HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/06/1957 '"."'""" r. "";T<o':;jd V'~'".I ~.".n , I Council Room, May 6, 1957. Regular meeting of council held on above date, members all present excepting Cr. Preston, the l;ayor presiding. Minutes of last regular neating were read and on motion confirmed. I Mr. Clifford Samia t Secretary of the Cot1!1unity Memorial Arena addressed Council submit- ting financial statement for 1956. ~r. Robert Watt, Chairman of the Community Memorial! Arena Management Committee addressed Council in reference to the operation of' the A- ! rena for the past season stating that alterations will be made this year. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Carruthers and seconded by Cr. Brough that the report be received and the t CouncIl commend~r. ~att and ~r. Samis on the ~anagement Committee services during the past season. "Carried" Cm~1JIlICATIOIlS From the Arena ~anageMent Committee recommending to Council that ~r. C. Oke be appoin- ted to the Arena Alanagement Committee replaci.1Jg Air. C1if'f'ord Sanis. The resignation was effective as of .lilay 1st, 1957, and that lI.1r. C. Samis be appointed as Monary Member of the Arena :ranageI"lent Committee. Moved by Cr. Higgan. seoonded by Cr. Brough that ~~. C. Oka be appointed as a member of the Arena Management COMmittee and that Mr. C. Samis be appointed as Honary Member of the Committee. "Carried" From Mrs. K.w. 1lorris on behalf" or the ~{omenst Au.xiliary of the BOW1"l.anville Memorial Hospital requesting permission to schedule the annual door to door canvass for funds during the month of September. A10ved by Gr. Lathangue j seconded by Reeve Little that permission be granted. "Carried" From Memorial Park Association thanking oouncil for grant towards grass cu~ing. "Heceived and filed" From !Jr. L.~,. Hathbun, Chairmn of the Board of tha Association Library thanking Coun- cil for assistance given in past years, and thenking them for maklnR it possible to establish a free public library. "Received and filed" ~rom Joseph Werkmeister, St. Catharines, asking permission to operate a quick lunch service in Bowmanvillsj operating from e truck. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Higgon that the Police Committee investigate any reference to caterers' licenses and that !oIl'. Werkmeister be advised. "Carried" From AIrs. }I.~. Leas~, 65 Ontario Street, ).~rs. Jack Mantle,L 3~ Odellj Mr. C.J. Gorton, Church Street, Alr. {{m. Ellis, 7.2 Ontario Streetj Alr. B.G/~erson, 119 Ontario street requesting to have trees removed in front of their respective properties. Moved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Fice that the requests be referred to the Public Property Committee with power to act. "Carried" Moved by Reeve tittlsj seconded by Cr. Brough that the request of Mr. Blake Short for a hydrant in front of his property be ref erred to the Fire Committee to confer with the Public Utilities Commission and report back at the next meeting. From the Northur~berland-Durham Health Unitj Cobourgj enClosing monthly statement for M"rch, 1957. "llecehed and fued"j' From .Mrs. Rhea Burns granting permission to change the present bad turn on the hill by using the necessary extra land inside her property and requesting that a fence be erec- ted toprotect her field. "Received and filed" Bowmanvll1e Branch of the Canadian Legion requesting exemption of taxes with the ex- ception of school taxes for 1957 on their property on Queen Street. Moved by Cr. Broug seconded by Cr. tathangue that the re~uest be granted and that by-law be prepared. "Carried." From NorthUMberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, stating that s~te for Knox Christian School 1a suitable for private sewage disposal system. IIReceived and filed" }r'rom lir. Leonard Brsdley and family thanking Gouncil for their expr~ssion at' sympathy. }I'rom Durham County District High dehaol Board in reference to the operation of school cafeteria and statiOf that t t,ey are studyiJJf SHme. uHecei ved and filed" I l''rom the Secretary of the l'/.emorial .Hospital Boord requesting that two tI.NO Parking" signs should be placed on the list of signs. "Recei ve d and fi Ie d fI From Counties Clerk advising of the county rate for 1957 amounting to $71,584.70. "Heceived and filed" From the Department of Municipal Affairnj Toronto, in refererce to by-law for remuner- ation for ~embers of Council. ri "Referred to By-Laws~ Yrom Counties Clerkj Cobourg, advisinr. patients being admitted to Bowmanville .Memorial Hospital and Peterborough Civic ospital. "Received aI1d filed" }<'rom All'. Herbert. j'lOole~', ...ia.nager of the Balmoral Hotel requesting that the matter of licensing caterers bv-law be dropned. "Received and filed" From the Bowmanville Planning Board recommending that re-zonlng of the f1'rost property I on Liberty Street South from residential to commercial be brought into principle. Movedl by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Brough that recommendation to adopt and that Planning ,~:rd be advised ~cCOr~ing1Y~____ _ ___ _ _~carrie~~ ---'_.