that the letter be referred to the Polioe administration oommittee with power to send repeesentative with expanses paid if advisable. " Carried " ,'rom First Ontario Conferenoe on Aging, Toronto advising of .. c onllerence to be held in Toronto May 31st to June 3rd and requesting that representative be ssnt. lioved by Cr .l1iggon seconded by Cr ~reston that the request be reffered to the Civic and Relief committee with power to act. " Carried" From Assooiation of Assessing Offioers, Toronto advising of a convention to be held in Windsor on May 27th to 29th and requesting that representative be sent. >loved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that Mr C.S.Oke, assessor be authorized to attend with all expenses paid. " Carried " From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of patients being admitted to Bowmanville tiospital and Peterborough Civio tiospital. " Reo & Filed " From R.K.Kilborn and aseooiated, Toronto Offering their servioes as professional engineers. It Reo & Filed " From Lions Club, Bowmanville, requeeting a grant equal to 1957 taxes on Lions l Community Centre. >loved by Or tiiggon seoonded by Cr Freston that the request be granted. "Carried" REPORTS Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from the Finanoe Committee presenting sundry aocount amounting to . 11,239.98 and Publio Sohool Building aooounts amounting to , 10,343.5o/;~L certified as bel ng correot and recommending payment. It Reo &. Adopted" -' . Moved by Dp Rv Carrut hers seoondsd by Rv Little that the Finanoe Committee be authorized' to Increae8 the insuranoe on Town prop~ty end employees. " CArried n l.oved by IIp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Brough that the employees on the garbage truok be plaoed on a wsekly wage basis as follows;- Laboursrs $ 50.60, Truok driver' 52.80 Foreman $ 55.00 " Carried" lloved by Or Fioe seoonded by Cr Prssson that option be given to Mr Viotor R Tookey to purohase lend at tbe oemetery 60Ft br 40 Ft for the sum of to 500.00 and option be givsn to purohass for 10% of the prios of , 500.00 for one year, seleotion of site to bs left in the hands of the osmetsry cOlllllittes and that the olerk be instruoted to notify Mr Tookey and to advise him that any legal fees are to be paid by him. "Carried" Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Rv Little that the report of the Works Department be adopted. " Cl!!rrled " Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Rv Little that the roads and streets oommittee be authorized to oall for tendere for sidewalk in front of the Bowmanville Cleaners, King St . and Post offioe on Churoh St " Carried " Moved by Cr llrough seoonded by Cr Prsston that the roads and streets oOlIllIlittee be authprized to obtain prioes for paving King St betwsen Sougog knd Ontario streets. " Carried " Moved by ~r Iiiggon seoonded by Cr Preston that the Publio PIlopsrty Committee be authorized to purohase new equl}m1.ent for the 'fawn offices at an approximate cost of , 500.00 " C'Irried " t:.oved by Cr .t1iggon seoonded by Or Fice that the amount of rent to be charged for the room at the rear of the fire hall be left in the hands of the Publio Property oommittee with power to a ct. " Carried" )loved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Preston that the amount of rent to he oharged in the newly aoquired building for offioe spaoe be left in the hams of the Publio Property Committee with power to aot. " Carried" Moved by Cr Fioe seconded by Cr Presson that the Polioe Comnittee be authorized to purohase a typewrit.... and filing oabinet for the rolioe offioe. " Carried" Moved by ~r Presson seoonded by Or Fice that the Police Committee be authorized to purchase uniforms tram Kens Mene Wear for $ 425.00, badges for $ 25.00 and sundry equiIJllsnt for' 50.00 " Carried" ltoved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Brough that ths Fire Brigade be granted . 255.00~ ~ being 50 % of money reoeived for outside fires. " Carrie~ \ \ '.... 'R;~~'~Olll ~ ,jj'" .A~~~' ?-- ~~~~; Council Room April 1st, 1957 ~loved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that the Fire committee be authorized to purchase a suction valve at an approximate cost ot . 99.00 " Carried tt ~'oved by Cr iiiggon seconded by Cr Brough that t he PUblic Property Commttee be authorized to purchase chairs for the Council Room for members of Council. tt Carried lioved by >tv Little saconded by Cr Fice that no action be taken on rMuest for pessing a by-law licensing caterers and tbet ~ir ii Woolley, !lanagar of the lle.1mora1 Hotel. be notified eccording1y. Moved an Amendment by DpRv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that action be deferred on passing a by-law for the present and that lir Ii W01l11ay, _nager of the Ba1morBl Hotel be so notified. " Amendment Carried " Movad by Cr Brough saconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the Clerk be authorized to app1;T ~i II '.",::rL:::1:t:::::yp~Im~:s:: :~:n::::::~~F~:l::i:c::::w~~st, 1957. "Carried ~ -I To authorize the exchange of lands. ~ . i To provide for an annual allowance for m~ber8 of Council. ('e To provide for an annual renumeratlon for the Mayor. ./(;_ d i Granted and read the rirst time. On motion rule JJ was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading. the Mayor in the chair. On oommittee rising the ~layor reported the second reading., with all blanks filled in.. Ily-LBw8 were then laid on the tabla. On Motion Council ad journed. ~ /1 /;(/, l. /(.j.--JA- L-/~/:.tI ~r' _ Mayor. ,~ ~ \,