HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/15/1957 ~.\7;~:Pd i~--=-':::_::~~- ..wVcrv;,e "".' I ~ ;~~~ , 'I Special meeting of Council was held on above date members all present excepting era. II Fice and Riggon, the tlayor presiding snd stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of passing by-lawe: , I I i Rv. Little asked permission to introduce the following by-laws; ITo aI:lend B,'-Law roo 1614. :Ta authorize the conveyance of lands to Irene Terry. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading, the Mayor in the chair. On co:r:unittee rising, the Mayor reported the second reading. The b3"'-law to amend by-law No. 1614 was laid on the table. The by-laws to authorize the purchfise of lands from Freerk De Jong and to authorize the sale of lands to PTeerk De Jong and to authorize the conveyance of land to Irene Terry, were e~iven the third readlng with ell blal"ks filled in, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Rv. Little, seconded by Cr. Lathangue the.t ',illl:.:REAS the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville has applied to the Judge of the County Court of the United Countie s of Northumberland and Durham under Section 90 of The Registry Act R.S.O. 1950, ror an Order closing that pt.I't of Belleville Street lying between Ontario and Duke Streets in the Town of Bowmanville, County of Durham as shown on a Plan of the Village Of Bowman- villa, made by John Grant, P.L.o. registered on the 20th day of April 1852, and now on file in the Registry Off'ice for the Registry Division of the Nest Riding of the County of Durham; IJill ~mroR~AS HIS HONOUR t:.A. ~;lller did on the 3rd day 01' July, 1957, order that the said pfirt of Belleveille Street be pel'canently closed, iJm IlHEREAS Section 11 of the Surveys Act, R.S.O. 1950 provides that any road or street closed under The Reg- istry Act shall belong to the owners of adjOining lands to the middle line of such road and that the h;uniclpalityshe.ll execute a conveyance to the proper owners j NOW THERE- FORE BE IT RESOVmn that the Corporation of the Town of Bow~nville execute conveyances of the closed part of Belleville Street to the persons entitled thereto, Harold KiD€;, Alvin H. Clemens and Aggie I'ay Clemene, Frank Le Roy Calver and Clary Frederick King and 'largaret Evelyn King, and that the :Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute such con- veyances. "Carried If Moved by Gr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Preston that #:I~R8AS the Corporation of the TOVln of, Bowmanville has applied to the .Judge of the County Court of the United Counties of Northi umberland and Durham under Section 90 of The Registry Act R.S.O. 1950 for an Order clos-' ine that part of Brown Street lyinp southerly of Victoria Street tind westerly of Liberty Street as shown on Grant's Plan of the Tow!: of Bowmanville; Al:D ,"ffiEREAS HIS HorroUR, 1!.A Miller did on the 3rd day of July 1957 order that the said part of Brown Street be permanently closed; A!m IIHEREAS Section 11 of The Surveys l~ct R.S.O. 1950, provides that any roed closed under The Reglstry Aot shall belong to the owners of adjoining lands and that the Municipality shall execute a conveyance to the proper owners; NO'N TH1~EFORE RB IT RESOLVRD that the Corporation of the Town of Bow~onville execute con- veyances of the closed purt of Brown Street to 'V"iolet Cowan, Nellie l<.:lizabeth Nilson and Irene Terry, the persons entitled thereto; and that the ].:a;yor and Clerk be authorized i to execute such conveyances. "Carried 11 .Moved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Rv. Little tt.at N!l~'RF"'S the Corporation of the Town !or Bo'~enville has applied to the Judge of the County Court of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham for an Order Closing all that part of Orcherdview Boulev~rd : lying behll'een Lots numbered IJJ ann 134 as shown on Plan number 641; AND/'IFrEmEAS HIS iHONOUR ~;.h. l:111er did on the 15th day of July 1957, order that the said part of orchardt 'view Boulevard be perrr..anently closed; Al:D IW.t.:RBJ..S Section 11 of 'rhe Surveys Act R.S.O. I ! 1950, provides that any road or street closed under I),lhe RegistrJ' Act shall belong to the I owners of aljoining lands to the middle line of such road and that the Lunicipality shall execute a conveyance to the proper owners; NON 'l'hERI:.:FOF:E BE IT RESOLV~D that the Corporation of the 'l'o\\ln of BovJrriB.nville execute conveyances of the closed part of Orchardview Boulevard to the persons entitled thereto, the east half to be conveyed to Carl A. Brunt ~d Patricia Ann Brunt, the owners of Lot 133, and the west half to be conveyed to Harvey Morton Lunney, the owner of Lot 134, and :that the !.Ia~Tor and Clerk be authorized to execute such oonveyances. "Carried". :Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Brough that a price be obtained for making dupli- :cate certified plans 01' the Town now in the Registry Office. "Carried". !Moved by Cr. Preston, seconded by Rv. Little that the ~ayor issue a proclamation declar- i ing Monday, AUb'U st 5th as a Civic HOliday. "Cfl.rried"'. \ J&; /~(P7 fW I(, & f( Council Room, July 15, 1957. BY-I,AiIS \'" ".:~~;),,~~- pc;"i:1 .n I I I Moved by Cr. Preston, seconded by Dp. Rv. Carruthers that the Council be held on n.londa~r. Aurust 12th. ! Moved by Cr. Lathangue. seconded by Cr. Presson that i Scott, Brookdale Kinsway Nurseries. stating thEl.t the allowance on the Base Line east by 12 noon, 8aturday take such action as they deaN advisable. On ~rotion Council adjourned. ~ce -~ c ,re;/--- . - , Council Room July 15. 1957. next regular meeting of "Carried" . a letter be sent to h~r. Norman J. fence be renoved for the Town road July 20th, otherwise the Town will "carried" , ' ,7 f / ,I ,{u- L ;;,4 C- !v;ayor. _.J