^-_._------~-~ . ";':;:~;'~~I,L r' \;!ti::, I ./'../ OQ'OO ;.....- .~.., I ! im/t...5f... , :? . 8 r Council Room, May 6, 1957. Fron Ontario Municipal Association advising that the annual conference of the village section to be held at Ilhitby on p'riday, June 7th, 1957 and requesting delegates be sent which was moved by Dr. Garruthers, seconded by Reeve Little the request be referred to the ci)ivic Corunl ttee and reconnsndations be brou~ht the next meeting. "Carried" Fro~ the Department of Planning and Development, Toronto, in reference to Hungarian ~vaouee proeramne which was received and filed. From Mr. Howard L. Brooking and eleven (II) other residents on Prince Street requesting the construction of a cement sjdewalk on Prince street. Moved by Heave Little. seconded by Cr. Presson that the petition being certified as sufficiently signed be accepted and referred to the Works COIl1I1ittee. "Carried" From the 'j{e1fare Officers Association advising of the annual meeting to be held in Kingston on June 17th to 19th ar,d requesting that a delegate be sent. "Received and filed" to'.vn that that in at and Hi-LAWS Reeve Little asked permission to introduce the fOllowing b~ -laws: To authorize the purchase of lands from PTeerk DeJong. '1'0 authorize the sale of land to Freerk DeJong. To designate through highways. To regulate parking in t'rte town. Gr~nted and read rtrst time on motion rule .3.3 was suspended and accepted one into committee of the whole on second readine:, the l~ayor in the chair. Committee received j the AlayoI' reported the sQcond reading. By-laws were than laid on the tuble. The by-law to rrovide for an annual allowance for members of Counci1w8s given the thir reading with all blanks filled in and ordered to be sit:;ned and sealed. .Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr.. .I<'lc6 that by-law ,1/1653 which wa:3 given two read- irgs on April 1st bf' repealed.. "Carried" J:n;PORTr: j Deputy-Reeve Carruthers presented a report from the Financial Committee submitting suncr;r items amounting to $18,532.0.3, certified &S being correct and recommending paY71 ment. r'}(ecei ved and Adopted It /-0 Cr. Brough reported on the last meeting of the Board of dorks and moved, seconded by Reeve Little that the report of the BOL.rd of /{orks be adopted. 11Carried" Novsd by Councillor Brough, seconded by Deputy-Reeve Carruthers that the Clerk be in- I structed to write Division ~ngineer and ~ngineer of ~unicipal Roads, Department of j' .rlighways, Port Hope, .requesting permisston to advertise for tenders and proceed with the re-Burfacir,g of Alng Street on Highway no. 2 from Scugog street to Ontario Street. "Carried" Moved by Cr. Brough. seconded by Gr. Lathangue that $1,000.00 be offered to 1:1'8. Edna G. Turner for land for improving the rond on the annexed land at the ~ast Beach and that the town bear all laral costs. "Carried". I Tenders were received from the fOllowing for asphalt prine ar.d sand to cover; ii.A. ; Ryuer Pavine Ltd.. 1.unicipal Spra~'ing & Oiling Lta., K.J. lJeamish Canst. Ltd., J;:astland I Bros., :r.Uller Paving Ltd. l'oved hy Cr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Higgon that the tenders be left in the hands of the roads and streets COrmIittee vlith power to act and to con- tact .till'. Garrie of the Depertmer,t of HiLhways. "Carried" Moved by Cr. Higgon, seconded b~r Deputy-Reeve Carruthers that 25 additional chairs be purchased for the use in the Gounci1 HaoM and Audit.orium. "Carried". .Moved by Reeve Little, seconded b~' Cr. Fice that the Fire Cormnittee be authorized to purchase two ras," Masks at a preSUMed 'Drice of iP6L..7.50 as provided for in the bUdget. "Carried'l Moved by Reeve Little, seconded hy Cr. Hroufh that the ,ll'ire Brteade be grunted $)02.5Qr1 being 50% of the amount rece:_ved fr.,n outside flres. "Carried" / lIloved by (;1'. Presson, seconded by Cr. Lathangue that the Police Administratior, Commit- tAe be authorized to .purchase radio er:uipment for thp policE'! car from the Pye Go. at ar~l. apprnxiLl&te cost. of :;;il580.00 as provided for in the budget. "Carried" // ~:;oved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Fice that Police .hdninistvation Connittee invA8- tigate the various purkinf' meters with the view of inntallir,g them in the tmm. "Garr is d n Jt'lce that the opinion of the Town Solicitor be of street l~.fhts on Harbour Co. property at "t.:arried" 1;oved by Heeve Little, seconded by Gr. obtained in refard to the irstallation BoVf[~nvl11e Beaoh. I / //j l ,(..!~ / { 0-2..-- Mayor. On hroti on Counei 1 ad.i ourned. ...-, .-> /..- ,~} /. !!P-; ..- ;; <-t1 r;ff.t / --..' ~/C ~)'k.